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Road Rage ... do you have it?

My road rage was terrible when I was younger, very aggressive (got it from my uncle, who taught me to drive)

Ive been driving since I was 15 and was a speed demon, hate slow drivers to this day

Hate driving now, pretty much allday driving, drive to work at work back home, lose my mind in traffic sometimes
Fortunately I've taken several special driving courses due to different places of employment. Last time I had any kind of accident was 2004 probably, knock on wood. The stupidity on the road is mostly predictable and therefore avoidable. So I don't sweat the small stuff.
Yeah I get it pretty bad a times, more so when I was younger... Now unless they really do something fckn stupid or ignorant I let it go...

What makes me laugh is how normally timid people turn into 'tough guys' in a car, bit like at sports events, then you pull up on them and they either speed off or apologise and look stupid lol
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Depends on my mood, I am mostly calm unless somebody pisses me off, I rarely beep my horn but you get some people who seem like they drive around just looking for reasons to beep people, I had 2 young lads (early 20's ish) beep me over some petty shit not long back, I beeped them back then pulled up beside them at the lights, they looked at me so I gave them the let's fucking fight face and they both shit themselves, for the most part I am pretty relaxed behind the wheel, road rage is crazy tho I know I guy who is chilled as fuck but will pull his bat out and cave some skulls in over some stupid shit on the road lol.
I wouldn't say road rage, but one of my pet peeves is ppl driving slow in the left lane. It really gets me heated lol

On I-64 between Richmond and the Tidewater is like the worst stretch of road I've driven on.

Other than that, I'ma speed demon and I just pass everybody so no time to get pissed
On the flipside, I like pissing people off when they honk at me.

A few weeks ago I'm coming out the HRBT, I signaled and changed lanes to the left lane

I didn't cut guy off, but he had to slow down and he blared on the horn. I could see him making hand motions, so I slow down a little and start making the same hand motions. Before I did that I put my signal on again, to show him that I signaled first, chill out

So of course he's trying hard AF to pass me, but I calmly rode close behind the car in front of me so he couldn't. We do this for about 2-3 miles, I'll slow down slightly so he tries to pass me in the right lane, but can't

At one point I got back in the right lane, and before he passed me on the left, I signaled and got in front of him again

Later he is able to pull beside me and he just holds his arm out the window flicking me off, for like another 2 miles. I'm just looking at him smiling

But he never could pass me, and when I finally got some space to take off, I waved bye to him
i aint know you had a car fam

good shit
Pretty easy to get road rage with the way people drive in Miami. Think we have the WOAT drivers out here
I kind of have it. Im generally a pretty relaxed person, but on the road I will freak the fuck out for a few seconds, but then im back to chillin.
road rage bad mood type shit.. yeah.. but driving everyday, nah.. Iā€™m very chill and hardly go over 75..
Believe it or not I'm mad calm behind the wheel....

Now my wife...