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But @King Freeman does have a point. I don't recall them establishing that Mike was Will's BFF as oppose to Dustin or Lucas. So why is he so hung up on Will not reaching out and not having that same energy towards Dustin and Lucas.

On episode 6 for season 1 and Dustin just confirmed that Mike and Lucas were bestfriends because they've known eachother the whole time while he came in 4th grade. Mike then said though that's true he considers Dustin his bestfriend as well. Didn't mention Will though🤔
Look at this nigga as I hit post. If he gets got he gets got.

He could've kept that shit. WE KNOW.

I don’t read the threads until after I’m finished with a show. I might post something but, I never read.

I might not be in every thread but I’m not new to this……..

great Ending and a beautiful way to tie everything together. This is by far (in my opinion) the best Netflix original and they have a few great shows.
As far as the Will might be gay……..

it does kinda seem thaT’s the way they are pointing shit. Eleven even talked about how she thought Will had a girlfriend or something because leading up to school break he was super happy and painting something he wouldn’t show anybody.

I wonder what that painting is and why he didn’t give it to ole boy when he first flew in like it seemed like he wanted to?
People picked up on the ambiguous clues that Will had some confused feelings for Mike and you said this

One day we’re gonna have to discuss why y’all actively search for the gay in everything. Should be a riveting experience

When the actor and the show creators said the shit was done on purpose to illustrate Will's frustrated and conflicted emotions.... It's clear he's jealous and dealing with feelings he doesn't know how to address.

But you think we're actively looking for something.

But it was deliberately placed there for the viewer to observe 🤷🏿‍♂️