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Public/Work Restroom Question

My job requires me going to peoples house there has been times ive had to go but i try not to in a strangers house
Man at my new job the bathroom is hela small its like they built it a closet no lie

And the main building is better but i cant even take a shit in peace bcuz im on the clock all the time...so i might need to do sumthn

Quite skilled at putting that tissue on the seat before I sit too. And whatever school/work place I'm at, I look for the quitest, cleanest, least amount of traffic bathroom there is.

All these dudes saying "the stall farthest from the door" you'd think would realize by now, tallying this all up, that it's actually among the most used cause everybody's thinking the same thing about cleanliness. Lol.

Thanks for the heads up, I guess I'll be using the first.
Do ya do it? Yes or no and reasoning.

I try my darndest never to shit in public, especially at work. Shits disgusting imo.

Bathrooms aren't clean, no real privacy, random ppl walkin around n talkin while u talkin a dump. Not to mention, during the regular tp whipe ur butt hole never really gets clean. Ugh.

Now a days when out. I never eat any wild or super greasy shits. Jus in case I get the shits in public. Jus plain chicken for me sir.

btw ppl who take those long huge dumps in public restrooms and dont do a courtesy flush should be banned to hell. Having the bathroom smelling like day old diapers wrapped in dead fish. Eww

So. Yea.