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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

Rush said Chauvin should be charged with 1st degree murder and the others should be charged too. Wonder what he’s been telling his audience though.

I think his audience will be more pissed at him than Breakfast Club audience being pissed at them. They’re going to think Rush bowed down to the blacks, lol.
I've been quiet on this topic by choice because what else can really be said. One thing i have noticed is videos from other countries supposedly standing in solidarity with the US because that have a history of fighting with an oppressive government.

Out of all the cases in lets say....the last ten years....this is the time that everyone wants to jump on board? In an election year with a President that backs white supremacist and refuses to condemn the brutality and unjustified murders, THIS is the time everyone is on the same page? This is when the media is oversaturated with biased coverage on what is going on around the country?

Something doesn't feel right about it. If yall have watched Homeland, it's starting to seem like a See Eye Aye situation....

You're not the only person in this thread who has questioned the timing and a lot of this so called solidarity from everyone and our (black people's) ongoing struggles.

I honestly hope all of us who are cautiously not buying everyone around the globes (and especially these curiously quite until now mass outpouring from white "allies") solidarity are proven wrong but I have a feeling we might not be......
Fuck all that shit.. thats some clown ass shit . He may have good intentions but he is an idiot.way too much for my liking. he is brand building he is trying to stephen a smith himself into another plane
Nah, he’s always seemed genuine to me. It’s good that he’s gone from holding entertainers’ feet to the fire and holding higher profile people accountable.

Late last night my phone rang, and it was Coach Pop. He was ready to say something.

“The thing that strikes me is that we all see this police violence and racism, and we’ve seen it all before, but nothing changes. That’s why these protests have been so explosive. But without leadership and an understanding of what the problem is, there will never be change. And white Americans have avoided reckoning with this problem forever, because it’s been our privilege to be able to avoid it. That also has to change.”

Pop has been consistent and open with his stance and it makes me proud to be a fan of him and my Spurs!!
I went over to Rush’s show after the 105.1 interview was over and he broke it up into segments. I’m not sure what he might have left out, but this probably is an iheartradio thing so they probably made him air it all.