Welcome To aBlackWeb


lol didn't even know this thread was here until @Chi-town B @ me. Preciate it

@Race Jones iono why you even put my name in this fuckery. I mostly enjoy your posts... but you just seem to get annoyed when I point out how you and @Hellczar be carrying over arguments and grudges into other threads and derailing the fuck outa them. Or when I point out when ur CLEARLY trollin niggas

Sure it gets computers putin but damn... yall be off topic like a muhfucka sometimes.

Only problem I ever had with @Hellczar was his constant shouting and talking about white genocide and all the while he waiting for someone else to do the work so he don't have to or is too scared to lol.

All that to say this.

1- Quit derailing threads/trollin so much
2 - Don't be lazy next time... if you gon mention me on some shit @ me so I can respond properly and timely.

Good day ma'am

You seen me derail like maybe one thread now relax
Like literally every other poster. Never seen anybody admit they were wrong on abw. Y’all be hypocritical

Nobody else constantly moves the goal post after being proven wrong. Only yall do that. Its your routine