Road Rage ... do you have it?

Man i remember one time i was at the light shorty was in front fucking off on her phone. I gave her a whole 5 seconds to get with it. I tried to give her a courtesy beep nah that shit went a full bump. She was heated i seen every word she said through her side mirror "nigga what thee fuck!" She pulled off and flipped me off every chance she got for 2 miles. I tried to say im sorry it was a accident but she wasnt tryna hear that shit. She was pretty tho..
Mild road rage when it comes to stupid shit nothing crazy

Sometimes i dont bother beeping anymore. Been a few times some dickwad didnt notice the left green arrow so i calmly cut em off from behind n took that left while they ended up behind me or end up not making the arrow

One time a dude comin the opposite way turned left in front of me wayy too late (he didnt have right of way n he knew it) almost thought we would crash n all i seen was his middle finger as he sped on

Shit had me angry n laughing at the same time
The smart drivers know better. Im more on the look out for bicyclists and
Im in an 18 foot box truck n sit up pretty high. Crazy to see 85% drivers using their phones on the expressway during morning rush. I'd hate to be a biker.

Seen one get flipped over a car that ran a light. 2-3 weeks ago passed a closed off intersection where a biker got ran over, crushed n killed near downtown.

And we're supposed to be considered a biker friendly city.
Im in an 18 foot box truck n sit up pretty high. Crazy to see 85% drivers using their phones on the expressway during morning rush. I'd hate to be a biker.

Seen one get flipped over a car that ran a light. 2-3 weeks ago passed a closed off intersection where a biker got ran over, crushed n killed near downtown.

And we're supposed to be considered a biker friendly city.
You got a gig delivery stolen merch for the footclan?
If you cruising in the blind spots of other drivers, fuck you

Shit or get off the pot
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When I'm driving I'm cautious and considerate. My rage comes out only when people are assholes.
In regards to trucks, I never cut them off. That's dangerous.
Not normally but I just did about an hour ago. I was trying to merge (like the lane says do) and the mf was trying her hardest to not let me. It was either hit her ass or run into a pole. I got out the car and went the fuck off. WOOOOOO!
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I ride w/ the heat & try to avoid those confrontations at all cost

I ain't a killa but don't push me lol
Man I been trying my best to chill, but these crackas.....

Dropping my daughter off at school this morning. I aint a morning person by far plus its cold all fuck outside.

Im patiently waiting my turn in line, leaving the parking lot. Once the car in front of me starts to move, this entitled cracka decides to dart in front of me although I had the right of way. Almost hit his nasty ass.

He thought he was gon be able to catch the light. Nope he got stuck behind an suv. So I pull up alongside his bitch ass. I roll my window down and calm as fuck was just like "man was that necessary?" He lookin scared and shit and nervously reaches for a backpack on his backseat and puts it next to him. Oh ok

So I say "I hope you aint reachin for a pistol....cuz I got mine too. And my shit legal just like yours." He turns his radio up and looks straightahead. When that light turned, he got the fuck up outta there. Pissed me all the way off.

Dumb ass. Im in an suv, he in a car with his whole body in my plain sight. These cowards think they are the only ones carrying and they get fake courage from that shit. I'ma start carrying my ar with the 60rd as a backup.