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NSFW Sheesh your sister doing Onlyfans and everybody at your school knows

Lol. Reminds me when my sister stayed out all night the first time. My mom was up waiting with a boot to beat her ass. Watched my mom legit hide behind the basement door when she was unlocking the front door. Sis came in while I was watching my Saturday cartoons. She thought it was sweet till mom popped out on that ass. Beatdown was fast and furious. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

bruuuuuuuuuh!!! That visual!!!!
Lol. Reminds me when my sister stayed out all night the first time. My mom was up waiting with a boot to beat her ass. Watched my mom legit hide behind the basement door when she was unlocking the front door. Sis came in while I was watching my Saturday cartoons. She thought it was sweet till mom popped out on that ass. Beatdown was fast and furious. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol. Reminds me when my sister stayed out all night the first time. My mom was up waiting with a boot to beat her ass. Watched my mom legit hide behind the basement door when she was unlocking the front door. Sis came in while I was watching my Saturday cartoons. She thought it was sweet till mom popped out on that ass. Beatdown was fast and furious. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
bruuuuuuuuuh!!! That visual!!!!
I immediately thought of this eps


You was right there with everybody else lookin’ at that girl’s pics in the Candy Shop.

Cut it out.
Speak for yourself.

I don't look down on muhfuckas who take a peak in the Candy Shop, but I haven't been to that thread.

Stop that shit fam. Don't lie on my eyes.
Sex Positive shameless society.

Fuck Amerikkka yo.. Whore of Babylon the Great
Nothing new under the sun frfr

I gotta get the hell out
Promise Land calling me mane.

When the time comes....

Will you let the dead bury the dead?

I damn sure will
Sex Positive shameless society.

Fuck Amerikkka yo.. Whore of Babylon the Great
Nothing new under the sun frfr

I gotta get the hell out
Promise Land calling me mane.

When the time comes....

Will you let the dead bury the dead?

I damn sure will

You acting a little sanctimonious for the guy who captioned a creepset pic he took as "so much college ass"
Whole ass clown to take that the way you did.

Am I whoring? No.

Am I championing whoredom? Fuck no.

Bullshit ass premise.

Out here trying to make casserole out of lettuce.