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So what age would be a good age to have sex ed?

Tayboo just said middle school too

Along with a few other posters since after you called me out saying 7th grade is a great time to start the school course.

Now let’s see if y’all going to say they have antiqued views.
You agreeing and hitting like on post stating those things is no different than you posting them yourself.

If I said it’s raining outside and you nod your head and agree with me it’s no different from you saying it yourself

So what you just admitted...is that I never called you conservative. If I wanted to call you conservative I'd just say it...but I didn't so you can't tell me what I mean or don't mean when I'm explicitly telling you otherwise.

And you're so in your feelings being defensive you're still missing the actual point of what the post meant.
I already posted screenshots of you saying “y’all” conservative views” and agreeing with beta saying the same thing when the only ones that was disagreeing with you you was me and chi.
You got it. Everything is exactly as you see it

@CAP 3.0 @BlackRain @HellCzar and whoever else

Still lying about what the hell I been saying the whole time in the thread.

Sex education should start at home and be introduced as a class in 7th grade

All that other shit y’all trying to say is absolutely irrelevant.

But instead of just letting me have my opinion on when a course should take place y’all talking about shit nobody brought up except @CAP 3.0 and @Sony Montana

Niggas ARGUING me up and down calling me conservative and antiqued over saying the 7th grade

Do fucking better

Look I think it needs to start in whenever Family Life starts. Kids learn about good touch bad touch at what like 3. So we all agree home is the place to start. The viewpoint you came from does sound conservative you’ve even said most blacks are conservative so you shouldn’t get mad. You said something about liberals who cares.

Maybe we need better communication that’s all
I think 5th grade is fine for sex ed class. If they talking about identity I honestly feel like that can be done in 2nd grade cuz it’s not that deep.
And when I think sex ed
Again this ain't even about sex and fucking.

It's about terms people identify as. People who literally work in the building with those kids who will not hesitate to call the school board if they feel a colleague deliberately addresses incorrectly.

I don't know if y'all know how wild middle school kids are, but I sit outside my son school everyday. Them kids cuss harder than me. And I think they 100% need to know these terms cuz they disrespectful as fuck at this age.

10-14 kids are wild as shit if left unchecked. This is absolutely the age group that needs to be educated on these kinda things by responsible adults.

Cuz if you leave them to figure it all out in their own... Tryna to delay it to highschool.... You're sadly mistaken.

Lotta y'all watch the wire... Remember that was the age they chose for the study in season 4. And they broke it down very detailed why this age group is so delicate.

They're already mimicking adults, but they're still impressionable enough to not be stuck in their ways..this is the perfect age to educate them on these things.

@Dwayne @Chi-Town B as far as terms go what is the appropriate age for y’all