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Shooting Your Shot Fails.......... Let's talk about them

Back in '96 me and the crew used to hit up BW3's (Buffalo Wild Wings everywhere else) on their wing night religiously. Most of the time we'd holler at hoes, drink, and shoot pool after we're done with the wings. I remember one night in particular we were sittin off eatin wings and drinking when my boy spotted these two chicks heading our direction behind me. One was fine as shit, the other was this cute semi-nerdy lookin chick. They were looking for a table and my boy waved 'em over and said they could sit with us. Since my boy saw the fine broad first he called dibs on her and I played wingman and hollered at the nerdy chick. We all at the table gettin familiar and shit and the liquor hit me so the jokes started flowing. I had the chicks in tears with one-liners and stories about shit we've done and alladat. We asked the chicks if they played pool and had 'em come over to the tables with us. Convo was good, I had ole girl feelin me and they stuck by us for the rest of the night. We were heading out saying out goodbyes and all and I got the digits from the nerdy chick. I waited a day before calling her and we kicked it for a while on the phone and actually set up a date for the following weekend. She had to get off the phone right quick and told me to call her back in 15 minutes. I called back 20 or so minutes later and he whole demeanor had switched up on me. It went from friendly and all to irritated and annoyed. Sensing something was wrong I told her I'd call her up later that evening just to let whatever it was pass and we could get back on track. I called later that evening and got the following message:

*three tones* "The number xxx-xxxx has blocked your phone number from calling."


I called back again and the same shit happened. My boy had pulled up 'cause we were about to hit downtown and Belle Isle that night. I told him what was up and he looked confused as hell. I asked to use his cellphone to call her up and when she answered I was like "what's up? I tried to call and it said my number was blocked". She went on a rant about how she blocked my number and it's obvious she didn't want to talk to me anymore and not to call her ever again, then she hung up. I called her back only to find my boy's cell number blocked.

I was confused as shit. everything was going in the right direction but this broad flipped on me and blocked not just my number but my boy's number as well. Had to shrug it off and let it go. We hit up The Rock that night and I ended up with a naked broad grinding on me in front of everyone so that kinda made up for it.

Never saw ole girl ever again either.
Du's story reminded me of this shit that happened back in '90.

I was 18 when this happened. The summer after High School I worked at the biggest, most well known car audio chain in Detroit. Even though we only got paid $4.25/hr plus commission, working there was basically rockstar status in the hood. Once anybody knew you worked there you were automatically "that dude". Anyways, I worked at the store down on Warren Ave and the Southfield Freeway. Because of it's proximity to Dearborn and SW Detroit I got a shitload of drug dealers and paid as fuck Chaldeans as customers and damned near every one of them had fine ass chicks on their arm. Back then the sales staff had to dress up for work; either a company polo or a button up, dress pants or khaki's and a decent pair of shoes so every day I was in my OakTree/Chess King fits with some dress shoes lookin like I got a lil money and I used to pull numbers outta there left and right with ease.

My boss at the time was one of the owner's brothers, cool ass older Chaldean cat named Gary. One day we're both up front shootin the shit with one of our installers since he wasn't busy at the moment, cat from Chicago named Smokey Mac. This fine as fuck broad comes in the door by herself. Flawless dark brown skin, hair and nails done, no makeup other than lipstick on, D/DD cup titties, tiny waist, ass lookin like two basketballs stuffed in her mini dress. She comes over to the counter like "I think I need a new radio, can one of y'all come look?" This nigga Smokey all in on her and he's like "Sure baby, I'll come look at it... " and Gary stops him like "Koncept... go ahead and check it out", grinnin the whole time. Mac was pissed and me saying "aye bruh, you know that my job" didn't make it any better. So I go outside and she's got a bright red ASC McLaren Mustang convertible sittin on some shiny ass Wheel Concepts Hammers. I take a look at it, comment on the car 'cause McLaren 'stangs are pretty rare, and chop it up with her. Turns out there's a tape stuck in her deck and I couldn't get it out so I told her I'd have to charge are $20 to have an installer pull the radio and try to get it out. I got the keys and walked back in and told Mac to pull it in and try to get the tape out the radio and he did. Told her she could wait in the waiting area or look around in the showroom at another radio. I wasn't trying to sweat ole girl 'cause i knew she got that kind of attention all day long and I just KNEW she had a man so it was probably pointless for me to even shoot my shot, but still I wanted to... I just had to find the right angle to come at her. While I was writing up the ticket Gary's like "so did you holler at her? Koncept she's fine as hell... if I wasn't married I'd be over there right now trying to holler." I told him ain't no way she's single and was like I ain't trying to be the 50th dude trying to holler today just to get shot down so I played it safe.

Anyways, Mac comes out and says he couldn't get the tape out and showed her just how bad it was so now she needs a new radio. I'm showing her radios in the showroom and all that cracking jokes and shit to get her purse strings loosened up and we ended up actually vibing. Shit was going well and I ended up selling her a high end Kenwood deck. While she was waiting for it to be installed I walked over by the waiting area to grab a can of pop out the vending machine. On the way back she stopped me and asked how come I haven't tried to holler at her like every other dude and I told her "'cause I'm not trying to be that guy... I know every dude you meet is trying to holler at you, dudes that's got more money or has influence in the City done tried to holler at you... prolly before you got here. I'm just a salesman, and if dudes with better jobs or drug dealers couldn't get the number, I really don't have a chance so my best bet is to keep it cordial, keep it professional and leave it like that".

... now... for those of you that haven't figured it out, this was me actually factually shooting my shot. The baddest chick I've seen in my life up to that point is sittin in front of me flat out asking me why I haven't tried to holler and I STILL haven't tried to get the digits is all part of the master plan. Play it off, keep it light, and eventually she'll come to me with it... And the shit was working beautifully. I knew it was just a matter of time before she insisted that I take her number and call her and the shit was working like a charm. So we sat there kicking it some more just talking the usual "where you live?", "what do you do?"... lil shit like that gettin her to feed into the shit even more. About a half hour goes by and Mac finally comes back up front with the keys and hands 'em to me. We go out to the car and both get in and I'm showing her how to do shit on the radio and she's like "you know... This could be us this weekend... You want to go out?" On the inside I was jumping up and down screaming "YES... FUCK YEAH IT WORKED!!!" but on the outside I was like "Yeah... That's sounds cool. I get off at 7 on Saturday" so we go back in and I give Gary and Mac "the look" tellin' em "I got this y'all" and she pays for the radio and I give her the receipt. She gives me a hug and was like "Oh, can you come out and show me one more thing?" and I 'm like "sure, lets go" and walk out behind her, lookin over my shoulder at Gary and Mac like "you know it".

We get outside and she's all close up on me and shit talkin some good shit like she appreciates me for not hollerin like that and everything. Then she's like "Why don't I come over to your place when you get off tonight?". Now I realize I'm fucked. I can't have her come by the crib 'cause I'm still living at home with my moms and sisters so I gotta finesse this shit just right and I tell her "Damn... I have a gig tonight up in Flint so I'm not gonna be in until late, if I even come back. Might chill with my peoples up there and drive back in the morning". She bought that, crisis averted for now. Then she says "drive back... Oh, so which car is yours?" looking out at the parking lot. I told her my car isn't there, it's in the shop and I have to borrow my moms ride to go to Flint.

"uh... huh..."

Then she hit me with it: "so, how old are you?"

"Does it really matter?"
"Yeah it kinda does"
"I don't think it really matters, what matters is that we connected and like each other's company"
"uh huh... how old are you?"

I paused for a moment... "Aiight... I'm 18".

She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh with "oh my god!". She shook her head and said "Baby i'm 25, you're just too young for me to be going out with you. You don't have a car, do you? and lemme guess, you live at home with your parents?" I told her she was right on both parts, but then tried to switch it up like "But you gotta admit you was feelin a bruh though, of all the dudes that spit game at you the one cat you're really feelin is me. That should tell you shit is right.". I made my case for about 5 minutes in the parking lot, even looked like I was swinging her to give it a shot but she came back to her senses and told me "... I can't even have a drink with you... maybe in a few years", gave me a kiss on the cheek, thanked me for the radio, and got in the ride and drove off.

I went back in and Gary was like "About time, did you fuck her in the parking lot or something" and laughed. Mac came at me like "I know you got the number, so when y'all goin out?"

"I did't get it, she said I was too young".
"Why ain't you lie about your age, you 'posta lie about your age"

I didn't even have a real answer. Them dudes clowned the fuck outta me for fuckin that shit up for the rest of the day. They told the other installer when he finally got done with his car and dude just shook his head and went back out to the garage.

As soon as she asked if she could come over to your crib...she was testing you. Which is why she followed that up with asking you about the car.

Two main things some women will ask, just to see if that guy has his shyt together. Lol
Back in '96 me and the crew used to hit up BW3's (Buffalo Wild Wings everywhere else) on their wing night religiously. Most of the time we'd holler at hoes, drink, and shoot pool after we're done with the wings. I remember one night in particular we were sittin off eatin wings and drinking when my boy spotted these two chicks heading our direction behind me. One was fine as shit, the other was this cute semi-nerdy lookin chick. They were looking for a table and my boy waved 'em over and said they could sit with us. Since my boy saw the fine broad first he called dibs on her and I played wingman and hollered at the nerdy chick. We all at the table gettin familiar and shit and the liquor hit me so the jokes started flowing. I had the chicks in tears with one-liners and stories about shit we've done and alladat. We asked the chicks if they played pool and had 'em come over to the tables with us. Convo was good, I had ole girl feelin me and they stuck by us for the rest of the night. We were heading out saying out goodbyes and all and I got the digits from the nerdy chick. I waited a day before calling her and we kicked it for a while on the phone and actually set up a date for the following weekend. She had to get off the phone right quick and told me to call her back in 15 minutes. I called back 20 or so minutes later and he whole demeanor had switched up on me. It went from friendly and all to irritated and annoyed. Sensing something was wrong I told her I'd call her up later that evening just to let whatever it was pass and we could get back on track. I called later that evening and got the following message:

*three tones* "The number xxx-xxxx has blocked your phone number from calling."


I called back again and the same shit happened. My boy had pulled up 'cause we were about to hit downtown and Belle Isle that night. I told him what was up and he looked confused as hell. I asked to use his cellphone to call her up and when she answered I was like "what's up? I tried to call and it said my number was blocked". She went on a rant about how she blocked my number and it's obvious she didn't want to talk to me anymore and not to call her ever again, then she hung up. I called her back only to find my boy's cell number blocked.

I was confused as shit. everything was going in the right direction but this broad flipped on me and blocked not just my number but my boy's number as well. Had to shrug it off and let it go. We hit up The Rock that night and I ended up with a naked broad grinding on me in front of everyone so that kinda made up for it.

Never saw ole girl ever again either.

Bruh...consider yourself lucky on this one. Ole got mental issues apparently. So she did you a favor.
As soon as she asked if she could come over to your crib...she was testing you. Which is why she followed that up with asking you about the car.

Two main things some women will ask, just to see if that guy has his shyt together. Lol

Bruh, I was 18 at the time, literally a full month out of high school. My understanding of game was solid but not as on point as it became later down the line. No way was I picking up on that shit right then, I was just geeked the shit fell in line like it did. I just knew I was going back in the shop with the digits.

A coupla years later and I would have been able to out maneuver that shit.
Bruh, I was 18 at the time, literally a full month out of high school. My understanding of game was solid but not as on point as it became later down the line. No way was I picking up on that shit right then, I was just geeked the shit fell in line like it did. I just knew I was going back in the shop with the digits.

A coupla years later and I would have been able to out maneuver that shit.

Hardly any brotha at that age would've picked up on that. Lol
Back in '96 me and the crew used to hit up BW3's (Buffalo Wild Wings everywhere else) on their wing night religiously. Most of the time we'd holler at hoes, drink, and shoot pool after we're done with the wings. I remember one night in particular we were sittin off eatin wings and drinking when my boy spotted these two chicks heading our direction behind me. One was fine as shit, the other was this cute semi-nerdy lookin chick. They were looking for a table and my boy waved 'em over and said they could sit with us. Since my boy saw the fine broad first he called dibs on her and I played wingman and hollered at the nerdy chick. We all at the table gettin familiar and shit and the liquor hit me so the jokes started flowing. I had the chicks in tears with one-liners and stories about shit we've done and alladat. We asked the chicks if they played pool and had 'em come over to the tables with us. Convo was good, I had ole girl feelin me and they stuck by us for the rest of the night. We were heading out saying out goodbyes and all and I got the digits from the nerdy chick. I waited a day before calling her and we kicked it for a while on the phone and actually set up a date for the following weekend. She had to get off the phone right quick and told me to call her back in 15 minutes. I called back 20 or so minutes later and he whole demeanor had switched up on me. It went from friendly and all to irritated and annoyed. Sensing something was wrong I told her I'd call her up later that evening just to let whatever it was pass and we could get back on track. I called later that evening and got the following message:

*three tones* "The number xxx-xxxx has blocked your phone number from calling."


I called back again and the same shit happened. My boy had pulled up 'cause we were about to hit downtown and Belle Isle that night. I told him what was up and he looked confused as hell. I asked to use his cellphone to call her up and when she answered I was like "what's up? I tried to call and it said my number was blocked". She went on a rant about how she blocked my number and it's obvious she didn't want to talk to me anymore and not to call her ever again, then she hung up. I called her back only to find my boy's cell number blocked.

I was confused as shit. everything was going in the right direction but this broad flipped on me and blocked not just my number but my boy's number as well. Had to shrug it off and let it go. We hit up The Rock that night and I ended up with a naked broad grinding on me in front of everyone so that kinda made up for it.

Never saw ole girl ever again either.
Facts, I ain't reading that shit b