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Religion = Instant Clean Slate?


This thread is inspired by this post from @wadupdoe!313

The craziest shit happened at work today.

They had a retirement celebration for this lady. She's introduced me and alot of coworkers to black people in management that we need to get to know. So we all go up to her party to celebrate before she leaves.

With her are 2 godchildren, 2 grandchildren family and this guy from her church.

Towards the end its about 7 of us left all black and I'm talking with the blacks in upper management there.

The lady retiring mentions some music and the guy from the church gets up. He pulls out this wireless karaoke mic. At first I thought he was gonna play the kind of music you would here in the doctors office.

This nigga starts to play and sing this gospel song. It's a song he wrote himself and sings in the church. It's nothing but a small group of blacks and he signing gospel.

All of us had this look like "wtf is this shit here..." I could feel the manager who I directly report to embarrassment and disgust. One of the Managing Directors so smooth with it he actually closed the doors so nobody from the outside would see what was going on.

The song lyrics had "I was too busy in the club instead of worshiping you, when I was down in out and drinking alcohol smoking weed and cocaine but you saved me"

Even worse dude kept looking at me like this song is gonna have me join the church and I'm just standing there like

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After he got done we shockingly clapped and I hugged my coworker told her enjoy retirement and then dipped out with my manager.

I've been pondering on this lately. Do the most devout religious people, typically Christians cause that's all I truly know, become so devout because they were really messed up people and it's a way to clean the slate?

I'm not talking about your typical churchgoer. I'm talking the person who's every answer to a problem involves their religion. Very little practicality comes into play with most of their discussions. Every little things comes back to their religion.

Case 1, the pastor of this church is always talking about how messed up he was. Drugs, stealing, suicidal, etc. Hurt all of his family and friends. Then poof, one day gets saved and everybody supposed to just forgive him. And if they don't that's unforgiveness in their heart and their fault.

Even @douwanttogotoheaven (somebody @him if you know his current name). He's talked about how crazy he was before and now everything he relates to religion.

So do the truly messed up turn to religion to wipe the slate clean? Or is it a true calling?
Imo true repentance is understanding your wrongs and correcting them by going forth and doing them no more. I dont think it "cleans the slate" cuz it takes a lifetime to correct errors(by never doing them again) it's a continuity thing.
From those they've hurt. I mean, it's up to the person they've hurt in the end, but they absolve themselves of any responsibility once they get deep into their religion.

Yea that way of thinking is bullshit. It’s one thing to think it absolves you in God’s eyes, but that has nothing to do with the people you hurt; you gotta deal with that directly.
Fanatics think in simplistic terms

What was before a matter of the pursuit of extreme selfishness, or the pursuit of extreme pleasure, becomes the pursuit of extreme rightneous. And rightneous is narrowly defined.

The complexity of the world, or even of the compelxity of their faith or own life is lost on them. Life just ends up being black and white, where my way is good, yours if it differs from mine is bad, with nothing in between.

But this doesn't really change who they are at heart. They just have a new drug, or gang, or political rallying point.

A lotta people are extra because of fear/guilt....

Some people are just extra cuz that's who they are...

But being extra like that doesn't get you points or anything.... That's just your personality.

Many people replace one addition with another...... They replace their addiction to drugs and that lifestyle with church and think so is forgiven. But if they still got that obsessive compulsion towards everything church just like they did with them drugs it can still be harmful
Fanatics think in simplistic terms

What was before a matter of the pursuit of extreme selfishness, or the pursuit of extreme pleasure, becomes the pursuit of extreme rightneous. And rightneous is narrowly defined.

The complexity of the world, or even of the compelxity of their faith or own life is lost on them. Life just ends up being black and white, where my way is good, yours if it differs from mine is bad, with nothing in between.

But this doesn't really change who they are at heart. They just have a new drug, or gang, or political rallying point.


A lotta people are extra because of fear/guilt....

Some people are just extra cuz that's who they are...

But being extra like that doesn't get you points or anything.... That's just your personality.

Many people replace one addition with another...... They replace their addiction to drugs and that lifestyle with church and think so is forgiven. But if they still got that obsessive compulsion towards everything church just like they did with them drugs it can still be harmful

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From those they've hurt. I mean, it's up to the person they've hurt in the end, but they absolve themselves of any responsibility once they get deep into their religion.
Cuz they have forgiven themselves. They have let the burden of their errors go and now walk lighter on the path. Or hopefully they have and it's not all some gimmick for show.
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Think of the size of this known universe. Its 14billion yrs old.

There are more stars than grains of sand on earth. Just about every star has planets revolving around them.

And ppl think some guy from 2000 yrs ago named jesus from the middle east and his invisible daddy are the ones who created shit.

Cuz they have forgiven themselves. They have let the burden of their errors go and now walk lighter on the path. Or hopefully they have and it's not all some gimmick for show.

I can speak for myself on this

Even before I was religous, I knew how I was living was wack and I shouldn't have been doing what I was. By the time I found Allah I had already stopped for the most part doing the stuff that was harmful to society. Still persisted in doing stuff that was harmful to myself for years after though

I just hit a point where I wanted to feel that I was living the life I should be living. And I got tired of living the life I shouldn't have been

If a person's reformation of behavior is for some motive other than becoming in line with how they should be existing during their time here, I'm not trying to hear it
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Anybody know people like this? What was their backstory?

A dude I know, but can't associate with anymore, became religious in this way in the last couple of years

Dude was a Norteno and had spent almost his entire adult life going back and forth to jail. Hooked on meth for most of that time too, but had gotten clean by the time I met him.

Got back on that ish. Quit his job, starting stealing cars again. Actually saw him geeked up one night in a truck and knew what it was without talking to him about it.

He stole a truck that had a tracking device, got locked up and hit the county. Looked like he was actually gonna have to do a state bid for the first time in his life.

When he was in the county he found out he was having a daughter and also said he found Christ. He also debriefed and dropped out of the gang, which for those not familiar means he told on folks.

He said he was tired of the life and found God, plus wanted to take care of his daughter. Maybe this is why. Maybe he wasn't trying to do state time at nearly 40 years old. Either way, he became a Christian and became an active Christian the same way he was an active banger or active drug addict.

Homie wanted to kick it with me when I was still in the bay. I wasn't trying to take a bullet intended for him, so I passed. However, drop outs are so common in California, especially amongst Nortenos, that they even have their own gang now and I've seen dudes from that gang out in the streets. Might have been safe to kick it with him but at the end of the day I can't bring myself to function with rats
I had a home boy who was always extreme with everything.

When we were kids he was the most violent hard punching unstoppable Savage of all time.

Dude was a force of nature. But everytime he got locked he came home super religious

And it wasn't even the same religion each time. One he came home jewish. Another Muslim. When he came home Christian he was actually preaching. Be would have sermons n everything.

Sadly he had a lot of demons and would always abandon the religions after while and get back into street shit.

I haven't seen him in years.... But every time I do he promises me he's on a road to redemption.

Last time I bumped into him he was working at a supermarket I frequent.... But after a few weeks not seeing him I asked and they said he ended wilded out on a manager and got fired
Imo true repentance is understanding your wrongs and correcting them by going forth and doing them no more. I dont think it "cleans the slate" cuz it takes a lifetime to correct errors(by never doing them again) it's a continuity thing.
so true...

also if im to the point i need to correct my wrongs...im going to the person, in person and if they want to give me their time....i would tell them where i was mentally at that moment in time, why i was wrong and give a sincere apology.
i dont like these......im saved because i got dipped in water folk.

repenting takes alot of humbling yourself and being vulnerable for the persons reply.
in my eye ...only then can you approach a life of living right
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Fanatics think in simplistic terms

What was before a matter of the pursuit of extreme selfishness, or the pursuit of extreme pleasure, becomes the pursuit of extreme rightneous. And rightneous is narrowly defined.

The complexity of the world, or even of the compelxity of their faith or own life is lost on them. Life just ends up being black and white, where my way is good, yours if it differs from mine is bad, with nothing in between.

But this doesn't really change who they are at heart. They just have a new drug, or gang, or political rallying point.
thats a good way of looking at it.

imma need to hold this post.
Think of the size of this known universe. Its 14billion yrs old.

There are more stars than grains of sand on earth. Just about every star has planets revolving around them.

And ppl think some guy from 2000 yrs ago named jesus from the middle east and his invisible daddy are the ones who created shit.

as i read up more on that alien shit i been on......it may be kinda true. but just from a place of ignorance with people who didnt understand technology or what was going on.
Biggest problem in todays church is lack of discipleship.

Its easy to just tell someone about Yeshua. Or throw scripture at them.

True decipleship is actually doing life with person. Walking with them every step of the way. Buncha folks out here with no guidance.


I explain the work of the cross in this manner...

Imagine you are on trial for cold blooded murder...you are guilty

They got the weapon, witnesses the whole 9...

According to the law you deserve the severest penalty...which is death

Before your sentencing someone busts into the courtroom and tells the judge

“I know they are guilty...and they deserve the punishment...but ill take it instead...let him go free”

Just because he took the punishment for you dont make you any less guilty...but he took what YOU deserved which was death.

I am follower of Messiah I believe He did this for me...

Def not a perfect man by any stretch and I don't pretend to be and

I live my life based on this

1. Love God
2. Love People