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So.... what's going on with Jamie Foxx??? AKA I'ma need a refund on my prayers🤔

If Jamie was wrongly arrested on film,
Would the family ask for privacy or support?

If God forbid he was hurt and the person who hurt him never got arrested, privacy or support?

Crazy how when needed people leverage their fans but also dint want people in ya business

If it was on film the array would be public not his medical record. Like damn why y’all demanding
Lol bruh huh a mass shooting is not a medical issue at your job you can’t discuss medical history for a damn reason. Lol you’re bored and I skipped a lot of this post
Not surprising. Spelling and reading comprehension don't seem like your strong suit which is why you piggyback off others opinions and thoughts. I can only dumb down my post so much.

I'd think being next to HU some of that college spirit would have rub off in the community. I guess not

Be blessed bruh
Niggas feel hustled over a prayer and want they blessing back

@BRIAN B. You used to have a saying about emotions being finessed or something


finessed out ya feelings

that's moreso bein sold a sob story for attention/donations

not sure if this is the same, could be

but that's the nature of the beast

make your career as a public figure & the public will have interests in all aspects of your life

plus thanks to the times/technology, is there really any privacy w/ cameras & shit everywhere?

idk but I digress
If Jamie was wrongly arrested on film,
Would the family ask for privacy or support?

If God forbid he was hurt and the person who hurt him never got arrested, privacy or support?

Crazy how when needed people leverage their fans but also dint want people in ya business
Man be quiet dos

Always tryna put a spin on something. You ain't no washing machine nigga