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Real or no? Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for joking about Jada at the Oscars

That would’ve been the dumbest thing for him to do that night. It’s the Oscars not a full roasting session…Rock said his jokes and pulled back because if he were to continue it would’ve ended up worse for a lot more people. That didn’t make him soft, it made him prudent

Man y’all gotta pick y’all fights better lol….sometimes the best way to deal with a hostile person is to laugh and walk away because deep down they know they lost control….the one who gets angry first is typically the one who lost…
I didn’t want him to do it in the hopes it would be best for the situation. I wanted him to do it for the laughs I’d get, lol.
And see, that’s my point. Smacking a nigga while defending your wife’s honor is a proud moment. Afterward you sit back with Scotch and a cigar and reflect on your victory in pure contentment.

When you do something like this then cry it’s because it was a release of all of the hurtful emotions you’ve been dealing with, many at the expense of your own wife. At that point it wasn’t about the moment, but all the things leading up to that moment.
Again you implying that those tears were one thing and not any others. You assuming he dealing with hurtful emotions that all lead back to Jada when he could be crying for a multitude of other reasons. The fact is you don't know B

And he was still content afterward but instead of a cigar and scotch he had wine and a concert 🤷🏿‍♂️

Solange fucked my dawg up for life

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Say bruh...you ain't shyt. Lol!

If you drew a line from this incident to Jada fucking AA you ain't over it. Sorry buddy, miss me with you just a guy with an opinion on pop culture.

What the hell Hollywood gonna do to Will Smith? Empty his bank accounts? Drop him from future projects he funding himself? You think he got dressed that morning and ran down the itinerary to see if Rock was gonna be there and if he was gonna poke fun at his wife? The category had jack shit to do with Will, Jada, entanglements, past award shows. Rock saw a chance to poke Jada and thought shit was gonna be sweet. It wasn't

Again...you mention him checking his wife as if you been in that household when you haven't. You don't know what he checked her on. But to me, it's irregardless. If you cool with folks roasting ya wife then cool. Post her pic and sometimes when she was all the way in the wrong iyo and let's really take this thread to the next level.

The smoke...Chi wants all of it.
You been dying on this he shouldn’t of laughed hill for quite some time. I commend your commitment good sir. If there’s history he probably shouldn’t of even attempted to crack a smile cameras or not. He still did what he did tho.
Which makes his react more corny.
then crying later then partying.

bruh is breaking down internally.

he going on a month long vacay watch
Again you implying that those tears were one thing and not any others. You assuming he dealing with hurtful emotions that all lead back to Jada when he could be crying for a multitude of other reasons. The fact is you don't know B

And he was still content afterward but instead of a cigar and scotch he had wine and a concert 🤷🏿‍♂️
Eh, I get your point but all we have to go off of is what we see/saw. Either way, definitely seemed like he took some shit out on Rock that wasn’t 100% related to anything Rock had done.
My expense of your own wife comment was Will’s pain because of her.

Yeah, if Rock was disrespectful in the past and I had an issue with him as soon as he said my lady’s name he getting the “shut the fuck up now or imma beat ya ass” ice grill. If he then continued then I’m making good on my non verbal threat.
You’d be at the ready for your lady.
that’s all I’m saying