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Teacher Removed From School After Tweets About Black Boys Goes Viral

And I'm saying if you're coming to that conclusion about children then it's probably safe to assume you aren't going to extend yourself to help them if you've already determined their future isn't worth it.

lol That's absolutely not true. My mother was a teacher, and the students that she thought were headed down that path were the ones she tried the hardest with. Like she literally gets stopped to this day by students saying she saved their lives, some of whom I heard her call jailbound.

Stop trying to make these silly generalizations. Teaching is hard job, and teachers are human beings. It can be difficult to deal with some of the behaviors they see on a daily basis and not make harsh judgements. That doesn't mean they turn around and decide not to do their jobs.
I mean...she ain't completely wrong with those tweets. She just stupid for putting them out on the internet instead of keeping that convo between her and her friends. I can't believe people are still doing this stupid shit. Like for real, how many people have to lose jobs for recklessness on social media before people get the message?

Nah she wrong lol wtf she become a teacher for believing that shit you f she can’t think deeply I would t want her as my kid teacher
lol That's absolutely not true. My mother was a teacher, and the students that she thought were headed down that path were the ones she tried the hardest with. Like she literally gets stopped to this day by students saying she saved their lives, some of whom I heard her call jailbound.

Stop trying to make these silly generalizations. Teaching is hard job, and teachers are human beings. It can be difficult to deal with some of the behaviors they see on a daily basis and not make harsh judgements. That doesn't mean they turn around and decide not to do their jobs.

I'm not making a generalization about teachers I'm speaking specifically on the woman whose tweets are in the video. Never said teaching is an easy job and unfortunately not all teachers are like your mom. My aunt been a teacher for 30+ years too and ive seen her have the same experiences with students who other teachers deemed trouble makers. But it's hard to believe someone who holds the views towards children, specifically little boys, that she does is also going out of their way to help those who may need it most. Could she be doing that? Sure. Is it likely? Going off the information she willingly provided about her thoughts not likely.
lol That's absolutely not true. My mother was a teacher, and the students that she thought were headed down that path were the ones she tried the hardest with. Like she literally gets stopped to this day by students saying she saved their lives, some of whom I heard her call jailbound.

Stop trying to make these silly generalizations. Teaching is hard job, and teachers are human beings. It can be difficult to deal with some of the behaviors they see on a daily basis and not make harsh judgements. That doesn't mean they turn around and decide not to do their jobs.

yea but a teacher tweeting what she tweeted is fireable we have private thoughts for a reason. I got suspended all the time never seen a jail

She tried to delete her tweets, but Twitter was too fast. From what I've seen, her tweets are a mixed bag. I'm like 51% sure she means well.
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Imagine if our jobs could see our ABW posts

If a nigga teaches 9-10 year olds and is on ABW talking about he knows which ones are going to jail and wonders how long it'll be, saying that students should be bullied, calling his male students the 'bitchest' boys, etc...and then the school district discovered the posts and fired his ass...I wouldn't have a problem with that.
If a nigga teaches 9-10 year olds and is on ABW talking about he knows which ones are going to jail and wonders how long it'll be, saying that students should be bullied, calling his male students the 'bitchest' boys, etc...and then the school district discovered the posts and fired his ass...I wouldn't have a problem with that.
Mister B toes the line lmao
The funny thing is, I don't like kids, talk shit about kids all the time.

But I know I wouldn't wanna teach the crumbsnatchers.

Only reason she felt comfortable saying that shit about Black boys is because Black Twitter despises Black males. Same reason why that goofy ass psychologist thought she can say that shit about Black men on TikTok.

You can tell the professional and higher education class dislike Black men and boys in our life outcomes. We are significantly less educated, make the least money, and die earlier than the average American. That's not due to our own individual agency but a systemic failure.

They half ass try to education us, tell us we gonna be dead or in jail, end up dead or in jail because they criminalize our behavior staring at age 5, and therefore it's a self-fulling prophecy. They fail us, watch our demise, and then say I told you, he was no good from the beginning.

People who comfortable enough to put their name and face to the disparaging shit they say online, are indoctrinated in a culture where that shit is normal.

It's not normal to project an entire demographic of human beings to be dead or in prison due to their behavior as children. That's some American prison state shit. We have been taught to think like that about Black boys.

Boys fight, boys challenge authority, boys are loud, boys push boundaries, boys are active... that's what fucking testerone does. That's the average boy's natural fucking disposition. That's his biology. That's why the motherfucker needs to go outside and run around.

But you got these weak ass female teachers that want boys to behave like girls and sit down, shut up and be quiet and wait their turn.

Yeah, fuck that bitch.