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Single people: is ending up with someone important to you?

What's the question then?

If I'm fuckin a bitch does that count as not being single?
Well, not everyone is monogamous so the question goes for poly people too.

Single doesn't have to = celibate.

My view tho: If you n the "bitch" u r fucking r spending a lot of time together n developing a bond alongside fucking, then nah. You're not single as far as being on ur own. Ur single only in the sense of not being titled or 'claimed'. If it walks like a duck n talks like a duck, I would say u r just in a non-committal relationship.

If u fuck from time to time n nothing else, then yeah you're single. It's a step above masturbation essentially. Just sex.

It's subjective tho, I was letting ppl define single for themselves cuz it'd turn into a discussion on semantics. My question was in relation to being romantically on your own.
I get what you're saying, but as far as the topic in the OP, what would be your answer? Could you live the rest of your life without being in an exclusive relationship with a woman?

No. I would not want to live my life without some form of exclusive relationship/companionship from a woman, whether that relationship lasts a month or the rest of my lifetime.
On this matter specifically? I've met a few with a nature based view on romantic partnership being essential for true happiness.

I've never met anyone with my perspective on pretty much anything. If you ever got to know me there would most likely be no one I remind you of.
I grew up an only child. Even my siblings I didn't get tight with till adult hood....

As much as I love my wife, I'm more used to being single. She's pretty much the only serious relationship I've ever had.... And if for any reason we spilt up,, I'd prolly opt to be single going forward...

I can't imagine wanting another relationship if this one don't work out. Especially when I was so used to being single before
So that means Lady du would be available then right

I'd rather have someone I could ultimately confide in and someone to lean on just to vent and be open. I want them to know I'll always hold them down no matter what though I'm single now and have been for a while so I have no problem being by myself. If I meet someone I really connect with and we're able to see talk seriously about starting something I'm all for it.
Not in no hurry obviously seeing I'm on year 7 of celibacy.
Would like to eventually find my S/O to spend the rest of my days with not in no hurry tho..
I have a lot of love to give and have no problem showing my man wot he is to me...
Plus he betta be ready cos I have YEARS OF MAKE-UP SEX TO HAVE...
Ima answer my own thread. As long as I have quality people and love in my life, I'm good. Doesn't have to be romantic.