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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

I'm looking at those Terry Crews tweets and it's disgusting the level of coonery that he is on. Buck ol Terry is the modern day Michigan J Frog smh


Only watched this clip...but a couple of points:

- this assumes that we can develop these social programs quickly and at a reasonable cost. Its hard to see that happening. There is already a shortage of social workers and psychologists in the public sector because so many of the best ones go into the private sector for more pay. So now were just gonna think that theyre gonna come back to the public sector to take on an inherently more dangerous job? This goes for security personnel, community managers, etc. It may end up being FAR more than what it would take from the police budget.

- also assumes that these social programs actually work. Would like to see more evidence of this...city bureacracies can be bloated, full of mismanagement and ineffectiveness. Im all for trying tho.

- even for the police, alot of the reforms we want still costs money. Body cams, psych evals, intense anti-racism training, settlements.

And this doesnt address his point but:

- it just sounds bad politically. Ive seen a poll in which the majority doesnt support this. Its something that trump can campaign on in battleground states to sway moderates.

That said, the current structure with these bloated police budgets clearly isnt working. When you have this moment, i do see the value in going big and trying something new even tho i personally would hit on a bunch of easy small shit but heavily and strictly enforce it.
It doesn't matter whether politicians are genuine it just matters they believe they need to act in certain ways in order to maintain power.

That's what this kneelin' is about. So if Pelosi believes she needs to be anti racism and pro reform or she'll be replaced, that's what she'll do.
I've been apart of the mental health programs where I live since I was 16. Ima be honest, its 15 percent availability and 85 percent you.

They will try their best to create an environment where all you have to focus on is your come up. They will use gov programs to take care of housing, food, and monetary needs. If you are the type to rest on the bare minimum as long as its free.

You're gonna stay where you are at and not make progress and its gonna seem like the system failed.

If you take it serious, and are the type to not want the bare minimum and the type to go get more, want more, and learn from your experiences everyday...its works.

But no one..NO ONE..is gonna push you to come up..that's on you
At this point, Willie D just needs to go ahead and make a whole 'Coon Huntin' album.

He's already got Coon and Coon 2 out there. Just give us 10 tracks of Ether. He can start with Coondice Ownens aka Black Tomi.
It doesn't matter whether politicians are genuine it just matters they believe they need to act in certain ways in order to maintain power.

That's what this kneelin' is about. So if Pelosi believes she needs to be anti racism and pro reform or she'll be replaced, that's what she'll do.

You ain't never lied.

Just like these big corporations and celebrities coming out now after being silent for years and years of witnessing all this injustice. Alot of these phonies are trying to save their livelihood at that's all......

We will see who is really with the shit's if they are still giving the good fight after all this has simmered down in the media
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Only watched this clip...but a couple of points:

- this assumes that we can develop these social programs quickly and at a reasonable cost. Its hard to see that happening. There is already a shortage of social workers and psychologists in the public sector because so many of the best ones go into the private sector for more pay. So now were just gonna think that theyre gonna come back to the public sector to take on an inherently more dangerous job? This goes for security personnel, community managers, etc. It may end up being FAR more than what it would take from the police budget.

- also assumes that these social programs actually work. Would like to see more evidence of this...city bureacracies can be bloated, full of mismanagement and ineffectiveness. Im all for trying tho.

- even for the police, alot of the reforms we want still costs money. Body cams, psych evals, intense anti-racism training, settlements.

And this doesnt address his point but:

- it just sounds bad politically. Ive seen a poll in which the majority doesnt support this. Its something that trump can campaign on in battleground states to sway moderates.

That said, the current structure with these bloated police budgets clearly isnt working. When you have this moment, i do see the value in going big and trying something new even tho i personally would hit on a bunch of easy small shit but heavily and strictly enforce it.
Everything you said.....

Don't mean shit.

Black people can step up an be the community we once was. But in better positions to move forward.

Holding each other accountable....And greatness being a minimum requirement can be achieved.

A lot of people are how they are because of lack of support and someone believing in them.

How many people thought outside the box and got shut down because it wasn't considered black....Yet no one can define what black is.

We need to encourage our youth. We need to build for our youth to take the baton. We may not live to see the change we want but out job is to prepare our kids to walk into their greatness to deal with this world without our personal biases..

I need a nap
The CPI controversy centered on CPI CEO Ken Gill’s response to a mass email sent out by a local nonprofit, Queen City Unity, which called for action in response to killings of black people like George Floyd by Minneapolis police.

“Please spend your time in a more productive way,” Gill responded in an email, which Queen City Unity leader Jorge Millares posted on Facebook. “A better use of time, would be to focus on the black on black crime and senseless killing of our young men by other young men.”

Gill later apologized for his comments.

Havent heard from Romney since 2012. He has absolutely no reason to be out there other than he genuinely wants to be. Cool.
Nah, hes been against Trumps fuckery for a min.

Romney, a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, described to me the power of taking an oath before God: “It’s something which I take very seriously.” Throughout the trial, he said, he was guided by his father’s favorite verse of Mormon scripture: Search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good. “I have gone through a process of very thorough analysis and searching, and I have prayed through this process,” he told me. “But I don’t pretend that God told me what to do.”
In the end, the evidence was inescapable. “The president did in fact pressure a foreign government to corrupt our election process,” Romney said. “And really, corrupting an election process in a democratic republic is about as abusive and egregious an act against the Constitution—and one's oath—that I can imagine. It's what autocrats do.”
Romney’s vote will do little to reorient the political landscape. The president’s acquittal has been all but certain for weeks, as Republicans have circled the wagons to protect Trump. But the Utahan’s sharp indictment ensures that at least one dissenting voice from within the president’s party will be on the record—and Romney seems to believe history will vindicate his decision

Outside of McCain (R.I.P.), Romney has been the only senator with some balls to stand up to Donnie Dickless.

The rest of them have had fuckin Welsh's Grape for a spine.
McCain aint stand up to Trump. He was just dissing him because he didnt like the guy. They had personal beef. From when Trump dissed him in 99'. Even with that, he still voted with Trump on a bunch of shit. McCain team really got most of america convinced he was a "Maverik", when in reality he was a snake & really just went along with the popular republican position. I mean, the man voted against making MLK a holiday. And was still against it after Regan put it into law.

The CPI controversy centered on CPI CEO Ken Gill’s response to a mass email sent out by a local nonprofit, Queen City Unity, which called for action in response to killings of black people like George Floyd by Minneapolis police.

“Please spend your time in a more productive way,” Gill responded in an email, which Queen City Unity leader Jorge Millares posted on Facebook. “A better use of time, would be to focus on the black on black crime and senseless killing of our young men by other young men.”

Gill later apologized for his comments.

He really thought that shit was really gonna fly in this climate
I can't say this is for all cities or protests,but in the downtown area on friday,there were more white protesters than black protesters.

I didn't march but I was in my car showing careful pandemic support
I disagree w disbanding the police. You don’t destroy them, you fix it. Remove their leaders and high ranking officers, send in people w the credentials who could run a department, who aren’t racist, they can fix policies and change the system from within..

allowing the citizens to police themselves will result in more Ahmed Aubrey deaths...

bad idea, truly

I don’t think people mean defund them completely but making their unions less powerful way less military type shit
The CPI controversy centered on CPI CEO Ken Gill’s response to a mass email sent out by a local nonprofit, Queen City Unity, which called for action in response to killings of black people like George Floyd by Minneapolis police.

“Please spend your time in a more productive way,” Gill responded in an email, which Queen City Unity leader Jorge Millares posted on Facebook. “A better use of time, would be to focus on the black on black crime and senseless killing of our young men by other young men.”

Gill later apologized for his comments.

Another one where all he had to do was just shut the fuck up.

But i guess these mfers hate black people so much they cant hold it in.

Lmao. Mfer had enough and just hate to release the hate.

Good though. Enjoy unemployment.