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Russia Declares War on Ukraine

Ok couple of things.

they gotta get them supplies. That’s one.
Two, show me where a t14 tank was destroyed in mass.
Russia is a ground force centric military.
Are both superior to anyone but the US and maybe Germany and Israel.
You basing this off youngins with junk .

so the attrition will work against Ukraine
If the first wave is a wear em out tactic.

subs and jets …, cmon bruh
We are witnessing jabs to measure distance before a potential ko

75% of the Russian Army is in the Ukraine right now tho. My question would be, how much of that 75% is actively engaged in fighting?

Insurgencies can turn into wars of attrition too, especially when other world super powers are supplying the insurgents. Ask the US in North Vietnam about that.
A factor to consider is how Putins ego will influence his actions.
What are the chances that he'll just accept failing with Ukraine and move on?
If he's that humble this war shouldn't have started in the first place.
Nigga. You're doing it right now. You're not in the room. You're not a player in this game, otherwise, you wouldn't be on here typing all this out. You'd be too busy responding to the current crisis. You don't know what he was prepared for. And you sound goofy comparing real life to a TV show. He has a council of advisors. No one suggested he sits in an empty room plotting shit. You sound dumb.

it is actually pretty easy to figure out what world leaders want if you pay attention to the ideologies surrounding them.

There it is, right there. Reads like a checklist, doesn't it.

Hitler HAD to invade the USSR, even though it was obviously retarded, because Nazi ideology was obsessed with the idea of conquering the Slavic lands and turning them into farmland for German colonists.

Dubya HAD to invade Iraq, even though it was obviously retarded, because NeoCon ideology was obsessed with the idea of replacing Saddam Hussein with a pro-US puppet.

Putin HAD to invade Ukraine, which is starting to look SUSPICIOUSLY like a retarded idea, because Russian nationalist ideology has been obsessed with the idea that Ukraine played a key role in Russian history 1,300 years ago, therefore Ukraine is part of Russia and not a real country.

"Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning, no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness, its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics"

Its right there in that book I linked, a book that has been incredibly influential with Russian elites since the late 90s.

Putin BELIEVES this shit. How do I know? He's said it repeatedly in speeches. He said it again in the speech last Monday:

"Ukraine has never had its own authentic statehood. There has never been a sustainable statehood in Ukraine."
anyway, this is not good:


Ay its been real ABW......I'll see ya'll at the Marvin Gaye show in Thugz Mansion
But again, this is social media and that shit shows you what you want to see.

Everything posted here is Ukranian backed propaganda. Thats how these algorithms work.

If we were to see some Russian propaganda, it would be talking bout how half of Ukraine already fell.
Those numbers are for the Ukraines not to panic. Its to fool the citizens of the country that their army is control while the President is ordering men 18-60 to join and fight. If the army was in control why would the citizens have to join the war.