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I just got back from the theatre and after seeing this movie beforehand on a camsite my opinion hwsnt changed I still like this movie. Way better than the last Jedi that gwve me a feeling of. "meh" I've seenn every star war movie in the theatre since the phantom menace except for solo qnd the force awakens and just like rogue one there were cameos that made me smile gave me goosbumps. The rise of skywalker may not be perfect may not be great, the story may feel tacked on or like a clean up job but it made me feel and that's the sign of a good star wars movie you feel something just like I felt sorrow and dread during the last act of reclvenge of the Sith. One aspect of this movie is thwt it supported my theory I uaf years ago that leia was a Jedi and was trained by luke. Which supports that " Mary poppins l" moment from the last Jedi that so many neckbeard virgins i've argued with over the internet about. I got bingo it with some nerd ass back on the ic about This. I loved that flashback of young Luke and Leia training as Jedi.. Critics gave it a 3.4 out of 5 stars but I'll give it a four. I'm not a critic I go by my standards and to me his felt like a star wars movie. There was nothing about this film that felt cringe worthy or stupid. I'm an over all fan of the star wars franchise ive been a fan knowing what star wars was before i even seen a movie thanks to my older brothers action figures. Look to put it simply...........

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Suprised at all the hate, this one was actually pretty good.
Well when you make what Luke and Anakin did pointless by suddenly bringing the Emporer back who was clearly dead just to have a main villain because Rian Johnson fucked up with TLJ by killing off Snoke I don't see why you don't get the criticism? This movie makes episodes 1-6 storyline irrelevant. Its not hard to understand at all if you are a fan of Star Wars. That was just the biggest issue. Anyway, most people are moving on after this and others will continue to ignore the problems.
Who were all them Sith niggas? Were they Sith "spirits" kinda like force ghosts or real people? If they were real I find it hard to believe Luke woulda missed all of them and not sense Palpatine at any point? no disturbances in the force?

and wait a minute... all that time the main reason Anakin went to the dark side was to be able to bring people/loved ones back from death or some shit right? You mean to tell me him being one of the most powerful Sith ever couldn't do it... but Ben fuckin Solo could with no training on how to do it?

The more I think about it.. there was a lot of shaky shit in this movie... I still enjoyed it but damn
Well when you make what Luke and Anakin did pointless by suddenly bringing the Emporer back who was clearly dead just to have a main villain because Rian Johnson fucked up with TLJ by killing off Snoke I don't see why you don't get the criticism? This movie makes episodes 1-6 storyline irrelevant. Its not hard to understand at all if you are a fan of Star Wars. That was just the biggest issue. Anyway, most people are moving on after this and others will continue to ignore the problems.
Yeah the same way the extended universe of legend had Palpatine come back as a cloned emperor. This movie draws some inspiration from those books just like oeia being a lightsaber wielding Jedi was an inspiration from those legend stories. Vulcan raven give it a rest why dont you? Nigga get some sleep or some shit I know you gots to he tired. The way you carry on I swear you on a mission to convert people into sequel trilogy haters. Its a franchise aimed at 12 year olds, it's a live action cartoon. George Lucas said it himself he wanted to make a movie based on Saturday morning serials he grew up on like buck Rogers. The problem is the internet takes this star wars shit too seriously. Oh and P.s. sit down somewhere nigga.
lol @ John Boyega complaining about his role in TLJ and implying to fans that he'd get to jedi duel again.....nigga ain't do shit in RoS but get friendzoned by a white bitch and hold her lightsaber while she was busy smh

Finn not getting his own lightsaber in the movies is wack and my biggest complaint about this film
Nah, bruh, this wasn't the move. The pacing in this shit was dream sequence level sped up. They weren't earning the emotional moments they kept trying to have. Carrie Fisher's death threw a big-ass wrench in Leia's passing, but that's a given. However, the pump fake with Chewie was some soap opera shit with him dying off camera. Matter of fact, they ran with a whole gang of tropes in this: Chewie's death pump fake, Finn's feelings pump fake, Rin's turn pump fake, everyone's dying pump fake, back up arrives at the last second TWICE with Rey alone, mystic ghost inspiration, depressed hero, C-3PO memory pump fake, hero sacrifices herself for the greater good pump fake, Palpatine's lighting being bounced back at him... yet he won't stop using it... despite using Force Push to great effect 40 seconds earlier.

In summation, the whole movie...

Yeah the same way the extended universe of legend had Palpatine come back as a cloned emperor. This movie draws some inspiration from those books just like oeia being a lightsaber wielding Jedi was an inspiration from those legend stories. Vulcan raven give it a rest why dont you? Nigga get some sleep or some shit I know you gots to he tired. The way you carry on I swear you on a mission to convert people into sequel trilogy haters. Its a franchise aimed at 12 year olds, it's a live action cartoon. George Lucas said it himself he wanted to make a movie based on Saturday morning serials he grew up on like buck Rogers. The problem is the internet takes this star wars shit too seriously. Oh and P.s. sit down somewhere nigga.
Get the fuck outta here dawg lol. The movie is down from the previous two in box office opening so they are doing something wrong. You like these shitty ass movies cool, but they are trash and most agree with me looking at the box office numbers. If Kennedy is finally getting fired then its because Disney is not happy with these movies either. YOU can enjoy them, but facts are facts. Shit the movie entertained me, but it was trash. IDGAF about anything outside of the movies. Kathleen Kennedy is that you? You fucked SW up rofl.
When you have to assume things happened in a story, that is just bad writing. That is how you get plot holes.

disney think they're smart....they'll watch and read all the different reviews on plot holes etc and then hope to retcon the major ones in their new novel coming out in March 2020
