Well, not everyone is monogamous so the question goes for poly people too.What's the question then?
If I'm fuckin a bitch does that count as not being single?
Single doesn't have to = celibate.
My view tho: If you n the "bitch" u r fucking r spending a lot of time together n developing a bond alongside fucking, then nah. You're not single as far as being on ur own. Ur single only in the sense of not being titled or 'claimed'. If it walks like a duck n talks like a duck, I would say u r just in a non-committal relationship.
If u fuck from time to time n nothing else, then yeah you're single. It's a step above masturbation essentially. Just sex.
It's subjective tho, I was letting ppl define single for themselves cuz it'd turn into a discussion on semantics. My question was in relation to being romantically on your own.