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So what age would be a good age to have sex ed?

Without a chance to read through the thread yet, I do agree with folks saying that middle school is too young.

I would also rather kids dont even know what sex is until highschool.

But that shit just not realistic. Around 10 is probably when the majority of kids start feeling attraction towards others. So those feelings have to explained.

And more importantly, sex is fucking everywhere. Imo its impossible to protect your kids from it after they turn around 10. You might be able to shield them at home, but theyll see commercials on tv, see it on a movie you watching, or hear it from their friends whose parents might not be shielding or are maturing faster.

Thats what I base my opinion of if it should he taught in middle school or not.

Imo, no way will I be able to protect my kids from knowing about sex after around 10, thats a battle I'll lose. And if thats the case, then I rather them atleast learn a bit about sex ed from an adult in a class than from media and other kids.
Aight, maybe niggas don't know what 'middle school' is or what age kids are when they attend middle school. But everything you said after the first sentence contradicts what you said in the first sentence.

How can you agree that middle school (6th-8th grade, ages 11-13, depending on the location) is too young for sex ed...but think that kids need to learn sex ed starting at 10 years old?

Make it make sense. Maybe I misunderstood?
Exactly. If you've got a kid that likes sports they've seen all those "Be a man...take this pill. Get some extra testosterone to please your wife" commercials with former athletes 100x by the end of an NFL, NBA, MLB etc season.

Not to mention the STI commercials lol
My sister's homegirl was already on child #2 by the time she got to high-school.

Yeah...middle school ain't too young.
I think that the title is misleading as a minority of folks not only have an issue with sex ed being taught...but also that LGBQT+ orientations are being taught along side it.

Especially in middle school
Aight, maybe niggas don't know what 'middle school' is or what age kids are when they attend middle school. But everything you said after the first sentence contradicts what you said in the first sentence.

How can you agree that middle school (6th-8th grade, ages 11-13, depending on the location) is too young for sex ed...but think that kids need to learn sex ed starting at 10 years old?

Make it make sense. Maybe I misunderstood?

In the ideal world, I would want my kids to learn about anything sex related in high school.

In the real, un-ideal world, I know thats impossible so I'm ok with sex ed being taught in middle school cause I know if they dont hear it from a responsible adult, theyll hear all about it through media and friends.
If yall vegetarian.. do yall feel like your child is being unjustly exposed to shit(chicken,beef,pork,fish etc) in public school and that it should ONLY be vegetarian options because thats what YOUR preference is?

False Equivalence.
Again this ain't even about sex and fucking.

It's about terms people identify as. People who literally work in the building with those kids who will not hesitate to call the school board if they feel a colleague deliberately addresses incorrectly.

I don't know if y'all know how wild middle school kids are, but I sit outside my son school everyday. Them kids cuss harder than me. And I think they 100% need to know these terms cuz they disrespectful as fuck at this age.

10-14 kids are wild as shit if left unchecked. This is absolutely the age group that needs to be educated on these kinda things by responsible adults.

Cuz if you leave them to figure it all out in their own... Tryna to delay it to highschool.... You're sadly mistaken.

Lotta y'all watch the wire... Remember that was the age they chose for the study in season 4. And they broke it down very detailed why this age group is so delicate.

They're already mimicking adults, but they're still impressionable enough to not be stuck in their ways..this is the perfect age to educate them on these things.
Plenty of kids start fucking in middle school. Me included. Better educate them babies.


I think some of some folks in here clearly has forgotten what middle school was like growing up. I know for me...mofos was tryin to smash something. Me included.

I remember in 8th grade, I was sittin around a couple girls in class and overheard a conversation they were having. Well...I couldn't avoid not hearing it b/c they was sittin next to me, and behind me. Anyway...THEE FINEST chick in school was sittin behind me, and she was telling her friends that she had sex for the 1st time recently.

Chick was giving ALL the details. What led to it. How it felt. Who the guy was (an older nigga) Etc etc. Ole girl was answering their questions as if she was teaching a seminar on sex. Lol!

That chick was BAAAAD tho. I still remember her name...Tiajuana. Like I said b4...she was THEE FINEST girl in our school.
@CAP 3.0 @BlackRain @HellCzar and whoever else

Still lying about what the hell I been saying the whole time in the thread.

Sex education should start at home and be introduced as a class in 7th grade

All that other shit y’all trying to say is absolutely irrelevant.

But instead of just letting me have my opinion on when a course should take place y’all talking about shit nobody brought up except @CAP 3.0 and @Sony Montana

Niggas ARGUING me up and down calling me conservative and antiqued over saying the 7th grade

Do fucking better
@CAP 3.0 @BlackRain @HellCzar and whoever else

Still lying about what the hell I been saying the whole time in the thread.

Sex education should start at home and be introduced as a class in 7th grade

All that other shit y’all trying to say is absolutely irrelevant.

But instead of just letting me have my opinion on when a course should take place y’all talking about shit nobody brought up except @CAP 3.0 and @Sony Montana

Niggas ARGUING me up and down calling me conservative and antiqued over saying the 7th grade

Do fucking better
Dwayne Westbrook with the triple down!


Go off my nigga, go off
@CAP 3.0 @BlackRain @HellCzar and whoever else

Still lying about what the hell I been saying the whole time in the thread.

Sex education should start at home and be introduced as a class in 7th grade

All that other shit y’all trying to say is absolutely irrelevant.

But instead of just letting me have my opinion on when a course should take place y’all talking about shit nobody brought up except @CAP 3.0 and @Sony Montana

Niggas ARGUING me up and down calling me conservative and antiqued over saying the 7th grade

Do fucking better

If you can point out when I called you conservative then go ahead. If not then your lack of comprehension has only gotten worse.
If you can point out when I called you conservative then go ahead. If not then your lack of comprehension has only gotten worse.
You agreeing and hitting like on post stating those things is no different than you posting them yourself.

If I said it’s raining outside and you nod your head and agree with me it’s no different from you saying it yourself