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My guy Vader thinking both his ride or die friends are dead. I think if they would have met up during this time Ahsoka would have beat Vader since he wasn't used to his new body
Mace Windu is a a straight up dick, the Jedi Counsel act like they're the villains and they make you sympathize with the Sith
This series was amazing. Now I can go back through and read some of the posts in here to see if my questions have been asked and answered.

My biggest takeaway was that hubris led to the Jedi being almost completely wiped from existence.
Mace Windu is a a straight up dick, the Jedi Counsel act like they're the villains and they make you sympathize with the Sith

Mace was kinda a dick, but to be fair, he never trusted Anakin so he was never really able to treat him like a true comrade.

I liked this series. The problem it makes it hard to believe Anakin's fall. The one thing the series didn't do a good job of was showing his decline. The last time we really see him in the series, he seemed fine. Then when you go see Revenge of the Sith, he's an unstable baby from the start.
That's not arrogance. It's naivete. All the Jedi in that room actually were upstanding. They were simply foolish enough to believe that everyone else was like them.

the way they responded was arrogant... on some how dare you question the morals/intentions of a Jedi/former Jedi

Wasn't Anakin also in that room? We saw how that turned out.
the way they responded was arrogant... on some how dare you question the morals/intentions of a Jedi/former Jedi

Wasn't Anakin also in that room? We saw how that turned out.

I see where you're coming from. That said, he didn't say "It's not in a jedi to do something like that." He said "It's not in him to do something like that." So while some of the reaction was due to Jedi pride, I think more of it was a result of them believing that Dooku specifically would not be involved the way he was. Dooku, after all, wasn't just a normal Jedi. He was one of the most highly respected Jedi at the time.
At all. They could've condensed that shit into 2 episodes and got the same results if we're being honest.

Don't like the sisters at all. They're irrelevant and I keep reading this arc is needed to develop Ashoka. Bullshit.

She already knows the galaxy don't fuck with the jedi like that and her relationship was soured when she got exiled. What else needs to be said?

12 eps of the final season and we're on 8 and ain't shit happen yet

And as if right on cue they proceeded to knock them last 4 episodes out of the fuckin park
I'm finishing up Season 3 and the foreshadowing of what would become of Anakin is so apparent lol. Him and Tarken getting along well in that episode about the Citadel. I like that the show shows the good in him cause the prequel trilogy did a shit job in that department.
Just watched the episode where the over confident Jedi thought he could take on Grievous, I forgot how much of an idiot he was. Grievous made quick work of him