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SOME ABW Men apparently diss black women: thread about passport bros again

Bruh why are y’all doing this? Most black women that have children would have preferred the guy they are with to be in their and the childrens lives. Is it wrong to think black men and not welefare is the reason dudes wernt staying in the home. Welefare was not covering everything like people believe.
Not sure what you mean but you're not making any valid points here. Plus your opinion clearly doesn't affect me, unlike passport bros who apparently keep you from sleeping at night because you know that deep down you would only qualify for these kinds of men.

Yes, for BLACK women in the USA. Your point?

So you're responding to a point that I didn't make. Great. Who's confused and talking in circles again?

Of course you wouldn't understand. And I know you wouldn't understand what's wrong with Cardi B either.

Congratulations on being an OP maker lol. Want a cookie?

You're literally making these passport bros points: shallow, loud, rude, unaccountable and combative. Even on a forum smh

Lol u forgot that last paragraph where you don't make any sense lol.

U tried to make a point about Cardi B, it would perhaps make sense if she wasn't married ...like it actually proves your point wrong, Apparently whatever she doing working because a black man chooe to marry and have children. So her behavior and how she presents herself seem to attract black men and enjoyed even lol.

And if my points are confusing don't respond. You @ me . And when you learn how to read and comprehend come back. Read that first post again, out loud to yourself and I am sure clarity will come to you.

You seem slow or hell bent to go back and forth with me about a non issue. The reason you attracted the type of woman you did with traits you don't like is because of you. Not her being a black american women

Put this right here for your reading 📚 pleasure

Why talk down or bash American black woman though? Date or marry whom ever you want to but to tear down black american women...low very low. I am very curious if these men that feel that way were raised by an American black woman. Having preference is human but explaining it or broadcasting in a distasteful way is lil boy shit.

Niggas connecting over failed relationships and trauma and linking it to be the American Black woman...man get this shit outta here.

If you bashing American black woman you wrong and loud. Glad you found happiness overseas bro.
Lol you overseas getting culture and u online 🤣 You got time today hun sis. I know you were hurt 💔 in past relationships but let past go and go on and live your best life passport brotha. Your account is from 2019 ,you haven't posted and this thread got you going lol.

Hit dogs will holler....

It's interesting how out the comments that dissapprove of this behavior you choose mine lol. U not going @ a male poster lol.
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Bruh why are y’all doing this? Most black women that have children would have preferred the guy they are with to be in their and the childrens lives. Is it wrong to think black men and not welefare is the reason dudes wernt staying in the home. Welefare was not covering everything like people believe.
FD recently did a great breakdown on the reasons.

FD recently did a great breakdown on the reasons.

This is a good breakdown, but a poor attempt at being equal instead of being fair. This is the issue I have with these modern neutral talking heads. Some situations involving two parties have one culprit, and that's okay. In the case of families, women literally are the gatekeepers to sex and childbearing, they logically hold the lion share of the responsibility. The same way men have a huge role to play in us being unable to pass on generational wealth.
On a balance of probabilities, if you challenge the average American black woman on the internet, she will:

If you bashing American black woman you wrong and loud. Glad you found happiness overseas bro.
Lol you overseas getting culture and u online 🤣 You got time today hun sis. I know you were hurt 💔 in past relationships but let past go and go on and live your best life passport brotha. Your account is from 2019 ,you haven't posted and this thread got you going lol.

It's interesting how out the comments that dissapprove of this behavior you choose mine lol. U not going @ a male poster lol.

...challenge your masculinity and victimize herself. You can't make this up. Good luck with fighting stereotypes that you are clearly reinforcing. I just wish our good sisters checked people like you more often and stopped hiding behind the sisterhood.

FYI, I don't just have one passport. I can let you hold one of those since you're so masculine anyway. Let you see for yourself how people appreciate you outside of your country. lol.
Bruh why are y’all doing this? Most black women that have children would have preferred the guy they are with to be in their and the childrens lives. Is it wrong to think black men and not welefare is the reason dudes wernt staying in the home. Welefare was not covering everything like people believe.

Why do you take the anti-straight black man side in every topic? Either you got some self-hate going on or you are not a straight black man.
I think the best part about this discussion is just how much dishonesty looms in the statements of many women and men who participate in this subject. You have women, that make it their priority to talk about certain low level men they believe are not good enough for them. Those women over the years? On the front end, as well as the back end, put certain men in positions, where they feel like they don’t matter.

They weren’t tall enough, cute enough, interesting enough, Special enough to be in a position where they can get the kind of women that they want it. So even though those men might not be good enough? They still have certain portions to them that women can use. This is why you have women who imply that you might get something from them if you help them with something that they need. This is why there are men out there that pick up women’s clothing from the cleaners, get women food, drive them around in their cars, fix certain things that they need fixing etc.

So when those men walk away from the women who were stringing them along? Of course the women are gonna be upset. Of course they’re gonna be mad. They lost out on their hos. What those women want is the right of first refusal. It’s the good ole Ayesha Curry thing.

She was upset that men were not flirting with her long enough for her to use their attention to get high off of it to feel important, so she could turn them down. Those men who comment all kinds of beautiful things to women on IG, Facebook, Twitter…..and women ignore it but respond back to women? They use those comments to build their self esteem up to feel better about themselves when they’re in a rut. It’s like being broke, and you have another account that has thousands in it, you can use it to spend money how you want.

Not only are these women narcissistic, but they’re just plain pathetic. They attach themselves to ideological belief systems that clash and leave them confused. If you as a woman truly believe sex work is real work, what is the issue with men doing what they do? Who cares if they have relations with these women? How is it exploitation when men are sexing women who you claim should be able to be liberated by the option to have sex whenever and wherever they want? My body my choice right?

So just be prepared for the dishonesty of the women. They’re not gonna be fair and honest.

Sidenote, they’re gonna use black men as the face of sex tourism soon enough. It just is what it is.
This is a good breakdown, but a poor attempt at being equal instead of being fair. This is the issue I have with these modern neutral talking heads. Some situations involving two parties have one culprit, and that's okay. In the case of families, women literally are the gatekeepers to sex and childbearing, they logically hold the lion share of the responsibility. The same way men have a huge role to play in us being unable to pass on generational wealth.

it’s real weak we blame women for our community being where it’s at like we were never leaders. Like most black women didn’t prefer to be less by the man they have kids with. We the only group of men that do that. This type of blame the women shit been talked about for years and it’s just makes us weaker.
Why do you take the anti-straight black man side in every topic? Either you got some self-hate going on or you are not a straight black man.

I’m literally saying most black women preferred the black man in the home and that welefare was not covering more than the man’s income. That is a common discussion point on why it’s so many single families. Like bro yo literally raise your kids but saying nighasShould raise their kids means I’m anti straight black man. Like you really do say shit just to say shit? It’s literally you saying we can’t be leaders blame the women. That’s weak monk. And stop addressing me if you not really trying to debate it you just called me gay lol

When you some half white conservative offspring of trailer trash Bible thumping coon
The convos fall flat because this is a two way street conversation being held down a one way.

The women didn’t do it all, men have a role to play but because the men have a role to play?? It means we gotta call certain shit out. Women did a lot to bring the community down. Denigrating comments won’t change this. Lying about their role won’t change this, telling us BS won’t change this.
They attach themselves to ideological belief systems that clash and leave them confused.

If you as a woman truly believe sex work is real work, what is the issue with men doing what they do? Who cares if they have relations with these women?

How is it exploitation when men are sexing women who you claim should be able to be liberated by the option to have sex whenever and wherever they want? My body my choice right?

Kandi Burress sipping tea.gif
I think the best part about this discussion is just how much dishonesty looms in the statements of many women and men who participate in this subject. You have women, that make it their priority to talk about certain low level men they believe are not good enough for them. Those women over the years? On the front end, as well as the back end, put certain men in positions, where they feel like they don’t matter.

They weren’t tall enough, cute enough, interesting enough, Special enough to be in a position where they can get the kind of women that they want it. So even though those men might not be good enough? They still have certain portions to them that women can use. This is why you have women who imply that you might get something from them if you help them with something that they need. This is why there are men out there that pick up women’s clothing from the cleaners, get women food, drive them around in their cars, fix certain things that they need fixing etc.

So when those men walk away from the women who were stringing them along? Of course the women are gonna be upset. Of course they’re gonna be mad. They lost out on their hos. What those women want is the right of first refusal. It’s the good ole Ayesha Curry thing.

She was upset that men were not flirting with her long enough for her to use their attention to get high off of it to feel important, so she could turn them down. Those men who comment all kinds of beautiful things to women on IG, Facebook, Twitter…..and women ignore it but respond back to women? They use those comments to build their self esteem up to feel better about themselves when they’re in a rut. It’s like being broke, and you have another account that has thousands in it, you can use it to spend money how you want.

Not only are these women narcissistic, but they’re just plain pathetic. They attach themselves to ideological belief systems that clash and leave them confused. If you as a woman truly believe sex work is real work, what is the issue with men doing what they do? Who cares if they have relations with these women? How is it exploitation when men are sexing women who you claim should be able to be liberated by the option to have sex whenever and wherever they want? My body my choice right?

So just be prepared for the dishonesty of the women. They’re not gonna be fair and honest.

Sidenote, they’re gonna use black men as the face of sex tourism soon enough. It just is what it is.

SPOT ON BROTHER. And next thing you know, these women will attach to black men every label previously used to vilify white men because now the white man is giving them a job, a career, and safety in the court system. But I digress...
SPOT ON BROTHER. And next thing you know, these women will attach to black men every label previously used to vilify white men because now the white man is giving them a job, a career, and safety in the court system. But I digress...

Like I said, the conversation never truly goes anywhere, because women are not fair with this discussion, nor are they going to be honest. It’s always about how messed up we are yet they claim to believe in equality. They don’t, simply because there’s no such thing as equality. They know that they have a plethora of men in their phone that they take serious vs ones they don’t and they have a ranking system based on which man they think is better.

So they know what brothers are saying is true.
I’m literally saying most black women preferred the black man in the home and that welefare was not covering more than the man’s income. That is a common discussion point on why it’s so many single families. Like bro yo literally raise your kids but saying nighasShould raise their kids means I’m anti straight black man. Like you really do say shit just to say shit? It’s literally you saying we can’t be leaders blame the women. That’s weak monk. And stop addressing me if you not really trying to debate it you just called me gay lol

When you some half white conservative offspring of trailer trash Bible thumping coon

You mad mad huh? You tried to put every insult your pea brain could come up with in a single line. I must have really struck a nerve. Lol

You're anti-black man because you're pushing the same bullshit talking points that racists and bitter chicks push. The actual numbers show that black men are the most active in their children's lives.

Like I said, every time these discussions come up, you take whatever stance goes against black men even when those stances are factually incorrect.
You mad mad huh? You tried to put every insult your pea brain could come up with in a single line. I must have really struck a nerve. Lol

You're anti-black man because you're pushing the same bullshit talking points that racists and bitter chicks push. The actual numbers show that black men are the most active in their children's lives.

Like I said, every time these discussions come up, you take whatever stance goes against black men even when those stances are factually incorrect.

bruh I’m a black father lol you insulted me I insulted you back yesterday. I’m literally got black men being responsible and leaders of the family that active father article I shared like 3 years ago. I just do t be on that he man womN hater homophobic shit you be on.

Any other clarification needed? Or you wanna call me non straight again
Bruh why are y’all doing this? Most black women that have children would have preferred the guy they are with to be in their and the childrens lives. Is it wrong to think black men and not welefare is the reason dudes wernt staying in the home. Welefare was not covering everything like people believe.

The state says "here's free/nearly free housing (the projects or section8), WIC to cover some food needs, food stamps to cover the rest, and daycare assistance... The catch is you can't have a man living in the home."

What do you think a woman with 2-3 kids is gonna do? She's gonna take that help from the government and kick whatever nigga was living under her roof out, even if it's the father of her children. Now, some tried to hide the fact that a dude was living there with varying degrees of success, but make no mistake about it, the "Man In The House" rule was very real and very much enforced until fairly recently.

Put it like this, when my wife and I were still just friends back in the 90's, I was homeless and she let me crash on her couch for a couple months. The catch was I had to sleep on the couch and all of my shit HAD to stay in the basement and look as if I'm just storing shit there because she was on Section 8 at the time and couldn't have a man living in the house with her or else she'd get kicked off. We weren't involved with each other on any level, she was my best friend doing me a solid until I could better my situation but that didn't matter. She coul still get kicked off section 8 just for me being there. That's how shit was.
The state says "here's free/nearly free housing (the projects or section8), WIC to cover some food needs, food stamps to cover the rest, and daycare assistance... The catch is you can't have a man living in the home."

What do you think a woman with 2-3 kids is gonna do? She's gonna take that help from the government and kick whatever nigga was living under her roof out, even if it's the father of her children. Now, some tried to hide the fact that a dude was living there with varying degrees of success, but make no mistake about it, the "Man In The House" rule was very real and very much enforced until fairly recently.

Put it like this, when my wife and I were still just friends back in the 90's, I was homeless and she let me crash on her couch for a couple months. The catch was I had to sleep on the couch and all of my shit HAD to stay in the basement and look as if I'm just storing shit there because she was on Section 8 at the time and couldn't have a man living in the house with her or else she'd get kicked off. We weren't involved with each other on any level, she was my best friend doing me a solid until I could better my situation but that didn't matter. She coul still get kicked off section 8 just for me being there. That's how shit was.

So I’m infer here that these men. Most likely at the time left because the money they did bring in was not enough. I can understand that for a year or two but it’s literally and you know this a lot of dudes from 50 60s and 70s who had no dad at all or any relationship with one. I think that y’all feel that I unfairly blame black men for everything wrong with the community and I’m literally a black man who ain’t one that. I think we just have a bigger impact on our community than a lot of believe we do.

My generation I feel has more active father to try and correct the mistakes of the past but just cause we doing better does not mean that’s the end of it. To me I’ve seen certain shit from us that would lead to pushing women away and y’all see it too.

I’m not saying black women are innocent kids in this shit. But niggas be complaining about shit like child support and not seeing their kids without really fighting for it. And again that does not mean I’m excusing crazy baby moms or ex wives or whatever.
bruh I’m a black father lol you insulted me I insulted you back yesterday. I’m literally got black men being responsible and leaders of the family that active father article I shared like 3 years ago. I just do t be on that he man womN hater homophobic shit you be on.

Any other clarification needed? Or you wanna call me non straight again

Bruh, I'm not knocking you for not jumping on the anti-woman or anti-gay train that a lot of dudes on here be on. I didn't say anything about that. I said you always seem to take stances that go against black men. Promoting the whole "deadbeat dad" stereotype like you did in that post I quoted is the perfect example. That shit was debunked a long time ago. Literally, the only people I see running around talking about "black men need to start taking care of their kids" are people who are openly anti-black man like racists and bitter/spiteful women.