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DEBATE Remedy Vs ChiCity

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Hear ye, hear ye! How do you prevent a summer cold?
Catch it in the winter!

Ok ok, now that I have your attention, let’s get to the bottom line......accountability in parenting. Plain and simple. You hold the parents more accountable for the seeds they FORCE into this world, you have a better overall seed. My adversary would have you to think like a child these 2 rounds....instead I’ll ask you to think like an adult. I’m going to ask you to think, not as the accountable parent and future parents you are or will be today. No, that’ll be to easy and I won’t insult your intelligence. Nah, instead I would like you to think like the parent of that one kid in your child’s class. You know the kid, the doesn’t care about his/her grades, doesn’t care that they not getting the lessons being taught, always disrupting the class. That kids your child always says....but **** was talking to me! And we know at a certain point the teacher will speak to the kid who they will straigthen up. Who they know they could get parent on the phone. You know why that is....you see that other kids parent(s) at the conferences; barely paying attention, updating SM status, checking the time so they can get back to more ‘important things’. Never there at fund raisers, or sporting events, or food drives. That parent that ‘has’ to send they child to school or else. That parent that needs the day away from their lil brat......

Now that you’re there, ask yourself; as a inattentive, barely functioning, semi disgruntled parent; how much more would I give my child if I knew that their actions could one day cause me to have to suffer for their actions. How much more teacher parent conference would I attend? How many days would I check homework? Science projects? Report cards???

Holy shit! Ya damn right holy shit, you just been forced to become.....a parent. By nature law or man law, you have a responsibility to that child. We been trying nature law for yrs. Lets give Mans law a chance to curve and potentially the future Charlie Manson’s of the world by being accountable parents.

Thank you.

The veiws in the and the upcoming post are those of Chiciy and Chicity alone. The views are expressed for argumentative sake only. Trying to use the aforementioned and upcoming post at a later date to gain some lols from his parenting will only serve to make you look foolish. AP is an asshole
Hear ye, hear ye! How do you prevent a summer cold?
Catch it in the winter!

Ok ok, now that I have your attention, let’s get to the bottom line......accountability in parenting. Plain and simple. You hold the parents more accountable for the seeds they FORCE into this world, you have a better overall seed. My adversary would have you to think like a child these 2 rounds....instead I’ll ask you to think like an adult. I’m going to ask you to think, not as the accountable parent and future parents you are or will be today. No, that’ll be to easy and I won’t insult your intelligence. Nah, instead I would like you to think like the parent of that one kid in your child’s class. You know the kid, the doesn’t care about his/her grades, doesn’t care that they not getting the lessons being taught, always disrupting the class. That kids your child always says....but **** was talking to me! And we know at a certain point the teacher will speak to the kid who they will straigthen up. Who they know they could get parent on the phone. You know why that is....you see that other kids parent(s) at the conferences; barely paying attention, updating SM status, checking the time so they can get back to more ‘important things’. Never there at fund raisers, or sporting events, or food drives. That parent that ‘has’ to send they child to school or else. That parent that needs the day away from their lil brat......

Now that you’re there, ask yourself; as a inattentive, barely functioning, semi disgruntled parent; how much more would I give my child if I knew that their actions could one day cause me to have to suffer for their actions. How much more teacher parent conference would I attend? How many days would I check homework? Science projects? Report cards???

Holy shit! Ya damn right holy shit, you just been forced to become.....a parent. By nature law or man law, you have a responsibility to that child. We been trying nature law for yrs. Lets give Mans law a chance to curve and potentially the future Charlie Manson’s of the world by being accountable parents.

Thank you.

The veiws in the and the upcoming post are those of Chiciy and Chicity alone. The views are expressed for argumentative sake only. Trying to use the aforementioned and upcoming post at a later date to gain some lols from his parenting will only serve to make you look foolish. AP is an asshole
Objection, Fake News!
It's easy to place blame on the parent. He/she should have raised them better or taught them right from wrong. With all the books, media, know it all family and friends I'm sure there had to be a way to train that child up in the way he should go..right? Because there's never been a murderer, rapist, or thief who comes from a happy home. Good people don't raise bad kids..right? While I do believe in the notion that we are products of our environment I don't believe we can not deter ourselves both positively and negatively from the influences of the said environment.

If we start condemning parents like my antagonist friend wants, we will do nothing but open up a can of worms. Will there be a statute of limitations for how long a parent can be held accountable for their children's behavior? At what age does the blame shift from a parent on to the child?. When they turn 16..18..21? I mean obviously there's an insinuation that something was done wrong by the parent to influence the acting out or criminal behavior to begin with, so why does that influence end at adulthood. I mean when you grow up do you stop being your parent's child? @ChiCity wants you lovely parents to pay for the crimes of your children for the rest of your natural lives.

Fear is a maddening emotion is it not? Most of the times you have experienced it in your lifetime hav been when you were faced with the unknown. You are unsure what lays down the path, just outside of the light, at the edge of your sight. You’re so unsure that you never take that first step down the path because that fear has crippled you.

That is where my cautious friend would have you stay, but not I! I say we brave the unknowns together. We know that Rome wasn’t built in a day. We know that their will be trial and error, that mistakes and miscalculation must be had in order to right the very ship that has been steered off course but as adults it’s our duty, nah our burden to walk those very difficult steps not for our children but for our children’s children’s childrens.....

I won’t pretend to tell you which laws should constitiute what sentence and for how long such parent(s) should be held to this standard or that. I leave that in the hands of wiser heads than my own and my nemesis. I merely want to raise a few instances where maybe, just maybe, the idea of being more accountable for your own child may save the life of another. Because your accountability today may do just that in the future.

Presented a fear. A fear that if you do the ‘right thing’ you may still get hemmed up for having ‘one of those kids.’ *Smirks* You’re already unfit in Remedy’s eyes. You’re already terrible parents and now she wants you to believe that you can never be a good parent but hey, since theirs nothing in place to check and balance you, why add it now? Fear coupled with an easy path....the makings of anarchy itself.....

I don’t think you’re unfit. I think every last one of with kids do everything in your will power to ensure that child is raised with morals, and dignity, and respect for this great community of ours! But I can’t speak for those parents on the other side. I can’t speak for those parent on the IC, on Coli, on LSA, on FB, on IG. While Remedy has you fearful of being locked up for your children’s bad intentions, I fear the actions I may have to take to save my children because parenting has reached an all time low.

I weep for my children sitting in the class next to lil Rem Rem’s. Not because I believe I will go to jail for their actions, far from it. I know my kids will do the right thing.

No, I weep because Remedy gets to neglect her duty as a parent and that it may one day force her child to be in a situation they won’t be able to comeback from. I weep because at 9 when Remedy was told her son was touching butts she laughed it off and said I’ll talk with him. It’s just what boys do...... Now her 16yo is sitting in county with sexual assaults charges and a misogynistic demeanor towards women.

I weep because at 7 she was told her daughter is violent with her classmates and even though Rem knows her child bullies her siblings she says, it’s ok, it’s apart of growing up..... now her 17 yo is being sentenced to 10-15 for aggravated assault and potentially attempted murder

I weep because if Remedy would have cared more....if she knew her freedom was also on the line........maybe, maybe she would have put more effort into learning her children and setting them on a better path. But because shes absolved of virtually everything her child does.....your child has been raped! Your child has been fighting for their life in that hospital bed......and she gets to sleep without a worry in her head

Idon’t know if Rem has kids or not and any depiction of them in the aforementioned text is merely fiction. Any resemblance to real life ppl is coincidental and should be taking as such. Also, I believe Remedy is or will be a great mother and I am not attempting to throw any bad luck her way. Now do I think she would sleep soundly knowing her children are ruining lives. May her children receive the blessing of Allah and may the seed be strong and the ground fertile
Fear is a maddening emotion is it not? Most of the times you have experienced it in your lifetime hav been when you were faced with the unknown. You are unsure what lays down the path, just outside of the light, at the edge of your sight. You’re so unsure that you never take that first step down the path because that fear has crippled you.

That is where my cautious friend would have you stay, but not I! I say we brave the unknowns together. We know that Rome wasn’t built in a day. We know that their will be trial and error, that mistakes and miscalculation must be had in order to right the very ship that has been steered off course but as adults it’s our duty, nah our burden to walk those very difficult steps not for our children but for our children’s children’s childrens.....

I won’t pretend to tell you which laws should constitiute what sentence and for how long such parent(s) should be held to this standard or that. I leave that in the hands of wiser heads than my own and my nemesis. I merely want to raise a few instances where maybe, just maybe, the idea of being more accountable for your own child may save the life of another. Because your accountability today may do just that in the future.

Presented a fear. A fear that if you do the ‘right thing’ you may still get hemmed up for having ‘one of those kids.’ *Smirks* You’re already unfit in Remedy’s eyes. You’re already terrible parents and now she wants you to believe that you can never be a good parent but hey, since theirs nothing in place to check and balance you, why add it now? Fear coupled with an easy path....the makings of anarchy itself.....

I don’t think you’re unfit. I think every last one of with kids do everything in your will power to ensure that child is raised with morals, and dignity, and respect for this great community of ours! But I can’t speak for those parents on the other side. I can’t speak for those parent on the IC, on Coli, on LSA, on FB, on IG. While Remedy has you fearful of being locked up for your children’s bad intentions, I fear the actions I may have to take to save my children because parenting has reached an all time low.

I weep for my children sitting in the class next to lil Rem Rem’s. Not because I believe I will go to jail for their actions, far from it. I know my kids will do the right thing.

No, I weep because Remedy gets to neglect her duty as a parent and that it may one day force her child to be in a situation they won’t be able to comeback from. I weep because at 9 when Remedy was told her son was touching butts she laughed it off and said I’ll talk with him. It’s just what boys do...... Now her 16yo is sitting in county with sexual assaults charges and a misogynistic demeanor towards women.

I weep because at 7 she was told her daughter is violent with her classmates and even though Rem knows her child bullies her siblings she says, it’s ok, it’s apart of growing up..... now her 17 yo is being sentenced to 10-15 for aggravated assault and potentially attempted murder

I weep because if Remedy would have cared more....if she knew her freedom was also on the line........maybe, maybe she would have put more effort into learning her children and setting them on a better path. But because shes absolved of virtually everything her child does.....your child has been raped! Your child has been fighting for their life in that hospital bed......and she gets to sleep without a worry in her head

Idon’t know if Rem has kids or not and any depiction of them in the aforementioned text is merely fiction. Any resemblance to real life ppl is coincidental and should be taking as such. Also, I believe Remedy is or will be a great mother and I am not attempting to throw any bad luck her way. Now do I think she would sleep soundly knowing her children are ruining lives. May her children receive the blessing of Allah and may the seed be strong and the ground fertile
Yeah. I changed my mind... I'll [ maybe ] read it in the morning....
Sorry chi. Can't see your side cept from the opposition...
I feel so torn. Lol
Now I could do what my opponent Mr. @ChiCity did and waste about 4 or 5 paragraphs worth of smoke and mirrors that had nothing to do with what is up for debate, but I won't.

If anything his last "rebuttal" only strengthens my side of this "debate" My stance was against blaming parents. Yet somehow you try to twist my words and insult the intelligence of the readers. Tsk Tsk and shame on you Chi! You are all over the place sir, searching for a lifeline and still coming up short. Still, no answer for at what age does the child become accountable for his/her own actions? What happens to the child while mom and dad behind bars?

Seriously, Sir why are you so quick to lock away parents for something their kid does? What if the crime was against the parents? Are you going to wait until Moms and Pops heal from the trauma, then arrest them for getting their asses beat by their own little omen? What if the parents have 4 other children who have not had any behavior issues? Are you gonna just automatically assume that "bad seed" isn't just that...a bad seed. Take the parents away from the 4 other children without giving a care. Hmm well isn't that great?

As a parent yourself Mr. @ChiCity , are you honestly ready to do 10 to 15 or life for a crime Lil Chi Chi commits because he got picked on all day at school and the night before you took his Iphone/Ipad/Laptop/ whatever and now he's triggered. I saw where you said "your kids will do what's right", I commend you for your belief that they will. All you can do as a parent is try to teach your babies right from wrong. You can't know for certain what they will do when faced with a new and unknown situation. How can you when you can't even be 100 percent sure what you'd do? You see all these shows and interviews with parents and family members of criminals who say things like "He was such a good child" ..but I guess they should have known Ray Ray was gonna run down the mailman for putting the wrong mail in his box for the 2nd time.

It's impossible to fully predict what anyone will do, let alone a little person who has not yet fully learned how to control their emotions.
Remedy Putin, the fear you spread is toxic.....and yet how I can see how it is comforting to some. Surely no one wants to wake up in the morning with the thought they may go to jail for the actions of another. No one wants to pay a fine for the actions of another. No ones wants to be held responsible for the actions of another *dramatic pause* but that’s what it it means to be a parent. A parent that will take full responsibility for their offspring, even if that means spending time behind bars!

I see some parents on the jury still shaking their head going, well I still don’t want to go to jail for my child actions. Hell neither do I. But Rem Bin Laden baseless fear has you blind and deaf to the truth. I ask you this, what crime(s) does ya child currently commit that you believe would have you arrested? I reckon you can’t think of one. See my opposition would have you believe that every little thing your child does would cart you off to jail but we know better than that. My opposition would have you to believe that a child snaps one day and you left out to dry with ya other lil ones going into the system, but we know better than that. My opposition would have you believe that a child can’t possibly know right from wrong and therefore you’d be walking around all day ensuring they didn’t stumble into crime but hey, we know better that that!

Do we not have a justice system in place that looks at every single case to determine innocence and guilt? Do we not have fair and impartial judges who render verdicts and sentencing based off the merits of the crimes? Do we not already have a system in place that forces parents to pay for the actions of their children? (Parental liability is the term used to refer to a parent's obligation to pay for damage caused by negligent, intentional, or criminal acts committed by the parent's child, typically starting at 8-10 until they reach legal adult age)

I’ll say again, fear is the word of the day. Fear is what Remedy Trump is asking you to believe in. Fear that this law wouldn’t punish the parents of the truly guilty it instead will attack the innocent. Fear that you may find yaself sitting behind bars because ya child broke a pencil over another child’s knuckles. Fear that you may one day get the death penalty because your 25 yo went on a killing spree. I know you good ppl have more courage then that however. I know you have more faith than that.

Remedy is telling you that ALL the actions of your child will land you in the clink but I know you smarter than that. I’m merely telling you what you already know, SOME of the actions of SOME parents should have them take a time out, maybe in the best interest of their very own child. SOME parents are purposefully sending their lil terrors out in the world but Rem would have you believe that it doesn’t exist all because she fears that one day she may end up on the wrong side of this law. Rem wouldn’t have you to believe that you gonna be doing baseball contracts for the actions of your child but you KNOW better than that. I asked you last night not to judge this debate in the eyes of a parent who is doing their best and the right thing by their child but instead thru the eyes of the parents we KNOW need to be tightened up. So far she’s asked you to be a child and now she asking you to be a scapegoat. There’s only one group of parents that should be fearfully of this law.

They are the ones who should be fearfully of what Rem Jun Il is sprouting. Those are the ones who should be vehemently denying a change in how parents of delinquents are being handled. Those are the parents who would hide behind the narrative of but but but my other children, but but but they old enough to serve time for their own actions, but but but he/she was just a bad seed....

What crime/crimes have YOUR child committed that you believe would land you in jail I ask again. None I would hope. If the law doesn’t apply to you....why would you fear it?