Fuck all that shit.. thats some clown ass shit . He may have good intentions but he is an idiot.way too much for my liking. he is brand building he is trying to stephen a smith himself into another planeCharlamagne just got Rush to admit that Trump should speak out to calm the situation.
I've been quiet on this topic by choice because what else can really be said. One thing i have noticed is videos from other countries supposedly standing in solidarity with the US because that have a history of fighting with an oppressive government.
Out of all the cases in lets say....the last ten years....this is the time that everyone wants to jump on board? In an election year with a President that backs white supremacist and refuses to condemn the brutality and unjustified murders, THIS is the time everyone is on the same page? This is when the media is oversaturated with biased coverage on what is going on around the country?
Something doesn't feel right about it. If yall have watched Homeland, it's starting to seem like a See Eye Aye situation....
It depends, I don’t trust them but as long as they’re doing our bidding then they are useful, just keep your eye on them...@5th Letter do you consider far-left groups white supremacists?
Nah, he’s always seemed genuine to me. It’s good that he’s gone from holding entertainers’ feet to the fire and holding higher profile people accountable.Fuck all that shit.. thats some clown ass shit . He may have good intentions but he is an idiot.way too much for my liking. he is brand building he is trying to stephen a smith himself into another plane