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5 hours later, no one gives a fuck lol

lmao I'll put my hatred of Sony Pictures to the side for a moment.

This doesnt look bad. I never really got much into the Morbius character but this looks interesting. I see the put a Vulture cameo in there too. More synergy with Marvel incoming or what?

That being said.....

FUCK sony pictures I aint paying to watch this shit. I'll catch it on gang
New trailer didnt look that bad. Ill definitely check it out.

I want answers for this Venom/Spiderman/Morbius shit. Its like all Spideys villains have one foot in the MCU and one foot in Sony's Spideyverse. Just make the damn deal with Sony to bring all them characters over to the MCU, split some profits, and keep the train rolling.

For the Sony Spidey villains, they dont even need MCU character appearances (besides spidey of course). Just acknowledge that they exist in the same universe and Sony can keep all that money shit and give Marvel a tiny kickback. Then if any of the characters make appearances in bigger MCU films, Marvel Studios can get a bigger cut.

Just talking shit, but really hope something can work out to where we dont lose spiderman in the MCU. Also it would be dope af to see those Spiderman characters be a part of the MCU. We have Gorr The Godbutcher showing up soon and his sword was created by Knull who created the symbiotes. The sword is basically the very first Symbiote. Would be dope to see a big team up film taking down Knull. Or a Maximum Carnage film. Dark Avengers led by Norman Osborne. So on and so forth.

As for Morbius i dont really know shit about him, but i know him and his posse can get fucked up by Blade someday in the future and that would be dope to see.