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Staying "on code" vs being objective

the problem with this is the enviroment.

one black person checking another black person with white people around......it tends to create division.....

dude cooning for these white people checking the brother or dude looking ratchet and embarrassing us.

Only when pride and ego gets in the way.

If I respectfully correct or present facts and evidence that you are wrong, the only reason to take offense or see it as a slight is if you are governed by pride & ego. Not honesty and integrity. Worse yet you have more insidious motives to reject the truth. And which you don't mean me no good.
No, I won't blindly stay on cult...um..code.
That doesn't mean I'll go out my way to ridicule or be critical of a black person around white folks.But im not throwing away facts, truth and evidence, scientific or otherwise, just to appease some imagined cult...um...code mentalilty.
Only when pride and ego gets in the way.

If I respectfully correct or present facts and evidence that you are wrong, the only reason to take offense or see it as a slight is if you are governed by pride & ego. Not honesty and integrity. Worse yet you have more insidious motives to reject the truth. And which you don't mean me no good.
Isn't pride and ego the main reasons we can't work together let alone check each other?
Who does the public, mixed compamy, us, them, people represent?

Why debate someone you like? Is teach out the question? When can we talk about what dont need to be explained?

Do groups control self and individuals or the opposite?

Code. Information. Language. In private. From who? Who gets to ask? Who gets to answer? Dont this have to be moral to be just?

Objective. Goal. Starts as idea but from where? From who? How long?

Both have to follow a rule in order to be actual.
That's more because of arrogance and ignorance.....
Arrogance and ignorance because of lack of unified code?

This is where we as middle life adults need to teach those behind us.

If we don't...it will repeat itself and we would fail them like those before us failed alot of us
Remember this thread of a black woman who had a son accused of stealing from a beauty supply store? She went outside and the Chinese owner followed her. She threw her hand up and hit him and he knocked her in the head with much more force. The whole thread was about whether we could say, ON THIS FORUM, whether she was wrong for the part she played.


I still dont think she was wrong. Fuck that chinese dude.
Some of y'all on code with the wrong thing.

Yall on code for being a Democrat. Yall on code for feminism. Yall on code for middle class lifestyle.

Then wonder why shit is fucked up because those same liberal Democrat feminists leave you hanging the moment you speak up for ALL black people or for masculinity or for the poor.

So fucking scared to say to hell with Obama when he been said to hell with you. So scared to stand by Louis Farrakhan. So scared to speak up for Jay Z.

But you quick to laugh and giggle and call somebody a hotep or toxic but will put a hashtag next to their name when they simply disagree with you.

Some of yall on code with bullshit.