it just aint for you brah

no need in me trying to explain something you just gon disagree with
Exactly so you should have just left my post alone to begin with but you was just being you.
Exactly so you should have just left my post alone to begin with but you was just being you.
nah, you being you

everybody else like something

you find a way to not like it

it is what it is...just embrace it
nah, you being you

everybody else like something

you find a way to not like it

it is what it is...just embrace it

So everyone should like the same things. I said season 1 was boring last year and my opinion hasn't changed. I f I don't like something I don't like it and it has nothing to do with anyone else.
again...thats your thing lol

just own it

not saying everyone has to like the same thing, but if EVERYONE is saying something is good/great, the impression you give off is you are determined to just undermine everything everyone else has said just to be "that guy" to say something was overrated or not as good as everyone made it out to be

As many shows that I do like that people recommend you wanna focus on the one that I don't, foh AP

we are in the thread of a show that has 8 pages of discussion where everyone is praising it

you are the lone person talking about it was wack

lol...c'mon man
So I'm suppose to be a sheep and like it because everyone else does. The show was boring for the majority of the season, what else can I say. Why is me not liking this show such a big deal, nobody else is going out of their way debating this.
who is debating

im pointing out your MO

and lol at sheep

b/c of course thats the conclusion you come to when EVERYBODY likes something but you just gotta find something wrong with it
I don't care how many times you post, I'm not liking the show. I really don't know why this is a big deal to you. You must have been bored during my hiatus cause you started something that neither of us care to keep talking about
you perception of things is very strange lol

aight man

so i dont expect to see you post in here anymore after this right? I mean, why else would you continue to post in a thread about a show you think is wack right>
I had one post in here and then left, you started feeling a type of way and quoting me back in here.
I had one post in here and then left, you started feeling a type of way and quoting me back in here.

ok man

sorry you wont be joining the rest of the sheep for season 3
If it wasn’t for El, I wouldn’t be watching this show. I love her. Every time she cries, I get so sad.
Alright, I'm done watching it.
What a good show!
Wish there were more episodes...
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