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Religion = Instant Clean Slate?

and to further the point

Wayne was claiming Blood Gang

But REAL OGs in the life knew better and hated the fact that he was claiming to represent a life and methodology he wasnt really a part of

Thats how I feel about those men you speak about. If Yeshua was walking the Earth now he wouldnt fuck with the modern evangelical church at all...

Im sure He dont fuck with them now....these folks getting a rude awakening when they pass on...
I'm a Christian and strong believer, but I feel like there will be non-believers that make it into Heaven.

I think all of the Gods that people on Earth worship are essentially their interpretation of the same God. And I don't see how people can be blamed for what they do not know. If they're raised as a Buddhist and believe in it the same way I was raised and believe as a Christian, should they be punished? Should I be punished if Buddhism is the true religion?

We are all essentially guessing and believing that our religion is the right one. And it's hubris to say for sure anyone's is the right one.
There is religion

Then there is perversion of religion...or blasphemy

For some reason the anti religious twist the perversion of a blasphemer and claim that is what the religion is about

Bias keeps one from differentiating i guess
I'm a Christian and strong believer, but I feel like there will be non-believers that make it into Heaven.

I think all of the Gods that people on Earth worship are essentially their interpretation of the same God. And I don't see how people can be blamed for what they do not know. If they're raised as a Buddhist and believe in it the same way I was raised and believe as a Christian, should they be punished? Should I be punished if Buddhism is the true religion?

We are all essentially guessing and believing that our religion is the right one. And it's hubris to say for sure anyone's is the right one.

I can respek this POV
and to further the point

Wayne was claiming Blood Gang

But REAL OGs in the life knew better and hated the fact that he was claiming to represent a life and methodology he wasnt really a part of

Thats how I feel about those men you speak about. If Yeshua was walking the Earth now he wouldnt fuck with the modern evangelical church at all...

Im sure He dont fuck with them now....these folks getting a rude awakening when they pass on...
Smh at you thinking the problems of christianity are new. I agree that Jesus would have nothing to do with the modern day evangelical church but he wouldn't have had anything to do with the church when they burning women at the stake, during the Spanish inquisition or the slaughter of the Jerusalem during the crusades. My point is that these atrocities have happened, are happening and will continue to happen under the banner of Christianity.

No one man or one religion is perfect but you'll be hard pressed to find any religion that has been consistently evil for as long as the Christian church. Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire after seeing a vision of the cross in the sky before a huge battle. How did Jesus, the prince of peace become a god war? Those two concepts can not possibly coexist. According to Constantine Jesus became the god of war and Christianity has been a cult of violence, evil, wickedness and debauchery ever since. History proves me right.

Theres no question that evil lurks within man. The problem is there is no accountability within Christianity and mans evil is justified and in many instances glorified within the Christian faith. Until that is changed or at least challenged hypocrisy will continue to run rampant in the faith and people will continue to leave the church in droves just as I did.
Smh at you thinking the problems of christianity are new.

So because I only spoke on modern evangelicals I think these things just appeared...

Thats a hell if an assumption there bro.


All you are describing is from the wickedness of men perverting and twosting truth to fit an agenda or accomplish a goal...

So my point remains

It aint Yeshua you got the beef with bro.
There is religion

Then there is perversion of religion...or blasphemy

For some reason the anti religious twist the perversion of a blasphemer and claim that is what the religion is about

Bias keeps one from differentiating i guess

As long as Christians continue to live against God's will and make excuses and justifications for going against His Word by perverting the meaning behind The Scripture, the "anti religious" will always have a point because this is what the Christian presents as what their religion is about.
As long as Christians continue to live against God's will and make excuses and justifications for going against His Word by perverting the meaning behind The Scripture, the "anti religious" will always have a point because this is what the Christian presents as what their religion is about.
Im all for anyone believing what they want. Religious or anti religious.

I grew up in a strict christian household and grew farther from it as ive gotten older, but i do understand most of the teachings still

And have had phases of believing most of the negative criticisms being expressed in here

But i can also see the one track minded logic of those who use only the negative instances of religion to negate all of it.
All people are hypocrites...

Human beings, man in general are the biggest hypocrites of all time.

it doesn't matter what group, religion, institution, or social construct... those who are in power are usually are hypocrites who manipulate shit to their purposes..

it's who people are...it's what power attracts...

shit's not religion specific...

saying all christians are hypocrites is like the "what about black on black violence" argument....

the shit you pointing out is something that's common of everyone.....

trying to associate it only with christians is lazy, irresponsible, and makes constructive conversations almost impossible......

people act like christians are the only flawed people and the only flawed religion in existence....

everything has it's pros and cons...man can't create something perfect if he himself is imperfect....and religion is man made...

it's created in an attempt to connect with a higher power........

all this shit is guess work at best....some just believe more than others...but it doesn't change that they're all still people who are completely capable of fucking up.... but u can't take those fuck ups and use it to define the whole lot....
Im all for anyone believing what they want. Religious or anti religious.

I grew up in a strict christian household and grew farther from it as ive gotten older, but i do understand most of the teachings still

And have had phases of believing most of the negative criticisms being expressed in here

But i can also see the one track minded logic of those who use only the negative instances of religion to negate all of it.

That's not what I'm getting at.

Like all religions, Christianity has a core set of rules and values given to man by God either directly, as was the case of Moses, or through men he used as vessels for his word.

Christians are constantly perverting those rules to fit whatever lifestyle they want to lead. This is where the teachings of these prosperity ministers come from: They take a line or two from the Bible completely out of context and use it as justification for their bullshit. But it goes far beyond that.

Do you have a Christmas tree up or will you be throwing one up in the crib? That's a heathen practice that we were expressly told not to engage in.
Do you celebrate Christmas at all? How about Halloween? Easter? All pagan celebrations, and as Christians you're expressly forbidden to engage in them.
Do you have tattoos all over? Again, this is singled out in the Bible as something we're forbidden to do.
Watching porn, flipping through skin mags, or doing anything that causes you to look at anyone with lust in your heart is an act of adultery which Jesus himself used as an example of breaking God's Commandments in his sermon on the mount.

And I can keep going, but I won't.

And the first thing any of you that claim Christianity will do is tell me that I'm wrong. But I'm not and I know this because it's all in the Bible and is immutable. Jesus himself told you all this in Matthew; the Mosaic Law doesn't change in any way shape or form and is in place until the end of time itself.

But instead of accepting that you just might not be living right, you'll argue about it. You'll pull a line or two out that seems to corroborate what you're saying but the word of God through Yeshua is absolute:

Matthew 5:18 - "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."
i remember @Zagreus was talking about he knew a guy who wanted to rush along his meditation technique without the proper preparation and mind fucked himself retarded......shit had me dying laughing...

you will find idiots in every practice imaginable.... i bet u that ain't stop zag from studying... he just ain't follow the example that fool who thought he knew what he was doing...

people have all the choice in the world when it comes to who they fellowship with....if u around some people who energy is disruptive towards you.... bounce...
That's not what I'm getting at.

Like all religions, Christianity has a core set of rules and values given to man by God either directly, as was the case of Moses, or through men he used as vessels for his word.

Christians are constantly perverting those rules to fit whatever lifestyle they want to lead. This is where the teachings of these prosperity ministers come from: They take a line or two from the Bible completely out of context and use it as justification for their bullshit. But it goes far beyond that.

Do you have a Christmas tree up or will you be throwing one up in the crib? That's a heathen practice that we were expressly told not to engage in.
Do you celebrate Christmas at all? How about Halloween? Easter? All pagan celebrations, and as Christians you're expressly forbidden to engage in them.
Do you have tattoos all over? Again, this is singled out in the Bible as something we're forbidden to do.
Watching porn, flipping through skin mags, or doing anything that causes you to look at anyone with lust in your heart is an act of adultery which Jesus himself used as an example of breaking God's Commandments in his sermon on the mount.

And I can keep going, but I won't.

And the first thing any of you that claim Christianity will do is tell me that I'm wrong. But I'm not and I know this because it's all in the Bible and is immutable. Jesus himself told you all this in Matthew; the Mosaic Law doesn't change in any way shape or form and is in place until the end of time itself.

But instead of accepting that you just might not be living right, you'll argue about it. You'll pull a line or two out that seems to corroborate what you're saying but the word of God through Yeshua is absolute:

Matthew 5:18 - "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."
bruh, being a christian doesn't immediately "deliver" from the world......

there is only one person who was able to resist all temptation..and even his existence is totally faith based....

to do all those tings doesn't mean you can't be a christian or you're a joke of a christian, it just means you have a lot more work to do....

i' far from the perfect person.. i do alotta shit that's wrong or sinul...

but i've come a looooonnnnnnnnnnng way.... and even if i hav a long way to go... i'm on my journey.....

it ain't about the destination fam... you never gonna have that perfect person to point to and say...

"him.. see this guy... be just like him, he's the perfect christian"

it doesn't exist..in fact they're all different degrees of fucked up.........but that doesn't mean throw the whole religion away
That's not what I'm getting at.

Like all religions, Christianity has a core set of rules and values given to man by God either directly, as was the case of Moses, or through men he used as vessels for his word.

Christians are constantly perverting those rules to fit whatever lifestyle they want to lead. This is where the teachings of these prosperity ministers come from: They take a line or two from the Bible completely out of context and use it as justification for their bullshit. But it goes far beyond that.

Do you have a Christmas tree up or will you be throwing one up in the crib? That's a heathen practice that we were expressly told not to engage in.
Do you celebrate Christmas at all? How about Halloween? Easter? All pagan celebrations, and as Christians you're expressly forbidden to engage in them.
Do you have tattoos all over? Again, this is singled out in the Bible as something we're forbidden to do.
Watching porn, flipping through skin mags, or doing anything that causes you to look at anyone with lust in your heart is an act of adultery which Jesus himself used as an example of breaking God's Commandments in his sermon on the mount.

And I can keep going, but I won't.

And the first thing any of you that claim Christianity will do is tell me that I'm wrong. But I'm not and I know this because it's all in the Bible and is immutable. Jesus himself told you all this in Matthew; the Mosaic Law doesn't change in any way shape or form and is in place until the end of time itself.

But instead of accepting that you just might not be living right, you'll argue about it. You'll pull a line or two out that seems to corroborate what you're saying but the word of God through Yeshua is absolute:

Matthew 5:18 - "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."
U didnt need to write all that to tell me sinners sin

Any christian who justifies sin is wrong and is full of shit

No one is excusing that

And nowhere in the bible does it say anyone is without sin or will ever be without sin

Yall seem to see everything in black and white which seems to cause these blanket statements
bruh, being a christian doesn't immediately "deliver" from the world......

to do all those tings doesn't mean you can't be a christian or you're a joke of a christian, it just means you have a lot more work to do....

"him.. see this guy... be just like him, he's the perfect christian"

it doesn't exist..in fact they're all different degrees of fucked up.........but that doesn't mean throw the whole religion away

The commandments n laws are guidance

They will be broken often.

To expect otherwise is a complete misunderstanding of christianity.

And for a christian to justify it at any time is also a complete misunderstanding of christianity.

Mfs dont go to church bc they are perfect....they go for the exact opposite
All people are hypocrites...

Human beings, man in general are the biggest hypocrites of all time.

it doesn't matter what group, religion, institution, or social construct... those who are in power are usually are hypocrites who manipulate shit to their purposes..

it's who people are...it's what power attracts...

shit's not religion specific...

saying all christians are hypocrites is like the "what about black on black violence" argument....

the shit you pointing out is something that's common of everyone.....

trying to associate it only with christians is lazy, irresponsible, and makes constructive conversations almost impossible......

people act like christians are the only flawed people and the only flawed religion in existence....

everything has it's pros and cons...man can't create something perfect if he himself is imperfect....and religion is man made...

it's created in an attempt to connect with a higher power........

all this shit is guess work at best....some just believe more than others...but it doesn't change that they're all still people who are completely capable of fucking up.... but u can't take those fuck ups and use it to define the whole lot....

That's a cop out, it does nothing but absolve you of any responsibility you have to follow The Word as you're supposed to. Everything you do is meaningless if you can't follow the most basic instructions of your faith in earnest. Claiming everyone is a hypocrite, men aren't perfect, so on and so forth is an excuse to not do better, but to do what you believe is "just enough".

"Just enough" doesn't cut it. God laid it out, it's up to you to follow it. And it's a difficult path to follow, and this is one of the reasons I admire the devoted Muslim and Jew and will never have the same admiration for Christians: The devoted Jew and Muslim try their hardest to follow the God's law as it is written whereas Christians try their hardest to subvert it.
The whole reason Yeshua came was to elimate the need to follow the letter of the Law to be declared righteous.

He lived it and then paid the penalty(death) for our sinfulness.

Paul clearly explains this in detail in Romans.

In addition...if being a follower of Yeshua was contigent on following the letter if the Law

Why was Peter(Yeshua right hand mayne) explicity sent to a Roman gentile home to demonstrate to the all Jewish church at the time

That to quote a CHH song “Jesus is for everybody”

You can find this account in Acts.

Most of those commandments were ceremonial and dietary to give the Jews an OUTWARD distinction as Yahweh's chosen people....because the holy spirit was not with us yet...

The MORAL law (10 Commandments) are what governs us....demonstrated when Yeshua told the pharisees that the greatest commandments are love God with all heart soul and mind and love your neighbor (Love God, Love People)...those are which all the other commandmets hinge on...just review the 10 and see if they dont fall into either or both of thise categories.

Now..under grace...the indwelling of the holy spirit is what sets us apart...the Jews who beleive and the gentiles who are adopted thru Yeshua. All one family...all seeds of Abraham by blood or by spirit.
The whole reason Yeshua came was to elimate the need to follow the letter of the Law to be declared righteous.

He lived it and then paid the penalty(death) for our sinfulness.

Paul clearly explains this in detail in Romans.

In addition...if being a follower of Yeshua was contigent on following the letter if the Law

Why was Peter(Yeshua right hand mayne) explicity sent to a Roman gentile home to demonstrate to the all Jewish church at the time

That to quote a CHH song “Jesus is for everybody”

You can find this account in Acts.

Most of those commandments were ceremonial and dietary to give the Jews an OUTWARD distinction as Yahweh's chosen people....because the holy spirit was not with us yet...

The MORAL law (10 Commandments) are what governs us....demonstrated when Yeshua told the pharisees that the greatest commandments are love God with all heart soul and mind and love your neighbor (Love God, Love People)...those are which all the other commandmets hinge on...just review the 10 and see if they dont fall into either or both of thise categories.

Now..under grace...the indwelling of the holy spirit is what sets us apart...the Jews who beleive and the gentiles who are adopted thru Yeshua. All one family...all seeds of Abraham by blood or by spirit.

This is yet another perversion of the Word. He didn't come to eliminate the need to follow it, in fact he expressly states this in Matthew in the very same passage I quoted earlier:

Matthew 5:17-20

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

^^^ See that??? You can't get any clearer than that, but in case you still wanna doubt it:

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Shit is clear as day. You are not to break the commandments, nor are you to ever instruct another person to do so.

If the church you grew up in was righteous, and taught The Word as it's supposed to be done, and the men leading the church lived by that word, there is no way anyone would ever leave the church because the head of the church has sewn in you the true word of God, and His word can only bring forth good fruit: You would never wish to stray from that spirit.

However, when you are taught a perverted version of God's Word, and the man you follow was taught that perversion, how do you expect to stay with God? How would you expect that you would wish to continue living right? Didn't He say "Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit."? And within the context of the rest of that passage (Matthew 7:17) we are told that when a man truly does God's work, no evil can come of it and that is how you know whether the man at the pulpit is the person who should be teaching you in the first place.

It ain't that you're a sinner, you're just not being taught how to be in touch with the Spirit of God correctly.
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i remember @Zagreus was talking about he knew a guy who wanted to rush along his meditation technique without the proper preparation and mind fucked himself retarded......shit had me dying laughing...

you will find idiots in every practice imaginable.... i bet u that ain't stop zag from studying... he just ain't follow the example that fool who thought he knew what he was doing...

people have all the choice in the world when it comes to who they fellowship with....if u around some people who energy is disruptive towards you.... bounce...

Yea fam... theres even names for it in different cultures. Qigong deviation and kundalini sickness are 2 of em.

My philosophy is exactly what you stated. Basically to always put my ego to the side and learn from people who have been where I want to be. Usually the people who get fucked up like that are the type to assume they know everything and do unorthodox shit.
This is yet another perversion of the Word. He didn't come to eliminate the need to follow it, in fact he expressly states this in Matthew in the very same passage I quoted earlier:

Matthew 5:17-20

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

^^^ See that??? You can't get any clearer than that, but in case you still wanna doubt it:

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Shit is clear as day. You are not to break the commandments, nor are you to ever instruct another person to do so.

If the church you grew up in was righteous, and taught The Word as it's supposed to be done, and the men leading the church lived by that word, there is no way anyone would ever leave the church because the head of the church has sewn in you the word of God, and His word can only bring forth good fruit: You would never wish to stray from that spirit.

However, when you are taught a perverted version of God's Word, and the man you follow was taught that perversion, how do you expect to stay with God? How would you expect that you would wish to continue living right? Didn't He say "Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit."? And within the context of the rest of that passage (Matthew 7:17) we are told that when a man truly does God's work, no evil can come of it and that is how you know whether the man at the pulpit is the person who should be teaching you in the first place.

It ain't that you're a sinner, you're just not being taught how to be in touch with the Spirit of God correctly.

“Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to show that the entire world is guilty before God. For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are. But now God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago. We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are. For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood
‭‭Romans‬ ‭3:19-25‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I do agree with you that a lot of “pastors” have no business leading. But thier penalty is coming b....you know that.