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So I was a fan of the first one I thought it was fine. This one sucked ass. No blood, very annoying dialogue between Venom and Brock, CARNAGE looks straight out of a 90s movie, and the ending felt like an end to a episode of a TV show.

Sadly somebody was right in here the best part is the end credits. Bummer man.
I heard it’s better than the first one.
First one was the better movie imo. I'd even say way better. My girl fell asleep twice with the snores normally I'd be like stay tf up if we going drop 17 dollars on a movie ticket but I didnt really blame her, it pretty much stuck to the same formula as the first so it felt like the same shit at times.
The MCU nerds will love the end credits tho even tho I kind of see it as them wrapping up this entire current Parker universe with this next Spiderman