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You people need to stop bringing up reviews. Look at this bullshit from IGN

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the quintessential Star Wars movie. It embraces everything in the franchise that came before while taking big risks to push the story into new and unexpected places."

Straight trash. What risks? They copied ideas from the previous movies as stated by saying it embraces everything that came before it. Yes and no, it destroyed the legacy along with Luke, but brought nothing original and had bad humor. The story was trash with no memorable scenes and they put them selves in a hole plot wise. Now the Emporer is back? Ha ha...no.

Change of heart, I guess.

The Rise of Skywalker ends with a massive space battle between the Resistance and the First Order, this time armed with a freshly built fleet of Star Destroyers because, well, it's Star Wars and that's how these movies end. The real action, however, is on the Sith planet below, where Rey has her own fight against a resurrected Emperor Palpatine.

Throughout much of the latter half of The Rise of Skywalker, Rey (Daisy Ridley) has to deal with the revelation that she is Emperor Palpatine's granddaughter. She's not just Rey, she's Rey Palpatine, a retcon of The Last Jedi's idea that anyone could be a Force user. Her flirtation with the dark side is a key theme that plays a role in her final struggle with Palpatine.

Like he did with Luke in Return of the Jedi, Palpatine invites Rey to strike him down and fulfill her legacy as the new emperor. She doesn't, of course, and gets help from Ben Solo, who dropped the Kylo Ren act earlier in the film after Rey impaled him with a lightsaber, only to use the Force to heal him. But Palpatine was expecting this, and taps into the Force powers of both Rey and Solo to fully revive his damaged body and sends Solo flying.

As Palpatine cackles that he carries all of the Sith with him, a chorus of classic Jedi, from Yoda to Star Wars Rebels' Kanan voice their support for Rey, and she responds by saying she represents all Jedi. She brandishes both Luke and Leia's lightsabers and deflects the lightning that's attacking her, killing the emperor and herself in the process.

Solo climbs back up the cliff he was thrown off of, and proceeds to use the same Force healing technique to resurrect Rey. When she wakes up, they embrace and kiss, and he dies, having sacrificed his life energy for her.

And the Skywalker?
It's the final scenes that offer a true answer to who the Skywalker is and rebuts the idea that Rey is a Palpatine and evil. After a victory celebration, Rey travels to Tatooine, visiting the moisture farm Luke Skywalker grew up on. It's there she buries Luke and Leia's lightsabers together, and shows off her own new yellow lightsaber. Building your own lightsaber is one of the milestones on the way to becoming a true Jedi, and that glimpse is a nice visual cue of just how far she's come.

An old woman passes by and asks Rey who she is.

Rey looks out and sees the Force ghosts of Luke, Leia and Ben, and she answers, "Rey Skywalker."

source (2).gif
Watching the last Jedi now... I'm debating on seeing this Friday...I just don't think i have the time
"The research site Box Office Pro estimates “Rise of Skywalker” will take in $185 million to $225 million in its opening weekend in North America. The Hollywood Stock Exchange has put that number at $230 million, enough to rank among the top five debuts of all time."

So trash, it's gonna make damn near a quarter billion in 1 weekend.... :lol9:
Like seeing a car wreck, can't look away no matter how horrific
Like seeing a car wreck, can't look away no matter how horrific
I will watch it eventually, but I am not paying for it. I knew what would happen 6 months ago, but thought the leaks were fake. Turns out everything was spot on. I hope Disney will get serious with this franchise in the future and make some good movies like Rogue One. I don't think it can get any worse "Knock on wood".

Welp. Don't need this anymore.

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Yoda took a loss
Obi Wan took a losses
Anakin took losses
Luke took losses
Qui Gon took a loss and died

Rey is flawless, she's the greatest jedi of all time with little training as possible
That was my only gripe with her character she just steamrolls everything in her path
Prequel trilogy>>> Sequel trilogy, even with the trash Anakin and Padme love story.

I love the prequels too but................................nah.


Lol. God damn them panties were bone dry. Natalie Portman hated this nigga lol.

That super fucked up "Padme never truly loved Anakin, he was using a mind trick to brainwash her into it and the whole thing was basically Force rape" fan theory is the only way I can watch their scenes without cringing.
This the first one I'm fully mixed on. Even something like Solo, I could see how people didn't like it but I still enjoyed the ride. This movie is like junk food, you think "yeah I want all of that" and then you get to the end and hate yourself. There was so much fan service that at some point it's just like "chill, I'm full"
That's also gotta be the shortest crawl ever right? shit was like someone writing their essay 2 class periods before it's due. after that, the first 30 minutes or so felt like it was a sprint to the finish line. this shit is just weird
They did
he was cloned inside of big test tubes
aight technically true. but if I remember correctly from Force Awaken days when everyone was diving into all the books and shit before it was obvious that shit didn't matter, apparently Snoke had been around while Vader/Palpatine were. Just chillin in the background waiting.

I mean I could he could still technically be both, but...