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COMMUNITY Supreme Court strikes down abortion | Update: Georgia Supreme Court is reinstating the state's 6-week abortion ban

It blows my mind that this board is 100% PRO black and y’all do nothing but blame white folks while backing their policies.

Niggas be screaming black power and talking about black panthers while rooting for the exact opposite of what they stood for.

Y’all hate guns, love abortions and want y’all kids to go to schools ran by the state.:foh5:

Dont date a white woman, but aborting a black baby is fine?

Ban guns, but hate police?

Schools are racists, teachers are racists, the books full of racism, but be mad you can get a voucher to place your kid in any school YOU choose to?

This is what PRO black looks like?

Black Panthers supported abortions...you know that right.

Black Panthers supported public schools and public education...you know that right.

Black Panthers supported guns as a means of organized self defense...not just having guns willy nilly everywhere...you know that right.

The Black Panther Party was a revolutionary communist organization, the far from what most Black people would consider pro-Black in 2022.
Black panthers were AGAINST abortions and birth control. They felt like it was a ploy by the STATE to reduce black numbers.

Black panthers promoted education of their OWN and not STATE sponsored schools.

Black panthers LOVED guns. Remember how they pulled up on Regan? That’s what started Cali strict guns laws.

Everything the black panthers supported this board doesn’t.


Black Panther Party was not against birth control or abortion, it was a debate within the Party, and eventually they supported it because like I said, they were a communist revolutionary party that supported feminism and Black women were within the party and were the majority. Black women spoke up and said that abortion and contraceptives is a matter of women's rights. By the end of the 70s, after Elaine Brown took over they supported birth control and abortion.

As Brown matured in her position as director of the Black Panthers, she came to realize that “the feminists were right. The value of [her] life had been obliterated as much by being female as by being black and poor. Racism and sexism in America were equal partners in [her] oppression.”50 She went on, “I would support every assertion of human rights by women-from the right to abortion to the right of equality with men as laborers and leaders. I would declare that the agenda of the Black Panther Party and our revolution to free black people from the oppression specifically included Black women."

Black Panther Party saw guns as a revolutionary tool to overthrow the government because they were Marxists.

Black Panther Party literally the demanded the government provided them free education in the 10 Point Program.

10. We Want Land, Bread, Housing, Education,
Clothing, Justice And Peace.
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them, a decent respect of the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
You’re wrong. Sorry you wasted all that time searching google for that bullshit.

No you are wrong, in fact, you are super duper wrong because you don't understand Marxism, you don't understand Maoism and you don't understand the full scope and history of the Black Panther Party and the internal strruggles that they had after they broke away from right leaning Black nationalism and fully embracing revolutionary communism.

All you know about the Black Panther Party is that they had guns, were skeptical of contraceptives in the 60s and they had an after school program.

You most likely never read Huey P. Newton's Revolutionary Suicide, never read Elaine Brown's book A Taste of Power,

Because if you did...you would know that you are very wrong.

I am actually old enough to been there.

The idea that Black Panthers didn't support birth control and abortion is laughable, when they were a fucking feminist organization, handing out condoms and birth control at their health clinics, but go off.
I was under the impression most public schools lied about history, were full of racism, full of racists teachers and underfunded?

Why wouldn’t you want another option to that? Most religious schools have higher standards and lower class sizes. This is a win. It’s doesn’t have to be a all white Catholic or Christian school. That’s just what people immediately think of.

Well bruh iono where you got that impression from...You obviously here to get some shit off ya chest... how about you just @ the person(s) you referring to and talk to them about whatever this is you doin right now