Support or Cancel: #FirstThem movement

Support or cancel: #firstThem

  • Support

    Votes: 11 64.7%
  • Cancel

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • indifferent

    Votes: 1 5.9%

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Y’all caping for Black men not to be exposed for being monsters (at the expense of victims) in this case 15yr old girls leaving math class. You say this is about black men being treated fair aka fuck black women. But I get it, y’all still wearing “Free so & so” T-shirt’s
Y’all caping for Black men not to be exposed for being monsters (at the expense of victims) in this case 15yr old girls leaving math class. You say this is about black men being treated fair aka fuck black women. But I get it, y’all still wearing “Free so & so” T-shirt’s


If this ain't sime high level coonery!

How can you not be concerned about Harvey and his victims? Or Woody Allen?Or Charlie Sheen? Or Hugh Hefner? Or Elvis? Or the Catholic Church? Or Pepé Le Pew?

#First Them

Harvey facing 20yrs bruh, He’s the face of the movement. You only know him for this reason. Charlie and Hugh are dead bruh.

If either of these other white niggas get caught up my answer is still fuck’em and not hold up is he black, if so free my nigga until they catch an equal amount of white people.

Just like nobody gave a fuck about Kellz for years I didn’t either, but since his demons caught up with him, I don’t feel sorry for him or anyone who got to live with consequences of they acts
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Its not a problem exposing all of them but where was this energy 15 years ago for black kids? Nowhere.
man....if niggas can get at gangmembers for colors and 5 point stars in chicago.....this dude shoulda been dealt with.

so a nigga can kill for years over nothing but allow a pedo near schools where rivals are not allowed.....dude walking around malls untouched for years....but it takes a doc to make people angry and they still at his party?

but it ok for white folks to lead the charge to get him? and relieve us of our responsibility...but yall want to claim niggas dont care about the kids because of what?

niggas deal with what they want to deal with....i dont want to hear shit who didnt do what if niggas still getting killed in chicago.
but i guess thats two different things huh?
we cant handle our own shit huh?
white people pay a black chick to make a doc and now niggas mad...but still aint gonna do shit. but now we want the system to take him down...the same system that coulda but didnt do to the family no coming forward.

yall lost in this.
The energy still ain't there for black kids. This shit is about making money off those kids and women's story. Sensationalizing the story of the sexual predator that is R. Kelly and leaving the shit at that and then moving on to the next black target. Hence that clown ass bigot broad writing that article about canceling and/or muting Chris Brown.

The shit ain't about black kids. Most black people following this story energy ain't about helping black kids. 15 years ago and now to this very day the shit ain't about black kids.

I watched one episode of the show. So I'm asking those who did. During the beginning, end or during commercials did Lifetime network run any ads or show phone numbers, websites, etc. about organizations that help child sexual abuse victims? If not then we know what we already really knew from the get go the shit was never about helping black kids or kids in general.

Black people are the face of damn near all crime in america. That shit is for a reason. Yall being fake as fuck honestly to act like that shit really means leave black pedo and rapists alone until they do something about all the white pedos and rapists. Thats some real sucka shit to be on.

you got niggas like


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Well you shame black people alot so you might got intense loads of self hate for your race. I think it comes from not wanting to be like your family so you subconsciously look up to white people and emulate their lives. But you know you can never be white and project it out as wanting niggas to be better. But your definition of better is the white man.

Cash app me $250 for the psychoanalysis
do you really want to go there with me bruh....

i dont think you do.

im going to leave it alone for now. but this is the warning.
So now it’s a ruse


What do you mean now nigga? I said several posts ago that the whole family man persona was fake. He used it to mask what he was doing because no one would think that a guy like that was a cold blooded killer.

It's hilarious that you think they could make the movie without developing that part of the plot when you yourself don't even get it. Your whole problem with the movie comes from your misunderstanding of the story. EVERYONE (but you apparently) knows that Bundy wasn't a good family man. It makes no sense to believe the movie is trying to paint him as that.
What do you mean now nigga? I said several posts ago that the whole family man persona was fake. He used it to mask what he was doing because no one would think that a guy like that was a cold blooded killer.

It's hilarious that you think they could make the movie without developing that part of the plot when you yourself don't even get it. Your whole problem with the movie comes from your misunderstanding of the story. EVERYONE (but you apparently) knows that Bundy wasn't a good family man. It makes no sense to believe the movie is trying to paint him as that.

I get what you are saying in that telling the full story it has to be included that Bundy was a so called ladies man.

I think @5th Letter point is that even if that has to be included which it truly doesn't. That part should not be part of the advertisements for the movie. It's also a lot of shit hollywood leaves out of movies when supposedly telling peoples "true" stories and it shouldn't be that hard to leave out or not advertise that Bundy was a so called ladies man to tell his story.

I could be completely wrong just my opinion on reading most of yall back and forth on this.
anyone mad about the vicelords or mickey cobras not getting at a chicago home town pedo?

can i throw my set up in disciple territory?

we depending on the white man to save our kids?

whats our role?
man....if niggas can get at gangmembers for colors and 5 point stars in chicago.....this dude shoulda been dealt with.

so a nigga can kill for years over nothing but allow a pedo near schools where rivals are not allowed.....dude walking around malls untouched for years....but it takes a doc to make people angry and they still at his party?

but it ok for white folks to lead the charge to get him? and relieve us of our responsibility...but yall want to claim niggas dont care about the kids because of what?

niggas deal with what they want to deal with....i dont want to hear shit who didnt do what if niggas still getting killed in chicago.
but i guess thats two different things huh?
we cant handle our own shit huh?
white people pay a black chick to make a doc and now niggas mad...but still aint gonna do shit. but now we want the system to take him down...the same system that coulda but didnt do to the family no coming forward.

yall lost in this.

Gangs care about money an shit. You think r. Kelly wasnt paying somebody off how you know he aint gang related. The family didnt testify for money most likely. Now if you want to concentrate on why niggas will sell each other out for money that another conversation
Gangs care about money an shit. You think r. Kelly wasnt paying somebody off how you know he aint gang related. The family didnt testify for money most likely. Now if you want to concentrate on why niggas will sell each other out for money that another conversation
The whole thing comes from us not taking care of our own.
Don't you get that?
This didn't have to happen.
But out of all the shit...people want him to go to jail? To dove what?

What they acted like they didn't see? But now that everyone knows its OK to admit to?

Nah that ain't it.
Regardless of what y'all think.....WE need to take care of our own. Whether its support or dealing the death blow. We need to handle our own shit.

Niggas being OK with docs getting them hype is stupid.
Protect our kids yes. But that should have always been the case. But it wasn't. And if thus doc is not for helping us but to shit on him about what we already know....what's the point?
Who did it help?

This shit says more about us as a community than some of y'all realize.
Shows just how fake we really are and how easily swayed we are.
I get what you are saying in that telling the full story it has to be included that Bundy was a so called ladies man.

I think @5th Letter point is that even if that has to be included which it truly doesn't. That part should not be part of the advertisements for the movie. It's also a lot of shit hollywood leaves out of movies when supposedly telling peoples "true" stories and it shouldn't be that hard to leave out or not advertise that Bundy was a so called ladies man to tell his story.

I could be completely wrong just my opinion on reading most of yall back and forth on this.

I understand everything you and he are trying to say. I just don't understand how, in the context of the story, you guys feel like showing him with a girlfriend and her daughter is romanticizing anything. It was part of his real life story. He tricked her into thinking he was a good guy and then used her as a cover for his killings. Then when she started to figure out who he was, she helped the cops get him. That's the story in a nutshell. What part should they leave out? Yes, Hollywood ignores shit all the time, but not stuff that the key narrative is basically built around.

He killed lots of women. @5th Letter thinks they should focus on that and the trial. Ok fine, let's say you can get a whole movie out of the trial. How do you focus on the killings without bringing up the fact that he used charm to lure the women? How do you focus on the trial without showing that he tried to use that same charm to trick the jury. If everything that made Bundy a notable character is tied to his ability to fool people into thinking he was a charming personable normal guy, how do you make a movie about him and ignore that? That would be like making a movie about Ali, but ignoring his way with words.
I understand everything you and he are trying to say. I just don't understand how, in the context of the story, you guys feel like showing him with a girlfriend and her daughter is romanticizing anything. It was part of his real life story. He tricked her into thinking he was a good guy and then used her as a cover for his killings. Then when she started to figure out who he was, she helped the cops get him. That's the story in a nutshell. What part should they leave out? Yes, Hollywood ignores shit all the time, but not stuff that the key narrative is basically built around.

He killed lots of women. @5th Letter thinks they should focus on that and the trial. Ok fine, let's say you can get a whole movie out of the trial. How do you focus on the killings without bringing up the fact that he used charm to lure the women? How do you focus on the trial without showing that he tried to use that same charm to trick the jury. If everything that made Bundy a notable character is tied to his ability to fool people into thinking he was a charming personable normal guy, how do you make a movie about him and ignore that?

I didn't say they romanticized anything. Just stated my opinion how I thought he may have been viewing things.

They make up movies about anything and they could leave that shit out if they chose to. To a person such as yourself who knows the story of Bundy that could make it a shitty movie to you but it could be done.

The movie friday night lights was "based" on a true story. I liked the movie. Years later I found out Boobie Myles actually got hurt before the season and they actually had a losing record and didn't make the playoffs. Yet in the movie Myles got hurt during the season and they made it all the way to the state championship game. They do with a so called "true" story whatever the fuck they want.

Again I'm not saying they are romanticizing anything because I haven't seen a trailer for the movie and I also don't know the Ted Bundy story. All I know is what I've been known for years and that is he is a serial killer. That's all I know. So I'm not disputing anything you saying cause you know more about him than me. Just saying hollywood can show that man in any light they choose regardless of it being the whole story or not.
I didn't say they romanticized anything. Just stated my opinion how I thought he may have been viewing things.

They make up movies about anything and they could leave that shit out if they chose to. To a person such as yourself who knows the story of Bundy that could make it a shitty movie to you but it could be done.

The movie friday night lights was "based" on a true story. I liked the movie. Years later I found out Boobie Myles actually got hurt before the season and they actually had a losing record and didn't make the playoffs. Yet in the movie Myles got hurt during the season and they made it all the way to the state championship game. They do with a so called "true" story whatever the fuck they want.

Again I'm not saying they are romanticizing anything because I haven't seen a trailer for the movie and I also don't know the Ted Bundy story. All I know is what I've been known for years and that is he is a serial killer. That's all I know. So I'm not disputing anything you saying cause you know more about him than me. Just saying hollywood can show that man in any light they choose regardless of it being the whole story or not.

My bad, I didn't mean to imply you were saying they were romanticizing anything. I just brought that up because it's basically the core dispute in the argument. And I agree with you that they could leave stuff out and not be completely accurate, and to be honest, I doubt the movie will be completely accurate. I'm just saying the changes you guys are suggesting would basically make it a different story. If they are going to make so many changes to it that its no longer recognizable as the Bundy story, there's not point in even making the movie anymore. They could just make a generic serial killer flick.
My bad, I didn't mean to imply you were saying they were romanticizing anything. I just brought that up because it's basically the core dispute in the argument. And I agree with you that they could leave stuff out and not be completely accurate, and to be honest, I doubt the movie will be completely accurate. I'm just saying the changes you guys are suggesting would basically make it a different story. If they are going to make so many changes to it that its no longer recognizable as the Bundy story, there's not point in even making the movie anymore. They could just make a generic serial killer flick.

Saying "based" on a true story is how they get away with basically changing a whole story but sensationalizing it for viewers so it makes more money. They don't give a fuck about the victims or their families. The shit ain't to really inform people about a certain type of serial killer.

I agree with you that if that's part of story it should be included. Like the friday night lights movie I like the movie but when I found out it was basically a lie about how everything played out with that team. It took a lot of the shine off the movie for me and I no longer viewed it as true story movie it was now just a entertainment value regular movie to me.
What do you mean now nigga? I said several posts ago that the whole family man persona was fake. He used it to mask what he was doing because no one would think that a guy like that was a cold blooded killer.

It's hilarious that you think they could make the movie without developing that part of the plot when you yourself don't even get it. Your whole problem with the movie comes from your misunderstanding of the story. EVERYONE (but you apparently) knows that Bundy wasn't a good family man. It makes no sense to believe the movie is trying to paint him as that.
Didn’t I tell you before to not address me with the N word?

You said the ladies man thing was a ruse and everything needed to be included in order to tell the story and I said from the beginning that they didn’t have to include it. They are painting him as a psycho but look guys he had another side to him too bullshit. They even casted a white man that women find attractive. They know what they’re doing.
Saying "based" on a true story is how they get away with basically changing a whole story but sensationalizing it for viewers so it makes more money. They don't give a fuck about the victims or their families. The shit ain't to really inform people about a certain type of serial killer.

I agree with you that if that's part of story it should be included. Like the friday night lights movie I like the movie but when I found out it was basically a lie about how everything played out with that team. It took a lot of the shine off the movie for me and I no longer viewed it as true story movie it was now just a entertainment value regular movie to me.

You're a 100% right about the "based" shit. They take extreme liberties with stories and then throw that out to cover themselves. That said, removing some things will change the nature of a story while removing other things will make it a totally different story. If you make a story about Ted Bundy and leave out his persona, then you're not really telling his story. His persona is what made him such an infamous figure.

Didn’t I tell you before to not address me with the N word?

You said the ladies man thing was a ruse and everything needed to be included in order to tell the story and I said from the beginning that they didn’t have to include it. They are painting him as a psycho but look guys he had another side to him too bullshit. They even casted a white man that women find attractive. They know what they’re doing.

I'm pretty sure I made it clear when you said it that I don't take orders from you. If you want to be a bitch about it and delete my posts again, do ya thang.

Also, WTF? You're complaining about them casting a white man that women find attractive to play someone whose whole gimmick was that women found him attractive. If you can't see how stupid the argument you're making is, I...I don't know what to say. That's like criticizing a candy company for making strawberry candy that actually tastes like strawberries.