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Real or no? Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for joking about Jada at the Oscars

It was communicated to him...but what do you think a leak is? It means somebody not them gave this answer to the magazine so they ran with the quote. That's not something in Will Smith or Jada Pinketts have control over when a magazine decides to run with a random quote. Now it just seems like people are reaching super hard to blame her for 100% of this situation when she literally was just sitting there. Alot of people need to grapple with why they're so quick to and taking so much joy in throwing her under the bus.

I guess you missed where it said a 'source says' huh

Did ya'll actually read my post? I said that the sentiment was something she could have communicated to Will and left alone. If she did that what source could there be for that information other than her or Will.

I'm not trying to blame her for everything under the sun, but there is no way a statement like that would have come out if she wasn't cool with it coming out. Jada has been a celebrity for a long time she knows the game. If ya'll are acting like that statement was made completely without her knowledge, ya'll are being naive.
Did ya'll actually read my post? I said that the sentiment was something she could have communicated to Will and left alone. If she did that what source could there be for that information other than her or Will.

I'm not trying to blame her for everything under the sun, but there is no way a statement like that would have come out if she wasn't cool with it coming out. Jada has been a celebrity for a long time she knows the game. If ya'll are acting like that statement was made completely without her knowledge, ya'll are being naive.

At the bold...yeah there actually is. You think they've only talked about this with nobody else other than themselves? Magazines and blogs will hit up anybody a celeb knows when some shit goes down to get their opinion or a quote to use. How you think all of a sudden after 30 years we are suddenly hearing from all of Chris Rock's brothers at once?

Also considering she has her own media platform her giving an exclusive quote to a magazine instead of just saying it herself on her own platform makes no sense and goes against you saying she should know the game after being in it for so long.
At the bold...yeah there actually is. You think they've only talked about this with nobody else other than themselves? Magazines and blogs will hit up anybody a celeb knows when some shit goes down to get their opinion or a quote to use. How you think all of a sudden after 30 years we are suddenly hearing from all of Chris Rock's brothers at once?

Also considering she has her own media platform her giving an exclusive quote to a magazine instead of just saying it herself on her own platform makes no sense and goes against you saying she should know the game after being in it for so long.

You're still not getting what I'm saying, so let me make it clearer. She shouldn't have said that shit to anybody but Will. If she had done that, there would be no source for that comment, unless you believe that there are other people out there making up statements on Jada's behalf. If that's what you believe, that's fine. I think it's far more likely that she said that shit to someone who feels comfortable speaking on topics involving the Smiths.
You're still not getting what I'm saying, so let me make it clearer. She shouldn't have said that shit to anybody but Will. If she had done that, there would be no source for that comment, unless you believe that there are other people out there making up statements on Jada's behalf. If that's what you believe, that's fine. I think it's far more likely that she said that shit to someone who feels comfortable speaking on topics involving the Smiths.

Since the quote comes from a "source" why are you automatically assuming she's the one who leaked it? Did you consider maybe after her and Will Smith talked about it maybe he's the one who said something to someone else who feels comfortable saying that publicly? That's what I mean when I'm saying there's such a push to blame Jada Pinkett and not even consider that maybe just maybe Will Smith acted without being prompted. You instantly went to her being the person/source and not even considering it maybe could be from someone else.
"She had a chance to intervene"
If she just saw him laughing, do u honestly think she thought he was going up there to do damage?

Serious question...is there vid of him even looking her way at any point before he got up to hit Chris?

It depends on who u ask but point taken
No one has posted the camera angle on Will and Jada when Chris speaks after Jada makes the look that she didn't like the joke. We're just shown Chris while Will is walking up. The only different angle we've seen is behind Jada after the slap
We're talking about the Oscars with live video audience of millions..I think expectations regarding ones reactions is a bit unrelatable to everyday instances/relationships here. How many ppl saying he's acted "out of character" and "breaking the facade"?

Lol.its not the only theory that makes sense if it's based on speculation. If vid proof shows he never glanced her way you're flat out wrong.

That's what makes no sense about the "she could've/should've stopped him"...people are saying as if it was some huge gap in time between between the joke and Will getting up. It was literally seconds. So in those few seconds Jada Pinkett was supposed to grab Will Smith and hold him back from going on stage when nobody knew wtf was going on til after it happened? Even if he did glance her way unless she told him go smack that nigga then there's nothing to try and put on her for being at fault for what he chose to do.
Since the quote comes from a "source" why are you automatically assuming she's the one who leaked it? Did you consider maybe after her and Will Smith talked about it maybe he's the one who said something to someone else who feels comfortable saying that publicly? That's what I mean when I'm saying there's such a push to blame Jada Pinkett and not even consider that maybe just maybe Will Smith acted without being prompted. You instantly went to her being the person/source and not even considering it maybe could be from someone else.

In your zeal to defend her, you seem to overlook the fact that I said "they" don't know how to keep things inhouse. I didn't put that all on her.

At the end of the day, they are her sentiments, so she is the most likely candidate for the source or the person feeding the source. I'm not trying to pull all these mental gymnastics to defend her that you are. My overall point was that this was a statement that could have and probably should have been made solely between Will and Jada. If that's what happened then one of them, has to be responsible for it making it to the media. I tend to believe that Will would be a lot more careful in keeping that away from the public than Jada would.
In your zeal to defend her, you seem to overlook the fact that I said "they" don't know how to keep things inhouse. I didn't put that all on her.

At the end of the day, they are her sentiments, so she is the most likely candidate for the source or the person feeding the source. I'm not trying to pull all these mental gymnastics to defend her that you are. My overall point was that this was a statement that could have and probably should have been made solely between Will and Jada. If that's what happened then one of them, has to be responsible for it making it to the media. I tend to believe that Will would be a lot more careful in keeping that away from the public than Jada would.

You bolded "she shouldn't have said something to anyone but Will" so you were speaking from the pov of assuming she did speak to someone else and I just asked how you know that? That's not a defense of her as much as it's asking you why your instant go to was to accuse her of speaking to someone else with no actual proof. If the mere concept of her not being the source is something you consider mental gymnastics then yeah you're also proving the point of having this weird bias to believe or want to believe negative shit without anything other than a random unproven source.
You bolded "she shouldn't have said something to anyone but Will" so you were speaking from the pov of assuming she did speak to someone else and I just asked how you know that? That's not a defense of her as much as it's asking you why your instant go to was to accuse her of speaking to someone else with no actual proof. If the mere concept of her not being the source is something you consider mental gymnastics then yeah you're also proving the point of having this weird bias to believe or want to believe negative shit without anything other than a random unproven source.
Cuz she the devil
Satans mistress
One of them screaming pretty fish thingys that make sailors hit the rocks.

hate your hubby but don’t do him like this……that’s evil what she doing.
I got deadlines for meet and don’t have time to sleep.
world don’t get conquered by Niggas who need naps.
  • Ether
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I think Jada is unfairly blamed for not "stopping him" in the moment. I don't think she knew he was going to do that. But she laughed after the slap and didn't seem to show any care to calm him down or stop the verbal aspect of it. Then she put out a vague statement about a season for healing. Now, they talkin bout they both agree Will shouldn't have done it and she doesn't need protection.

She distancing herself from the whole situation and will probably talk about this on her show.....and Bring Will on to explain why he acted like a gotdamn fool lol
I think Jada is unfairly blamed for not "stopping him" in the moment. I don't think she knew he was going to do that. But she laughed after the slap and didn't seem to show any care to calm him down or stop the verbal aspect of it. Then she put out a vague statement about a season for healing. Now, they talkin bout they both agree Will shouldn't have done it and she doesn't need protection.

She distancing herself from the whole situation and will probably talk about this on her show.....and Bring Will on to explain why he acted like a gotdamn fool lol

You bolded "she shouldn't have said something to anyone but Will" so you were speaking from the pov of assuming she did speak to someone else and I just asked how you know that? That's not a defense of her as much as it's asking you why your instant go to was to accuse her of speaking to someone else with no actual proof. If the mere concept of her not being the source is something you consider mental gymnastics then yeah you're also proving the point of having this weird bias to believe or want to believe negative shit without anything other than a random unproven source.

No, I was saying what I thought she should have done and making the point that since the comment is out there, that wasn't done.

That's said I freely admit that I believe the information is out there because of her. They were her feelings and thus it's most likely that the source is someone to whom she expressed those feelings.