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Religion = Instant Clean Slate?

Biggest problem in todays church is lack of discipleship.

Its easy to just tell someone about Yeshua. Or throw scripture at them.

True decipleship is actually doing life with person. Walking with them every step of the way. Buncha folks out here with no guidance.


I explain the work of the cross in this manner...

Imagine you are on trial for cold blooded murder...you are guilty

They got the weapon, witnesses the whole 9...

According to the law you deserve the severest penalty...which is death

Before your sentencing someone busts into the courtroom and tells the judge

“I know they are guilty...and they deserve the punishment...but ill take it instead...let him go free”

Just because he took the punishment for you dont make you any less guilty...but he took what YOU deserved which was death.

I am follower of Messiah I believe He did this for me...

Def not a perfect man by any stretch and I don't pretend to be and

I live my life based on this

1. Love God
2. Love People
I had a home boy who was always extreme with everything.

When we were kids he was the most violent hard punching unstoppable Savage of all time.

Dude was a force of nature. But everytime he got locked he came home super religious

And it wasn't even the same religion each time. One he came home jewish. Another Muslim. When he came home Christian he was actually preaching. Be would have sermons n everything.

Sadly he had a lot of demons and would always abandon the religions after while and get back into street shit.

I haven't seen him in years.... But every time I do he promises me he's on a road to redemption.

Last time I bumped into him he was working at a supermarket I frequent.... But after a few weeks not seeing him I asked and they said he ended wilded out on a manager and got fired
i see this alot.
i respect people who are trying....but some only try when its beneficial.

my dad used to say....you truly know who a person is when they have power or no power.
Had a conversation with some people I used to work with years back.
One is a devout Christian. He was trying to get another dude to come to church with him. Dude joked that he did too much dirt in the past to go to church so now church man is going on about this clean slate. Talking about you gotta give yourself to God and you're slate will be wiped clean but if you don't your soul will be in damnation, you going to hell, etc.
Whole time I'm just taking it in. Finally I ask dude straight up... "so if a man that's doing multiple life sentences for killing several people gives himself to God, he more worthy of heaven than me?... I might be an ass from time to time, might have done a lil dirt, but I'm a good fucking person at my core. That man more deserving of gods love than me on a technicality?"


Ol boy didn't even hesitate lmao. I'm a God fearing man but yall can keep that shit.
That was me that posted anonymous. And no I ain't call God obese.
Had a conversation with some people I used to work with years back.
One is a devout Christian. He was trying to get another dude to come to church with him. Dude joked that he did too much dirt in the past to go to church so now church man is going on about this clean slate. Talking about you gotta give yourself to God and you're slate will be wiped clean but if you don't your soul will be in damnation, you going to hell, etc.
Whole time I'm just taking it in. Finally I ask dude straight up... "so if a man that's doing multiple life sentences for killing several people gives himself to God, he more worthy of heaven than me?... I might be an ass from time to time, might have done a lil dirt, but I'm a good fucking person at my core. That man more deserving of gods love than me on a technicality?"


Ol boy didn't even hesitate lmao. I'm a God fearing man but yall can keep that shit.

I feel what you saying bro. And in our minds your absolutely correct.

However, Yahweh looks at sin differently...all of it is the same and equal and it all deserves the same punishment cause its all rooted from the sane place....rebellion
I feel what you saying bro. And in our minds your absolutely correct.

However, Yahweh looks at sin differently...all of it is the same and equal and it all deserves the same punishment cause its all rooted from the sane place....rebellion

So I can just kill everyone I don't like and pray on it?
But next man who questions god's validity is fucked?
So I can just kill everyone I don't like and pray on it?
But next man who questions god's validity is fucked?
you have a very good point...these are my questions as well.

as yall know i question everything because i need to understand the end goal and the journey.

I sometimes think certain rules came about to control a majority of the population.
because alot of other people dont follow these rules yet be in church every sunday.

But studying the Bible ...its alot of hypocrisy not in our favor.

then it gets into learn who God is and when mans influence ends.
So I can just kill everyone I don't like and pray on it?
But next man who questions god's validity is fucked?

Nah. Not just “pray on it” lmao

Its a heart issue bro.

The posture of your heart needs to change...

Its a hard concept to grasp intellectually...its damn crazy as hell...but thats where faith comes in

Someone wrongs you and they offer you an apology...you can tell whether its a genuine one or not...

Usually if its genuine there is a true change of behaviors...they dont donthe same things they did before....true repentance


Saying “my bad cuh” and nothing changes...
Christians are the biggest hypocrites on the planet and black Christians are the biggest idiots you'll ever find. No black person who prays to the same god as David freaking Duke can ever be expected to make wise decisions. European Christianity was the worst thing that ever happened to our people and as long as black folks continue to pray to the god of their oppressor they will continue to be oppressed. But since they love white Jesus more than they love themselves there's little to nothing you can do for them. You can lead a slave to water but you can't make them think.

Long story short never take anything a black Christian says seriously. Save yourself the headache and disregard any and everything that comes out of their lost, confused and misguided mouths. They don't know any better.
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Christians are the biggest hypocrites on the planet and black Christians are the biggest idiots you'll ever find. No black person who prays to the same god as David freaking Duke can ever be expected to make wise decisions. European Christianity was the worst thing that ever happened to our people and as long as black folks continue to pray to the god of their oppressor they will continue to be oppressed. But since they love white Jesus more than they love themselves there's little to nothing you can do for them. You can lead a slave to water but you can't make them think.

Long story short never take anything a black Christian says seriously. Save yourself the headache and disregard any and everything that comes out of the lost, confused, misguided mouths. They don't know any better.

Hypocrisy isnt specific to one religion. Its a part of the human condition. Just as many in other religions...your expierence as an American is why you say that...

Wicked men twisting truth to fit an agenda is an indictment on that wicked man....

Aint no “Black or White christian”

You either follow the teachings of Messiah or you dont. Point Blank
well this just got interesting.
a nice debate can come from this and i just might learn something.:popcorn:
Nah. Not just “pray on it” lmao

Its a heart issue bro.

The posture of your heart needs to change...

Its a hard concept to grasp intellectually...its damn crazy as hell...but thats where faith comes in

Someone wrongs you and they offer you an apology...you can tell whether its a genuine one or not...

Usually if its genuine there is a true change of behaviors...they dont donthe same things they did before....true repentance


Saying “my bad cuh” and nothing changes...

I was being willfully obtuse but my original point still stands. If you can accept that kind of person but not me then I'm good where I'm at.
For the record I'm a God accepting and fearing man. I'm not vibing with that pov ever though.

Certain slates shouldn't be cleaned.
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Hypocrisy isnt specific to one religion. Its a part of the human condition. Just as many in other religions...your expierence as an American is why you say that...

Wicked men twisting truth to fit an agenda is an indictment on that wicked man....

Aint no “Black or White christian”

You either follow the teachings of Messiah or you dont. Point Blank
Lol at there is no white or black Christians. Tell that dumb shit to Dylan Roof. Not only did he specifically shoot up a "black church" full of "black Christians" but he shot up a black AME church that was founded by Bishop Morris Brown who was the second "black ordained Bishop" in the US. The reason he was only the second "black bishop" in the US was because the Methodist church was the only Christian denomination that would allow "black people" to "become Christians". Prior to that the good, god fearing, super sanctified, christ like (lmfao) Europeans forbid black people from becoming "black Christians". When "black Christians" went to church with "white Christians" they were still segregated and treated inhumanely. So after asking permission from all the "white Christians" to start their own church "white Methodist Christians" finally allowed Bishop Richard Allen to be a "black bishop" over a "black church" that served ONLY "black Christians". Morris Briwn was trained by Richard Allen and "white Christians" allowed him to start a "black church" to serve ONLY "black Christians" in Charleston, SC. After Denmarl Vessey tried to free his people from the bondage of chattel slavery the good "white Christians" of Charleston destroyed the only "black church" for their "black Christian" brothers and sisters. Dylan Roof specifically choose that church because of that history.

These are historical facts which you clearly did not know. But ignorance and abject stupidity is what I expect from a "black Christian". "White Christians" passed laws that made it illegal for "black Christian" slaves to learn how to read. Therefore ignorance was always at the core of the "black Christian" experience. That ignorance was unfortunate 500 years ago but it is inexcusable today. The slave/master relationship was the foundation on which the "black Christian" experience was built on. Ignorance is the greatest tool in creating a slave. Here we are half a millennium after the first slaves stepped foot on these shores and had christianity beaten into them and you negroes are just as ignorant today as you were back then. Therefore the masses of "black Christians" continue to be slaves to their "white Christian" masters. Little to nothing has changed. Miss me with the bullshit. Tell that dumb shit to somebody who doesn't know any better.
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I was being willfully obtuse but my original point still stands. If you can accept that kind of person but not me then I'm good where I'm at.
For the record I'm a God accepting and fearing man. I'm not vibing with that pov ever though.

Certain slates shouldn't be cleaned.

The act of repentance is all about the posture of your heart bro.

Same wickedness that causes a person to physically kill someone is the same that causes a person to murder someone with thier words

There is no difference in the eyes of Yahweh.

“The wages of sin is death”

When HE looks at a man and sees a sinful, unrepentant heart...to be frank HE dont give a damn WHAT that particular sin is...
Lol at there is no white or black Christians. Tell that dumb shit to Dylan Roof. Not only did he specifically shoot up a "black church" full of "black Christians" but he shot up a black AME church that was founded by Bishop Morris Brown who was the second "black ordained Bishop" in the US. The reason he was only the second "black bishop" in the US was because the Methodist church was the only Christian denomination that would allow "black people" to "become Christians". Prior to that the good, god fearing, super sanctified, christ like (lmfao) Europeans forbid black people from becoming "black Christians". When "black Christians" went to church with "white Christians" they were still segregated and treated inhumanely. So after asking permission from all the "white Christians" to start their own church "white Methodist Christians" finally allowed Bishop Richard Allen to be a "black bishop" over a "black church" that served ONLY "black Christians". Morris Briwn was trained by Richard Allen and "white Christians" allowed him to start a "black church" to serve ONLY "black Christians" in Charleston, SC. After Denmarl Vessey tried to free his people from the bondage of chattel slavery the good "white Christians" of Charleston destroyed the only "black church" for their "black Christian" brothers and sisters. Dylan Roof specifically choose that church because of that history.

These are historical facts which you clearly did not know. But ignorance and abject stupidity is what I expect from a "black Christian". "White Christians" passed laws that made it illegal for "black Christian" slaves to learn how to read. Therefore ignorance was always at the core of the "black Christian" experience. That ignorance was unfortunate 500 years ago but it is inexcusable today. The slave/master relationship was the foundation on which the "black Christian" experience was built on. Ignorance is the greatest tool in creating a slave. Here we are half a millennium after the first slaves stepped foot on these shores and had christianity beaten into them and you negroes are just as ignorant today as you were back then. Therefore the masses of "black Christians" continue to be slaves to their "white Christian" masters. Little to nothing has changed. Miss me with the bullshit. Tell that dumb shit to somebody who doesn't know any better.

Your issue is with the wickedness of men...not the One whom I follow

And I should have clarified...there are no “white/black christians or church” those who truly follow Him are one body...

So again...

The act of repentance is all about the posture of your heart bro.

Same wickedness that causes a person to physically kill someone is the same that causes a person to murder someone with thier words

There is no difference in the eyes of Yahweh.

“The wages of sin is death”

When HE looks at a man and sees a sinful, unrepentant heart...to be frank HE dont give a damn WHAT that particular sin is...

I get it. What I'm saying is some people genuinely good already. They shouldn't be overlooked on a technicality if the true posture of their heart is already good.

It can't just be repent or be damned. That's crazy.
I get it. What I'm saying is some people genuinely good already. They shouldn't be overlooked on a technicality if the true posture of their heart is already good.

It can't just be repent or be damned. That's crazy.

And there is where the problem lies

We are inherintly wicked...ever since the rebellion in the Garden...

So although in our (human) eyes we are “good”

All He sees is a wicked heart unless you repent and believe in the One He sent to redeem us....the one who took the punishment we deserve...

Thats why I say...in the issue of sinfulness...Yahweh is no respector of persons bro
And again all this shit is crazy as fuck I know

Took me a while to really believe....and I grew up in church my nigga

But I had to study for myself...and not just rely on what passa and mama them say...and this shit is real and true...and these facts govern the way I live my life
Your issue is with the wickedness of men...not the One whom I follow

And I should have clarified...there are no “white/black christians or church” those who truly follow Him are one body...

So again...

The men that you refer to are the representatives of the one you claim to follow. From the pope and his band of child molesting perverts to Pastor Dollar aka "Pass the Dollar" these so called Christian men of God have been the greatest plague humanity in general and black people in particular have ever seen. The inherent hypocrisy of Christianity will lead some to argue that the misdeeds of these men should be overlooked but these misdeeds have going on too long to be overlooked. If the one that you follow continues to produce representatives like this the problem is bigger than the individual representatives. But Christians as a whole are to hypocritical and black Christians in particular are too stupid to realize that so the cycle continues. If these are the type of men that the one you follows produces than i want nothing to do with it. Miss me with the bullshit.
The men that you refer to are the representatives of the one you claim to follow. From the pope and his band of child molesting perverts to Pastor Dollar aka "Pass the Dollar" these so called Christian men of God have been the greatest plague humanity in general and black people in particular have ever seen. The inherent hypocrisy of Christianity will lead some to argue that the misdeeds of these men should be overlooked but these misdeeds have going on too long to be overlooked. If the one that you follow continues to produce representatives like this the problem is bigger than the individual representatives. But Christians as a whole are to hypocritical and black Christians in particular are too stupid to realize that so the cycle continues. If these are the type of men that the one you follows produces than i want nothing to do with it. Miss me with the bullshit.


They not representatives of who I follow and his teachings at all b


Your issue is with the wickedness of man...not Yeshua...

Bless you bro