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COMMUNITY Raising minimum wage and universal basic income. Are these bad things?

Why would companies do that? They still have to fill their 8 hour shifts. So why pay me for 4 hours and pay you for 4 hours instead of paying either one of us for the full 8? Thats more expense for them when it comes to training and book keeping just to fill the same 8 hour shift.

So nah they wont cut hours.

They do it to keep your hours low enough so they don't have to give you benefits.
To the ppl who are against raising minimum wage are u against minimum wage altogether? Because companies will pay u less if they can.

Or is the jump to $15 too high?

When it doesn't even close the gap that inflation has been winning the race on
I do wonder what effect this will have on small businesses though.

Bigger companies can afford to absorb these "losses" whereas a small business may go under, especially in the Covid era where they already hanging on by a string.

Mom n pop can't afford to automate. Amazon's and targets can (and do). Small businesses close, big businesses thrive more, less competition, higher chances of monopolies....what happens to middle class?

I'm all for $15 though, maybe more even. I blame the system for everything in my post. Just some shit to think about.
To the ppl who are against raising minimum wage are u against minimum wage altogether? Because companies will pay u less if they can.

Or is the jump to $15 too high?

When it doesn't even close the gap that inflation has been winning the race on

I was literally typing something about this when the site ran that "new messages have been posted".

$15 is entirely too high, and these people barking for it won't understand it unless they get it, then get fired or see their hours reduced. In my opinion, $11 is a good number.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that folks believe they're gonna get $15/hr for a 40 hour work week and that's simply not the case unless the companies raise the price of their goods to accommodate the hourly increase; most people making minimum aren't full time employees anyways. According to the BLS, only 1% of full time employees make minimum wage compared to 5% of part-time employees according the their 2019 calculations. I would wager that the number of full time employees will drop below 1% and the number of part time folks will increase significantly and will only continue to increase at $15/hr.

Raise it to $11/hr and shit should be good.
I was literally typing something about this when the site ran that "new messages have been posted".

$15 is entirely too high, and these people barking for it won't understand it unless they get it, then get fired or see their hours reduced. In my opinion, $11 is a good number.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that folks believe they're gonna get $15/hr for a 40 hour work week and that's simply not the case unless the companies raise the price of their goods to accommodate the hourly increase; most people making minimum aren't full time employees anyways. According to the BLS, only 1% of full time employees make minimum wage compared to 5% of part-time employees according the their 2019 calculations. I would wager that the number of full time employees will drop below 1% and the number of part time folks will increase significantly and will only continue to increase at $15/hr.

Raise it to $11/hr and shit should be good.
Good response I have two views on that

The bad: full timers demoted to part time probably lose their benefits as well

The good: if a mf can make about the same amount of money for less work/hours that's still a W
Good response I have two views on that

The bad: full timers demoted to part time probably lose their benefits as well

The good: if a mf can make about the same amount of money for less work/hours that's still a W

That's how I look at times where my own business is slow as fuck (like now). I'll look at my invoices like "Well... I could be bustin my ass for $10/hr working 40+hrs a week to make the same amount I did in this 8hrs."
Then y'all were getting shafted.

Back in '98, my homie/roommate was gettin' $9.50/hr at UPS just loading the trucks. That's right around $15.50/hr in today's money. Dude kept trying to get me up in there too but I caught a temp data entry gig for the same amount of money so I was like "fuck I look like bustin' my ass when I can get the same loot to sit in an office?"

Minimum where I live is 14. Was going to be 15 before the conservative party won the provincial election and shot it down.

Before that, it was 11 or 11.50.

It wasn't sustainable. Not when outside of peak season we were averaging 3-4 hr shifts. I had to get outta there. It was best for my wallet and my health. Accepting that job was honestly one of the most regretful decisions in my life... The turnover rate there for package handlers is testament to that. Nuff dudes be quitting on their first day.
Some of yall are for UBI, but a raised min wage is preposterous? Ooook

Any time someone proposes a progressive law that levels the playing field in this country, its always met with some type of , "that will wreck the economy", "we cant afford that!", "You're rewarding the lazy!","omg thats impossible", response. Meanwhile they're multiple examples of countries that these exact same policies that are operating fine.

Lowkey promoting the same white fear mongering that you complain about in other threads.
Some of yall are for UBI, but a raised min wage is preposterous? Ooook

Any time someone proposes a progressive law that levels the playing field in this country, its always met with some type of , "that will wreck the economy", "we cant afford that!", "You're rewarding the lazy!","omg thats impossible", response. Meanwhile they're multiple examples of countries that these exact same policies that are operating fine.

Lowkey promoting the same white fear mongering that you complain about in other threads.

Motherfucking exactly they do it on mad topics. When in reality we all know the companies have the means and the money but we like greed
Why would companies do that? They still have to fill their 8 hour shifts. So why pay me for 4 hours and pay you for 4 hours instead of paying either one of us for the full 8? Thats more expense for them when it comes to training and book keeping just to fill the same 8 hour shift.

So nah they wont cut hours.


Once their hours are cut, they're no longer full-time employees.

They're part-time employees.

Part-time employees don't get the same level of benefits as full-time employees.

And that's only if they're lucky enough to get any benefits at all.

Usually they don't.
Df are you talking about. If you dont think the min wage should be raised just say it. Dont make up some nonsense hypothetical scenario, to make it seem like you're against it for the greater good.

The only main thing Wendys, Mcdonalds, BK & Chick fil a have in common is they're fast food restaurants, other than that, they dont even have the same business model. Chick Fil a is a private company and all those other places franchise. Chick Fil A maintains a high standard because one owner controls it. When you franchise the quality of the business is got to vary from franchisee to franchisee, depending on how much they care.

Raising the min wage, "lowers the incentive to do a good job". DF? How does that even make sense? lol So whats the incentive to do a good job now?

"I understand alot of people work these jobs to support their families. Minimum wage jobs ain't meant for that shit." This is amazing. The whole point of min wage was so people earn enough to live. Some of yall really believing white peoples lies that min wage jobs were made for teens in highschool. If these jobs were made for teens, then who df is working there when all these kids are in school? I dont care what you do, if you work 40 hours a week, you deserve to make a living wage. Anyone against this can suck a dick and die.

Two types of people are against a min wage increase. Company share holders that want to hoard the money, and selfish morons. They dont want the min wage to raise because it comes too close to their pay and they feel min wage workers are below them. But at no point do their dumbasses think that maybe they're being underpaid. No, it has to be the people bellow them are making too much. Holy Shit

Most of what you said is true...........except for the franchise part.

Chic Fil A is a franchise too, but it has high standards that it's franchisees must adhere to.
To the ppl who are against raising minimum wage are u against minimum wage altogether? Because companies will pay u less if they can.

Or is the jump to $15 too high?

When it doesn't even close the gap that inflation has been winning the race on

The biggest problems are the cost of housing.............and the loss of most of our manufacturing base.

Housing is most people's biggest expense.

At minimum wage, most people aren't going to be able to afford decent housing without roommates............or at least another person to share the expenses with.

Our manufacturing base was the original source of unskilled labor that was meant to support families.

Not fast-food restaurants, unless you eventually worked your way up to manager.

With outsourcing and shipping jobs overseas, even some of our service-based industries aren't what they used to be.

Once automation and A.I. really hit in the next few years, there's definitely going to be a need for Universal Basic Income.

However, raising the minimum wage will only be a temporary fix until those jobs are replaced through automation.

It's already happening at Walmart and Kroger.

Haven't been to a cashier at either of those places for at least 2 or 3 years............maybe longer.

Once they figure out how to fully automate those stores with minimal risk of theft......... it's a wrap.
Most of what you said is true...........except for the franchise part.

Chic Fil A is a franchise too, but it has high standards that it's franchisees must adhere to.
I know what you're talking about but compared to other places I wouldnt really call that being a franchisee. Only recently did Chick Fil A start calling it that. What they called it was being an "Operator" and when you really read into it, you basically hope you are selected, so you can spend 10k to be a store manager.

Chick Fil A is real strict on who they pick to be an Operator. They usually pick people who've already worked for the company for years. Chick Fil A can be your only business venture & you can only be an operator for one store at a time. To top it off, you work 6 days a week and if they pick you, you dont get to pick where you want to work, its where ever they assign you. They can do all of this because they own everything; the land, the building, the store and you own nothing.
I know what you're talking about but compared to other places I wouldnt really call that being a franchisee. Only recently did Chick Fil A start calling it that. What they called it was being an "Operator" and when you really read into it, you basically hope you are selected, so you can spend 10k to be a store manager.

Chick Fil A is real strict on who they pick to be an Operator. They usually pick people who've already worked for the company for years. Chick Fil A can be your only business venture & you can only be an operator for one store at a time. To top it off, you work 6 days a week and if they pick you, you dont get to pick where you want to work, its where ever they assign you. They can do all of this because they own everything; the land, the building, the store and you own nothing.

Damn, you're right.

When I saw the operator info on the window outside the store, I always thought it meant owner/franchisee.

So yeah, the operator is definitely not a franchisee if they don't own anything.

Never knew that.
Damn, you're right.

When I saw the operator info on the window outside the store, I always thought it meant owner/franchisee.

So yeah, the operator is definitely not a franchisee if they don't own anything.

Never knew that.
I only found that out like a year or 2 ago, cuz some nigga told me he bout to open up a Chick Fil A and get paid. I knew the nigga was a broke dumb ass, so I wondered how he could afford it. He said it was only 10k and i didnt believe him since I knew Mcdonalds was expensive af and Chick Fil A is better than Mcdonalds. When I saw it was really only 10k, I had to take a deep dive cuz I knew that couldnt be right. Thats when I learned all that other bullshit.

What interesting is when I looked up the info a couple years ago, it said clearly the dont franchise and only have Operators. But when I relooked up stuff now to make sure, they added the phrase Franchisee's, but then have that they're 'Operators' and their definition under it. I'm sure they changed that to get more traffic flow into people looking to join.

You should look up more into it now. Chick Fil A basically picks its most cult like members to make them operators. The people that work at jobs and that act like its their damn company. Its makes sense tho. They're the only people that wanna be n Operator and work 6 days a week like they're not making 6 figures. And to top it off you have to do charity work to make the company look good. No sane people are going to devote themselves like that to a business they dont even own.

I applaud their finesse tho.
If minimum wage isn't the answer, what is?
When do ppl realize the inherently fucked premise of a system of economics that thrives on its reliance on poverty, exploitation, coercion, planned obsolescence and theft of land and resources?

Control of the means of production needs to be taken away from private entities. They don't work for the common social good, they work within the unscrupulous framework of nameless, faceless avarice.

We can discuss bandaid solutions but a more fundamental change is the way forward.
If minimum wage isn't the answer, what is?
When do ppl realize the inherently fucked premise of a system of economics that thrives on its reliance on poverty, exploitation, coercion, planned obsolescence and theft of land and resources?

Control of the means of production needs to be taken away from private entities. They don't work for the common social good, they work within the unscrupulous framework of nameless, faceless avarice.

We can discuss bandaid solutions but a more fundamental change is the way forward.

if not privately owned, then who should own it? the govt?

u sound like u would rather live in China.....