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Sexual abuse in the black community thread.

props to everyone who has shared something

my heart goes out to you all

i think you are dope af and super brave for being at a place in your life where you can talk about what has happened to you, even if its in bits and pieces. That is always better than just suppressing it.
Bump this thread. @konceptjones stated we don’t talk about boys who get abused I don’t think we need a separate thread tho.

For boys and later men who get abused by women at young ages it’s not talked about because a lot of people think boys always want sex and that they can’t be forced or coerced by a woman. Like thinking it’s a rite of passage and jokes. If we as men don’t take it serious we’re not going to have any real conversation in it
Why as a whole do we not discuss sex abuse in the community like we should? Our kids are a lot of the missing victims used in sex trafficking boys and girls? We have millions of adults dealing with sexually related trauma that spills over into different aspects of their lives? We are also socially conservative through culture and religion could that be a reason we don’t like addressing these things until it made public? How do we change this for the long term?
Yea I'm at work I cant do this right now lol. I'll be in here tomorrow. If not, definitely this weekend.
I definitely missed this thread, but I would have shared.

I was molested by a family member @ like 4-5

Shit low-key fucked me up....I had crazy sexual anxiety.

Didn't lose my virginity till I was 20 simply because I was never comfortable in sexual situations. It took alcohol and weed forreal for me to find my comfort level.

I been with my wife for the last 12 years, so I'm completely comfortable with her now.... But shit was a mess before her.

I can't tell you many times chicks literally asked me why was I sweating or my heart beating so hard whenever I was alone with them.

It was impossible to talk about it, cuz most dudes would laugh their ass off an say I was scared of pussy. I heard that shit like my whole teenage and young adult life....

Even after I started having sex it was few and far in between. I think by the time I met my wife and was 25...I began to get over a lot of that anxiety without using alcohol and drugs as much..... But even then it took a while to just go at it sober.

Sexual anxiety is real as fuck, and to most people it's a joke. ESPECIALLY to men. But it comes from a real place. And in my case it definitely was sexual abuse
I posted on the other thread. I'll merge them to the cool table when I wake up forreal
Thank you. I have a lot to say about this.

I really don't care about any heat I catch. and im going to be all over the place with it.

in all honesty....we have to start with respecting the hierarchy of our community. and we have to be worthy of that respect and understand our position.

a community without the men to protect it will always be preyed on.

our kids are being preyed on by outsiders and those within.

I have a problem with that.

often we focus too much on the end result and not the build up.
we try to hold males accountable then kinda give chicks a pass.

i feel we all have some blame or need to step up more in so many ways.

to say its not your problem is allowing it to grow.
pedos are like weeds. if you dont stop them...shit gets out of control.
some people dont even know what pedophilia looks like. often its celebrated.

case and point.

a movie about a man who was abused but that turned women on for some reason.

ya know....let me gather my thoughts so i can hold a more focused convo.

i have a thousand things i want to say on this......an its coming out mixed an jumbled because to hear a child talk about certain things an a male not being present to protect them only for you to walk outside a see a thousand dudes willing to protect corners.

to see mothers leaving their child with dudes they like an not worry about the safety of their child...because they like him...

im legit triggered.
I definitely missed this thread, but I would have shared.

I was molested by a family member @ like 4-5

Shit low-key fucked me up....I had crazy sexual anxiety.

Didn't lose my virginity till I was 20 simply because I was never comfortable in sexual situations. It took alcohol and weed forreal for me to find my comfort level.

I been with my wife for the last 12 years, so I'm completely comfortable with her now.... But shit was a mess before her.

I can't tell you many times chicks literally asked me why was I sweating or my heart beating so hard whenever I was alone with them.

It was impossible to talk about it, cuz most dudes would laugh their ass off an say I was scared of pussy. I heard that shit like my whole teenage and young adult life....

Even after I started having sex it was few and far in between. I think by the time I met my wife and was 25...I began to get over a lot of that anxiety without using alcohol and drugs as much..... But even then it took a while to just go at it sober.

Sexual anxiety is real as fuck, and to most people it's a joke. ESPECIALLY to men. But it comes from a real place. And in my case it definitely was sexual abuse
Crazy thing is....Them dudes may have been thru the same thing. But laughing off their fear of not speaking up.

As men we are always told to man up. With no explanation of how or why other than not looking weak.

Im glad you was able to be a husband an father in spite of what happened.

These are stories kids need to hear so they know they are not alone....Or have someone who can relate.

We overlook our boys terribly. Then wonder why lil yatchy has a platform.

Alot of angry dudes out here because they wasn't protected. So now they overly masculine.
It's a thread about the black community and dos talkin bout 50 shades.

Its pg 1 and we already off topic

That because we also talking about sexual abuse. I'm stating how it's fed to us as some form of entertainment. So it's easier to overlook.
Sexual abuse and over sexualization is a big problem in our community.

A fucking HUGE problem
Why as a whole do we not discuss sex abuse in the community like we should? Our kids are a lot of the missing victims used in sex trafficking boys and girls? We have millions of adults dealing with sexually related trauma that spills over into different aspects of their lives? We are also socially conservative through culture and religion could that be a reason we don’t like addressing these things until it made public? How do we change this for the long term?
What exactly about sex abuse should we talk about? Don’t take this as me being purposely obtuse or trying to be argumentative, because we all can agree that sexual abuse is bad.