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Shooting Your Shot Fails.......... Let's talk about them

oh that "mean girl" I was talking about I switched schools for, did start iming me again after I made my own friends and had a girlfriend though.....she tried to finessee me into driving to her house and bringing her gifts to put in her physical mail box.....she was like I might of had the wrong impression of you at first, I was like yeah I had the wrong impression of you too........the dumbass ass didn't get it and later on asked if i got her address wrong.......she wasn't shit anyways...........i might of been young but i wasnt buying her a damn thing I knew the game by then
Wait Nuh. I know you are in a great relationship now but when you were single you expected a man to drop everything just to date you? Ok I can understand that at the point we are in a committed relationship that involves intimacy I should cease being that way with others but at the dating stage? Sisters that is too much to ask.
yes. rather not date than date a guy who is also dating other women. I don't mind my own company so it's worth not being out there like that.
Also, @BNE it was just a hand on the leg. She could have let me leave it there. She is/and was super religious but she was not a virgin at the time.
I get it though. would you have put your hand on the leg of your male homies? if she didn't want to explore dating while you were seeing other women, you should've approached it platonically which excludes gestures on resting your hand on her lower thigh or w/e.

removing your hand and giving you a cold look isn't too bad though. that wasn't a big deal for either of y'all.
I tried talking this girl that was with her 2 friends I approached and introduced myself they ignored me like I wasn't there. Then I just said "have a good night" and left. That was the longest walk back to my car.
I legit dont remember any heartbreaking fails.

I shoot my shot all the damn time and more than half the time i get a "im married/in a relationship" type response meaning I fail a lot.

But im that dude that could be out grocery shopping, see a chick I like and if she all by herself im over there introducing myself asking if she wants to grab a coffee.

So I take a lot of Ls.

Just dont have any that stick out like that.
I tried talking this girl that was with her 2 friends I approached and introduced myself they ignored me like I wasn't there. Then I just said "have a good night" and left. That was the longest walk back to my car.
Lol..my nigga tried to save face by saying have a good night..that shit is the worse..trying not to be “that nigga”

I was in college in the hallway between classses and told a bitch hi. She ignored me for a second then said hi. Told my white classmate I was bout to call her a bitch for not saying hi back

He said why, do you know her?

I was like

I never thought about it like that
I legit dont remember any heartbreaking fails.

I shoot my shot all the damn time and more than half the time i get a "im married/in a relationship" type response meaning I fail a lot.

But im that dude that could be out grocery shopping, see a chick I like and if she all by herself im over there introducing myself asking if she wants to grab a coffee.

So I take a lot of Ls.

Just dont have any that stick out like that.
I have many friends that are like that, I don't know how they do it. lol but much respect for the confidence
yes. rather not date than date a guy who is also dating other women. I don't mind my own company so it's worth not being out there like that.

I get it though. would you have put your hand on the leg of your male homies? if she didn't want to explore dating while you were seeing other women, you should've approached it platonically which excludes gestures on resting your hand on her lower thigh or w/e.

removing your hand and giving you a cold look isn't too bad though. that wasn't a big deal for either of y'all.
Ok. I don’t do a lot of things for my male homies that we did and again everyone says we should have been dating and we did dating things. I made it very clear of my intentions and I guess she made it very clear of hers. Like I said we are still good friends and she denies it ever happened that way. But if only she would have left that hand who knows where it would have lead. My wife and I never went to the movies as friends but we did a lot of stuff together and I am sure she would have left my hand.( yeah I have an issue ) lol. For the record said friend is still single and never got married. She is beautiful but her standards for starting and remaining in a relationship may be too high.
How many chances do you guys think let go down the drain just because of the rejection factor? I forget what class it was, I just remember there was this asian chick........im talking fine.......built ......but she never talked to anyone.....we were always the first in class for like 10 mins she sat right next to me and would always look over and smile, I know we could of atleast been friends.....but my shy dumbass didn't even try, i would put my head down on the desk and pretend to take a nap or pretend to be reading :( I need a time machine
Ok. I don’t do a lot of things for my male homies that we did and again everyone says we should have been dating and we did dating things. I made it very clear of my intentions and I guess she made it very clear of hers. Like I said we are still good friends and she denies it ever happened that way. But if only she would have left that hand who knows where it would have lead. My wife and I never went to the movies as friends but we did a lot of stuff together and I am sure she would have left my hand.( yeah I have an issue ) lol. For the record said friend is still single and never got married. She is beautiful but her standards for starting and remaining in a relationship may be too high.
I don't think her standards for starting a relationship are too high if you're using "cannot be dating other people while dating me" as an example. I've never had trouble with that. My pool might be smaller but I'm happy with that.
I don't think her standards for starting a relationship are too high if you're using "cannot be dating other people while dating me" as an example. I've never had trouble with that. My pool might be smaller but I'm happy with that.
But there is a big difference between standards for dating/courting and standards for a relationship. I think those are 2 different places. She doesn’t give a person a chance because she expects a man to be completely free from the start of courting. At least I was honest with her and told her up front. I also told her that if we started dating and things progressed it would be easy to get rid of anyone else but she wanted it too soon.
But there is a big difference between standards for dating/courting and standards for a relationship. I think those are 2 different places. She doesn’t give a person a chance because she expects a man to be completely free from the start of courting. At least I was honest with her and told her up front. I also told her that if we started dating and things progressed it would be easy to get rid of anyone else but she wanted it too soon.
"too soon" is subjective. y'all didn't align on that. that's not a bad thign, just means you didn't match.
I got picked off one time....that shit bernt like a muthafugga jack

Im at the park and this fine lil caramel comes walking thru....I think she spoke so I jump up and start walking with her on the lil bike trail

we shootin the shit yadda yadda and we've migrated out of the park now.....im like shit we can go chill or whatever she's like cool so we set out to mama's crib (lol).....get on the main strip and a couple blocks down 2 dudes in a red buick pull up on us and call her over

she went over there, I couldnt hear shit they was saying.....all of a sudden she jumps in and they pull off....bitch didnt look up at all but they made sure to grill me

I got picked off one time....that shit bernt like a muthafugga jack

Im at the park and this fine lil caramel comes walking thru....I think she spoke so I jump up and start walking with her on the lil bike trail

we shootin the shit yadda yadda and we've migrated out of the park now.....im like shit we can go chill or whatever she's like cool so we set out to mama's crib (lol).....get on the main strip and a couple blocks down 2 dudes in a red buick pull up on us and call her over

she went over there, I couldnt hear shit they was saying.....all of a sudden she jumps in and they pull off....bitch didnt look up at all but they made sure to grill me

that might of been karla and her brothers from next friday vs 2
May all of these chicks that turn yall down are working at Burger King now
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I remember I was in Wal-Mart with my cousin. As she's lookin around, I'm standing at the end of an isle and see this thick, chocolate cashier standing in front of her register waiting for customers.

Thinking back...it probably came off as creepish, but I couldn't stop staring at her. She makes eye contact and smiles back as she's waiting. So now the whole time, I'm tryin to muster the courage to approach her and make small talk (only b/c I know she's working).

Cousin got what she needs and just so happens we end up at ole girl register...

So now we at her register, and while she's ringing her stuff up, I'm STILL trying to muster the courage to speak. Something...ANYTHING...not even a simple hello. Hell her name was on her badge, but my brain pulled a Draymond and shutdown like...


Finally snapped outta it, but we was already walking away. My cousin sees lookin back and was like "Did you want me to go get her number?" B4 I could respond, she done walked back, and got her number for me.

I kinda felt stupid b/c at that time, I lacked the real nigga molecules to shoot my own shot. Naw...I needed an assist. Smh...nonethless...I got the digits! And what did I do with that number...NOTHING!!!

My dumbazzz was too shook to even call her azzz. The couple times I went back, I didn't see her. I assumed she quit or got fired. Last time I saw see her was in the mall pushing a baby stroller...
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sometimes all you got to do is get a different type hair cut and dress diff also........same bitch that used to bully me after i lost my mr bean hair cut and had a fade and used some gel in in my hair would always walk past my desk and pat my spikes gentley.....and ask to wear my yellow nautica coat in the classes we were in cause it was cold, she left cash in my pocket once i got home and spent that shit i thought it was the toothfairy........she asked me about it , i was honest and she didnt care.........i should have got her number
wait i'm remember another female that curved me......and this was back in like 2001 or something.....a few laters she was on like a major channel doing a reality show........all these bad chicks fighting for love to get married to a midget dude.........thats another time I knew bitches ain't shit I laughed so hard when I seen her on that shit though.......anything for fame for them type of hoes
Man... I just took one a few weeks back.

Bad white girl in one of my classes. Finally decided to hit her up because she’s super nice to me all the time.

All she said “ I only date white guys”... dawg shit pissed me off lol