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Public/Work Restroom Question

Working from home now. But, when I was in the office I would not be at my desk daily at 9 am.

I'm there for at least 8 hrs a day, how do you expect me not to shit.
I eat breakfast, drink coffee, and eat lunch there. How could I not shit there.
Yes, my office building is good about keep the restrooms clean. I still disinfect it before using it tho. There's a floor here where no men work and the mens room on that floor is a single person restroom. I go in there at noon sometime and the water still blue from the cleaning crew the previous night. It's rarely used
Mayne the first time I did it was coz I was finna shit myself but then I realised I was bein' silly now at least 30m of my work day is sittin' on the can, covered in tissue of course
if ya'll insist on making mud pies at the office, at least follow proper protocol

Never have I seen so many folks put so much mental thought into bowel movements

Niggas wanna get paid for taking a shit???

What a fascinating logic
Only in an emergency, which is pretty much NEVER.

Hate it when I go to pee and somebody just finished blowin‘ it up in there.


Gotta hold my breath.
The office has 7 bathrooms at my job so I'll use them almost everyday, i always clean before and after