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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

easier said than done. See it ain't enough to just murk a few corrupt cops and call it a day. they gotta fear you more than they wanna kill whoever they apprehending at the moment. plus we can't have ignit negros acting like their untouchable because cops are scared to arrest folks. This has to be an orchestrated hit that goes on long enough to make politicians make laws bringing this to an end. otherwise its just going to be business as usual after the black punisher gets caught or killed.

So nope can't be me. I don't have the fucked up enough mentality nor the skills, nor the hardware to pull something like this off on a large enough scale it change history. a nigga can dream tho.
Man stfu
The mfer had his knee on his neck for over 5 minutes? I dont understand how that isnt going to end up as a first degree murder charge.

A first degree murder charge means the murder had to be premediated. The definition of premediation varies and is very flexible. You can decide to kill someone in a second and that will mean the murder you comitted a second later was premediated.

That being said, this cop had his knee on his neck for over 5 minutes, after he was cuffed. It wasnt a situation where he put his knee on his neck for 5 seconds while cuffing him and punctured his esophagus or something. You can argue that would be manslaughter.

But in this case, his knee was on his neck after he was cuffed for over 5 minutes. At which mark does it become premediated murder? When you dont get up after 30 seconds? 2 minutes? Is it premediated murder when you had your knee to his neck for 4 minuted and still didnt get off?

This is the most open and shut case. This mfer better get murder in the 1st degree and be thrown in with general population.

Anything less than 1st degree is a spit in the face.
Simplest way to describe first degree is that you had intentions of killing the man when you left your house.
Simplest way to describe first degree is that you had intentions of killing the man when you left your house.

Thats one way to describe it. But you could also leave your house with no ill intent, have a stranger bump into you in the street, decide to kill him at that moment, and kill him the next.

In that situation, you decided to kill and acted upon it in 5 seconds.

Thats murder in the first.
Thats one way to describe it. But you could also leave your house with no ill intent, have a stranger bump into you in the street, decide to kill him at that moment, and kill him the next.

In that situation, you decided to kill and acted upon it in 5 seconds.

Thats murder in the first.
They wouldn’t charge 1st for that