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So I quit watching porn and masturbating.

I've recently started working and trying to regain income. Because I produce alot more jing now, within 2-3 days I could sense when the overactive sexual energy is flowing. What I realized since last time is action is the #1 remedy for the relapse problems, for me it's connected to money and lack there of.

So I'm heavily considering landing my career job elsewhere out of this state. I'm in a need to change my environment, it heavily influences my habits and reaction around people. One major thing I'm starting to realize too is that too much sexual energy makes you very emotionally sensitive, once I could get that under control I'll be fine.

"too much sexual energy makes you very emotionally sensitive"

This is very true and I think it played a part in last nights relapse, I felt like the stress was released I just need to get back on track and not turn it back into a habit again.
"too much sexual energy makes you very emotionally sensitive"

This is very true and I think it played a part in last nights relapse, I felt like the stress was released I just need to get back on track and not turn it back into a habit again.

It's really a catch-22, and is the reason we need to keep busy so that it trains the body to fight through it. I want to get into microcosmic orbit training so that I could learn to transmute that energy throughout my body. But I need more time, space, and money to get this done.
It's really a catch-22, and is the reason we need to keep busy so that it trains the body to fight through it. I want to get into microcosmic orbit training so that I could learn to transmute that energy throughout my body. But I need more time, space, and money to get this done.

Keep going man and let us know the results in this thread, I think my main problem right now is that when I go too long without sex or touching myself I start to feel like I am loosing touch with my dick I know it sounds strange..it feels like I should exercise him once in awhile and that's where the edging comes in sometimes.
Sexual triggers are also EVERYWHERE! As I type this there is a TV show on right now....it's a game show where all the contestants are naked and I mean some full frontal tits and pussy shit, this is what it has come to it's called "naked attraction" lol what the fuck, I am cool tho I'm just laughing at it and not even tempted to touch it.
Sexual triggers are also EVERYWHERE! As I type this there is a TV show on right now....it's a game show where all the contestants are naked and I mean some full frontal tits and pussy shit, this is what it has come to it's called "naked attraction" lol what the fuck, I am cool tho I'm just laughing at it and not even tempted to touch it.

Which is why I need to change my environment. It's built on triggering desires and doing whatever it takes to get that satisfaction.
fuck is wrong with y'all niggas where every time you see some titties or ass on screen that you feel compelled to rub one out???
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fuck is wrong with y'all niggas where every time you see some titties or ass on screen that you feel compelled to rub one out???

? There's such thing as subconscious programming. That was the purpose of the new sex industry in the 70's, control the people's sexual desires and you could further control their lives.
? There's such thing as subconscious programming. That was the purpose of the new sex industry in the 70's, control the people's sexual desires and you could further control their lives.

That still ain't an answer. If you feel an uncontrollable urge to rub one out every time you see a naked woman on a screen you got serious ass issues that ain't got shit to do with subconscious programming or any other bullshit like that. You gotta remember, I grew up in the 70's and 80's, a time where damned near every movie had a nude scene in it. Shit that didn't even need a nude scene had a nude scene... Like Jaws; you had a naked woman running across the beach within 1 minute of the beginning of the movie.

^^^ Shit was common in damned near everything. We grew up lookin at titties and ass all over the place and I don't know a soul my age that feels the urge to break out with the KY whenever they see some tits and ass.
I dont have an issue with resisting the urge to jack off though. I see triggers and everything all the time. It will rev me up, but I have no issue with just not doing it lol.

Fact is you still have the urge when you see a naked woman. Fuck kinda shit is this? This shit is a foreign concept not just to me, but to a great deal of civilized adult humans. You could never spend time at a regular ass beach overseas in many countries in Europe as women over there have no issue being topless on the beach. It's pretty much the norm and nobody bats an eye at the shit.

It's called being a mature adult and not having the mentality of a 7th grader sneaking through Daddy's titty magazines.

The resort the wife and I used to go to in Cancun is the only legit topless resort over there; Temptations Spa Resort, formerly known as Blue Bay Getaway. Folks are always out at the pools or any of the outdoor bars, drinks in hand, choppin it up with chicks with their titties out like it ain't shit. Plenty of times we were sittin in the pool or laid out on the lounge chairs and the chick or chicks next to us or talking to us within a group were just there with titties hanging. And the entertainment crew could have us all butt ass naked doing shit like playing naked tequila volleyball, sex positions games, or anything like that and it's just fun for everyone there. Let y'all niggas tell it y'all would be out there sweatin bullets "resisting the urge" to whip it out and rub one out where you stand just being in a place like that. But if you were sexually mature it's nothing; it's a naked body and while a nice pair of tits or ass is great to look at its still not a reason to jack off.
That still ain't an answer. If you feel an uncontrollable urge to rub one out every time you see a naked woman on a screen you got serious ass issues that ain't got shit to do with subconscious programming or any other bullshit like that. You gotta remember, I grew up in the 70's and 80's, a time where damned near every movie had a nude scene in it. Shit that didn't even need a nude scene had a nude scene... Like Jaws; you had a naked woman running across the beach within 1 minute of the beginning of the movie.

^^^ Shit was common in damned near everything. We grew up lookin at titties and ass all over the place and I don't know a soul my age that feels the urge to break out with the KY whenever they see some tits and ass.

I said this before (if not here, on IC), your experience is different from others. Stop comparing. I'm reading what you're saying and sounds like your pointing fingers like "this mofo jerks off just looking at naked women all day, this nigga is not mature". If you didn't grow up looking at porn mags or videos, congrats. Everybody didn't have that opportunity. What I and @Preach2Teach look to accomplish here is to inspire those who have developed a habit and am looking to break out of it. That's all.
Fact is you still have the urge when you see a naked woman. Fuck kinda shit is this? This shit is a foreign concept not just to me, but to a great deal of civilized adult humans. You could never spend time at a regular ass beach overseas in many countries in Europe as women over there have no issue being topless on the beach. It's pretty much the norm and nobody bats an eye at the shit.

It's called being a mature adult and not having the mentality of a 7th grader sneaking through Daddy's titty magazines.

The resort the wife and I used to go to in Cancun is the only legit topless resort over there; Temptations Spa Resort, formerly known as Blue Bay Getaway. Folks are always out at the pools or any of the outdoor bars, drinks in hand, choppin it up with chicks with their titties out like it ain't shit. Plenty of times we were sittin in the pool or laid out on the lounge chairs and the chick or chicks next to us or talking to us within a group were just there with titties hanging. And the entertainment crew could have us all butt ass naked doing shit like playing naked tequila volleyball, sex positions games, or anything like that and it's just fun for everyone there. Let y'all niggas tell it y'all would be out there sweatin bullets "resisting the urge" to whip it out and rub one out where you stand just being in a place like that. But if you were sexually mature it's nothing; it's a naked body and while a nice pair of tits or ass is great to look at its still not a reason to jack off.
I have to agree. Sexual maturity is an attribute we shall all contain.
I have to agree. Sexual maturity is an attribute we shall all contain.

Ok and I agree too. Maybe I'm not getting the tone he's coming from. But to assume my sexual maturity as well as anyone else's on here is an insult. I'm not here to make excuses about my issues or problems, but I'm also not here to prejudge on another's condition and take it for face value.
I said this before (if not here, on IC), your experience is different from others. Stop comparing. I'm reading what you're saying and sounds like your pointing fingers like "this mofo jerks off just looking at naked women all day, this nigga is not mature". If you didn't grow up looking at porn mags or videos, congrats. Everybody didn't have that opportunity. What I and @Preach2Teach look to accomplish here is to inspire those who have developed a habit and am looking to break out of it. That's all.

Bruh... Growing up we had porn. In the 70's it was magazines unless someone had an 8mm projector and was willing to sneak their parents reels out and risk setting up those noisy ass cheap projectors. In the 80's we had Skinemax, late night HBO, and Showtime. Plus a lot of cats found their parent's secret VHS or Beta tape loaded with porn on it. All of that in addition to magazines that ranged from Playboy to straight up hardcore porn. By the time I hit the 7th grade I had a collection of over 20 skin magazines that I would regularly take to school and trade with the rest of the fellas. My prized possession back then was the Penthouse that Vanessa Williams lost her crown over. By the 10th grade I had two 3hr Beta tapes full of porn as well. Again, we used to pass 'em around all the time.

Nah b, porn itself ain't the issue. This IS a maturity issue. Like I said, I've regularly gone to a topless resort and nobody there acts like live, bare titties=time to rub one out. It ain't like that at all. Everybody there is pissy drunk but ain't nobody jackin off at the pool. If you grew up in parts of Europe where topless sunbathing is the norm you ain't acting like that either. There are place there where co-ed showers and locker rooms in gym facilities are the norm and nobody cares when a naked woman walks by or stands in the shower stall next to you. If you're ever in Berlin and are invited by locals to hang out at a spa, full nudity is required... And nobody gives a shit, and that's how it should be. There's places over there where public nudity is completely legal (again, Berlin is one such a place) and while some may raise an eyebrow to a chick shopping butt ass naked ain't nobody finna run to cover her up or call the cops.

This all comes back to you... The cats that feel this uncontrollable urge to fap whenever a naked woman or even the hint of a naked woman is presented to you in whatever form that takes have issues that are completely outside the scope of a healthy attitude towards nakedness. It's beyond even the totality of America's borderline puritanical attitude towards nakedness and sexuality, which is completely unhealthy but y'all are even worse than that.
Ok and I agree too. Maybe I'm not getting the tone he's coming from. But to assume my sexual maturity as well as anyone else's on here is an insult. I'm not here to make excuses about my issues or problems, but I'm also not here to prejudge on another's condition and take it for face value.
I agree. Prejudgement is not an attribute we shall contain nor nor continue.
Bruh... Growing up we had porn. In the 70's it was magazines unless someone had an 8mm projector and was willing to sneak their parents reels out and risk setting up those noisy ass cheap projectors. In the 80's we had Skinemax, late night HBO, and Showtime. Plus a lot of cats found their parent's secret VHS or Beta tape loaded with porn on it. All of that in addition to magazines that ranged from Playboy to straight up hardcore porn. By the time I hit the 7th grade I had a collection of over 20 skin magazines that I would regularly take to school and trade with the rest of the fellas. My prized possession back then was the Penthouse that Vanessa Williams lost her crown over. By the 10th grade I had two 3hr Beta tapes full of porn as well. Again, we used to pass 'em around all the time.

Nah b, porn itself ain't the issue. This IS a maturity issue. Like I said, I've regularly gone to a topless resort and nobody there acts like live, bare titties=time to rub one out. It ain't like that at all. Everybody there is pissy drunk but ain't nobody jackin off at the pool. If you grew up in parts of Europe where topless sunbathing is the norm you ain't acting like that either. There are place there where co-ed showers and locker rooms in gym facilities are the norm and nobody cares when a naked woman walks by or stands in the shower stall next to you. If you're ever in Berlin and are invited by locals to hang out at a spa, full nudity is required... And nobody gives a shit, and that's how it should be. There's places over there where public nudity is completely legal (again, Berlin is one such a place) and while some may raise an eyebrow to a chick shopping butt ass naked ain't nobody finna run to cover her up or call the cops.

This all comes back to you... The cats that feel this uncontrollable urge to fap whenever a naked woman or even the hint of a naked woman is presented to you in whatever form that takes have issues that are completely outside the scope of a healthy attitude towards nakedness. It's beyond even the totality of America's borderline puritanical attitude towards nakedness and sexuality, which is completely unhealthy but y'all are even worse than that.

So you're saying I can't control myself around naked women?