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Teacher Removed From School After Tweets About Black Boys Goes Viral

I'm not making a generalization about teachers I'm speaking specifically on the woman whose tweets are in the video. Never said teaching is an easy job and unfortunately not all teachers are like your mom. My aunt been a teacher for 30+ years too and ive seen her have the same experiences with students who other teachers deemed trouble makers. But it's hard to believe someone who holds the views towards children, specifically little boys, that she does is also going out of their way to help those who may need it most. Could she be doing that? Sure. Is it likely? Going off the information she willingly provided about her thoughts not likely.

Again, she's not a teacher. She's a substitute. We can all agree she's not the type of person that would make a good teacher. I think where we differ is the idea that someone can think a child is headed down the wrong path but still care about trying to help them.

yea but a teacher tweeting what she tweeted is fireable we have private thoughts for a reason. I got suspended all the time never seen a jail

Agreed. I said her posting that on social media was fucked up.
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Yall really dont want someone in charge of your kids wellbeing to have that kinda confirmation bias. What happens when they get into a conflict and that teacher has to set a punishment or is asked for their side of the story by administrators? Your black son is not getting the benefit of the doubt.
Yall really dont want someone in charge of your kids wellbeing to have that kinda confirmation bias. What happens when they get into a conflict and that teacher has to set a punishment or is asked for their side of the story by administrators? Your black son is not getting the benefit of the doubt.

These niggas don’t think like that lol they think niggas is useless so she must be right
For some of yall who agree with the teacher or have no problem with her line of thinking.

Do yall realize that is the same line of thinking a lot of judges have towards black people and one of the reasons why black people get longer sentences than others races when both have committed the same crime?
What sucks is that a teacher is usually just a person doing their job for a pay check no different than a mfer working retail.

I know we all think about what a teacher should be. And how they are supposed to be pivitol in a childs growth.

I also know its people out there that become teachers cause they are passionate about teaching the youth.

But all that said, the average teacher just trying to earn a paycheck and live their lives.

Its an unfortunate truth.

Lets stop expecting people to care about us or our kids. I feel the same way about doctors, dentists, etc.

At some point, you become desensitized the shit becomes just a job.
After years up here I realize a lot these niggas use white people talking points because those points go against liberal stuff.

It's not necessarily bad that some go against liberal stuff. Really looking at things majority of black people are conservative in their views. I agree they shouldn't use white people talking points cause most of their conservative views and points comes from a different place and not beneficial to us as black people from policies that they want put on the books.
Lol bruh I just learned that shit from this site. It's some red pill Manosphere shit I believe.

Basically it's hyper feminine men who lack masculinity because they are in tuned with their emotions or something lol. Shit is a whole rabbithole how nutty the internet can go. I think it falls into some incel shit.

Lmaoooo. Wtf?

And funny enough, all that shit is to radicalize boys into becoming white supremacist and protect white patriarchy.

Im not saying only white people think like that. People from all races fall into different parts of this whole type of thinking.

But at the very core of that shit, the whole movememt is to create race soldiers for white male patriarchy.

Start by going into how mfers is feminine, or how women dont like good guys, and then one step at a time get them into being white supremacists.

When are we gonna realize that nobody sees value in a Black male unless he is dead, in prison, playing with a ball, dancing, or rapping and singing?

Sad thing is there are far too many niggas themselves who are on this.... perpetually and they pass it on pike families alot of people wanna own everything but accountability...

The profit of accountability may not get you gold but it doesnt lose value.
After years up here I realize a lot these niggas use white people talking points because those points go against liberal stuff.

Just because someone doesn't support all this liberal bullshit doesn't mean they're using white talking points.

Most black people are conservative.

Not politically conservative, but conservative in general.

There is a difference.

Too many people don't make that distinction.