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SOME ABW Men apparently diss black women: thread about passport bros again

Some men want objects... a foreign woman is going to be greatful in some respects... a relationship doesn't have to be a battle a butting of heads or anything of that nature... but some cats just want compliance... and have their egos and whims catered to thats the real

And to

Theres a flip side to this as well Trashness is not relegate to men🤷🏾‍♂️
An even bigger problem is, almost every chick.............."thinks"............they're a boss chick, when they're really not.
I know what you mean. Lol.

Me I don’t even care if she think she a boss. As long as when we together she bow to the same God as me she can think what she want. She still bowing. Not just because I said so either. Lol.
From my experience.

1.My Great Grandmother on my momma side had 16 kids.She was very much what many would stay traditional. I mean she was born in 1906. While I never met my great grandfather. From what I understand he had an alcohol addiction and died early. Left my Granny to take care of the family, which she did.

2. My grandma, never got married, had one child at age of 16( my mom). Was kinda forced to stay home and take care of her brothers and sisters. My gma was extremely independent, never saw her with a man.

3. My momma was extremely independent as well. But she made sacrifices that i did not see my dad make. She change her career from business management to becoming a school teacher, so she could fulllfill the mother role easier. My dad pursued his own business.

4. My great grandmother on my daddy side past away before I met her. But she had 5 kids , was on government assistance and my Great Granddaddy wasn't an active person in the family. My daddy said he met him once. My dad was raised by his aunts.

Growing up the amount of women I saw on they boss shit was in my face and on repeat.

I say all that because many black females have grown up seeing 3 generations or more of Black Woman in American doing things women in other countries or continents may not have had to do.

Culture and the collective behavior or trend of a sect of people does not happen over night.

All my life I have seen black american females try to balance taking care of they family , they man and do things they want outside of being a mom and a wife.

Understanding the subconscious environment in which a black american female grows up in is important and often dismissed .

And while she may want change or is open to the fact that she may not need to think or behave like what she has seen. The mindset shift and trust she has to have in a black man is alot (something she may not ever have seen before) and is so hard to cultivate at first. And if she been raped or sexual abused by black men...whew it's alot.
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I just think on the internet things get blown out of proportion (pause) cause a lot Black men do not have passport or travel overseas . The number is so small it’s almost insignificant.
Bingo and its just like when some black men get with none black women. They cry about it and claim all black men want none black women.

I will say this though. Why is it alwsys an issue when men do whats best for them?

Women be bitching about what men they are not even interested in be doing. If going over seas works for them then great.

I don't see the issue with what a complete stranger does.
Again the problem isn't that these men are going overseas to meet women. The problem is despite meeting these women they still get online and spew hateful things about American black women. These men come back to US with a stroked ego, then go on dates in the states just to be on some childish shit and talk about all the ways he treated like kang overseas. I'm all for following your bliss, just leave me out of it.

It's like the black women who talk about "divestment" from black men.
Again the problem isn't that these men are going overseas to meet women. The problem is despite meeting these women they still get online and spew hateful things about American black women. These men come back to US with a stroked ego, then go on dates in the states just to be on some childish shit and talk about all the ways he treated like kang overseas. I'm all for following your bliss, just leave me out of it.

It's like the black women who talk about "divestment" from black men.

I'd really like to know what percentage of black people out there dating fall into these categories. You watch Youtube and you'd think it's like 50% of black people giving up on the race, but I'm sure it's nowhere near that much. At some point, the very discussion of this shit becomes poisonous because it can give the impression that things are worse than they truly are.


Stephanie Ribeiro exposes American who encourages sex tourism in Brazil on YouTube

“Are women in Brazil easy?” is the title of one of the videos posted on the YouTube channel by Auston Holleman , an American who comes to our country to invite other men to also venture out with the women here. The channel has more than 35,000 subscribers, who follow his videos exposing Brazilian women, always with a sexual nature.

Stephanie Ribeiro exposes American who encourages sex tourism in Brazil on YouTube

“Are women in Brazil easy?” is the title of one of the videos posted on the YouTube channel by Auston Holleman , an American who comes to our country to invite other men to also venture out with the women here. The channel has more than 35,000 subscribers, who follow his ideos exposing Brazilian women, always with a sexual nature.

Damn guess the the gig is up now