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Poll (Rd2) UGK vs Mobb Deep

Better Rap Group?

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See that's why I said y'all niggas wanna objective when it suits y'all.

Cuz based on all that "criteria" The Beastie Boys should be a top 5 lock.

Album(s) considered classic

If they was up for a vote, know what y'all niggas would say.


So let's cut this shit out.
Don't forget they do the same with Em and Drake.

It's only a factor when the ones they want aren't winning
Once again this isn't a hiphop site.

Also I don't know it because it doesn't appear to exist.
It would appear that Mobb Deep was impacted not impactful.
You migrated from a hip hop site where I assumed you signed up to discuss hip hop.
In something that is as subjetive as music

Honestly the only thing that is purely objective is numbers.

"Impact" is different for different people

Both groups impacted Hip Hop culture greatly

"Trill" and all its derivatives came from UGK...specifically Pimp
Prodigy's voice has been sampled by multiple artists from different regions..

as far as impact sonically...neither group has influenced another region besides their own on a large scale....

Mobb Deep with the grimey boom bap sound....that dominated the East

UGK with bluesy gospel sound....that dominated the South

Purely off of objective parameters...which would be numbers (sales to be specific) then Mobb >>UGK

But I def agree with AP at how many East Coast posters/hip hop heads seem to have this belief that its unfathomable for a southern artist to be on par or even better than an east coast artist....that is ignorant as fuck

With that being said I voted for UGK....Cause I understand a discussion such as this cant thrive on numbers talk alone...how people perceive and enjoy the art really is subjective
U really think everybody that voted Mobb Deep have heard UGKs music like that? Let alone know what kindve impact they've had?
Did you address the people that said they can’t name 5 Mobb Deep songs? I don’t know who hasn’t that’s because no one has come out and said shit like “i cAnT nAmE 5 uGk sOnGz”
I signed up on the IC to look at naked bitches when I was 13.
Because you migrated from somewhere doesn't mean the new place is the same.
Cool. So if you’re not familiar with Mobb Deep’s impact then why even vote? Y’all keep exposing y’all selves. At least 3 or 4 votes needs to be voided.
EYE know both of their music very well to be able to have this conversation very well. That ain't what I asked you pleighboy.
You do. But so far I’ve yet to see anyone voting for Mobb Deep saying they don’t know anything about UGK.
Everybody keep hollering impact...

but its being OVERSTATED for both groups...

You dont and didnt hear niggas rapping like P or producing like Havoc ANYWHERE outside of the East Coast...maybe sprinkled in the Midwest (Detroit and Chicago to be specific)

And you didnt hear niggas rapping like Bun or producing like Pimp ANYWHERE outside of the South....and again its the same..maybe sprinkled a lil bit in the Midwest (Chicago and STL)

so SCHTAP with the "impact" argument niggas PLEASE

the ONLY objective parameter we have is numbers...THASSIT

Did you address the people that said they can’t name 5 Mobb Deep songs? I don’t know who hasn’t that’s because no one has come out and said shit like “i cAnT nAmE 5 uGk sOnGz”

"What classics has he produced" "who else has he worked with"

Yes, I addressed him.