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Public Enemy Have Fired Flavor Flav

After all these years and all the bullshit THIS is what kicks him out?

Was thinkin the same shyt.

Sooooooo...all that Flava of Love shyt...the show he had wit Brigette Nielsen where he overturned a table for her outta anger backstage at a concert they did...only to then bring her out on stage during a performance...having the mother of his 1st kids show up to his mama church to shun him as a deadbeat dad on national tv...none of that bothered Chuck D enough to kick him out the group then??

Smh & lol
Was thinkin the same shyt.

Sooooooo...all that Flava of Love shyt...the show he had wit Brigette Nielsen where he overturned a table for her outta anger backstage at a concert they did...only to then bring her out on stage during a performance...having the mother of his 1st kids show up to his mama church to shun him as a deadbeat dad on national tv...none of that bothered Chuck D enough to kick him out the group then??

Smh & lol
Flava was kinda kicked out before, this time it’s official
For the life of me, I can't understand how anyone can cosign that socialism bullshit. Was invented by white elites to maintain their wealth, and they got people around the globe pushing it. smh @ Chuck
riiiiiight b/c the white man's capitalism has worked so well for us.
Capitalism sure as hell has worked well for us in comparison to socialism. There wouldn't even be a Public Enemy without it. The huge renaissance of wealth in our community the past 50 years is a direct result of it. There is no Oprah empire, no mass influx of black millionaires in entertianment industries, no massive growth of black business enterprises...without capitlaism. That's not to say I think we use it as effectively as possible. Would love to see our money stay within the community, but that's a whole other topic. As a people we are the most innovative, and it's afforded many of us a chance to rise ou of bad siutaitons,

With socialism, things stay static. There is no turnover of wealth like we got in the US. Only people who can trust the govenrment to do right by them is white people. Our public schools ALWAYS get the short end of the stick. Our hospitals always are the worse. Our roads never get fixed until gentrified. Every undesirable building gets zoned in our hoods. The cops protect white commmunites and wreck havock in ours. Tell me again how the government will do shit for a black or brown communties. Go look how garbage it's been in South Africa, all it did was preserve the white minority wealth, and stunt that nation form being a 1st world black led country. Go look at Latin America.

Bernie is a millionaire, Chuck is a millionaire, Belonfonte is a millionaire, Michael Moore is a millionaire, all these "socliasts" have zero problem making money off captialism, and then telling others that it's evil. Our goals should be bringing back Black Wall Street...not fucking min wage jobs.
Capitalism sure as hell has worked well for us in comparison to socialism. There wouldn't even be a Public Enemy without it. The huge renaissance of wealth in our community the past 50 years is a direct result of it. There is no Oprah empire, no mass influx of black millionaires in entertianment industries, no massive growth of black business enterprises...without capitlaism. That's not to say I think we use it as effectively as possible. Would love to see our money stay within the community, but that's a whole other topic. As a people we are the most innovative, and it's afforded many of us a chance to rise ou of bad siutaitons,

With socialism, things stay static. There is no turnover of wealth like we got in the US. Only people who can trust the govenrment to do right by them is white people. Our public schools ALWAYS get the short end of the stick. Our hospitals always are the worse. Our roads never get fixed until gentrified. Every undesirable building gets zoned in our hoods. The cops protect white commmunites and wreck havock in ours. Tell me again how the government will do shit for a black or brown communties. Go look how garbage it's been in South Africa, all it did was preserve the white minority wealth, and stunt that nation form being a 1st world black led country. Go look at Latin America.

Bernie is a millionaire, Chuck is a millionaire, Belonfonte is a millionaire, Michael Moore is a millionaire, all these "socliasts" have zero problem making money off captialism, and then telling others that it's evil. Our goals should be bringing back Black Wall Street...not fucking min wage jobs.

That whole middle paragraph is just you describing the negative effects of Capitalism you silly goose.
Capitalism sure as hell has worked well for us in comparison to socialism. There wouldn't even be a Public Enemy without it. The huge renaissance of wealth in our community the past 50 years is a direct result of it. There is no Oprah empire, no mass influx of black millionaires in entertianment industries, no massive growth of black business enterprises...without capitlaism. That's not to say I think we use it as effectively as possible. Would love to see our money stay within the community, but that's a whole other topic. As a people we are the most innovative, and it's afforded many of us a chance to rise ou of bad siutaitons,

With socialism, things stay static. There is no turnover of wealth like we got in the US. Only people who can trust the govenrment to do right by them is white people. Our public schools ALWAYS get the short end of the stick. Our hospitals always are the worse. Our roads never get fixed until gentrified. Every undesirable building gets zoned in our hoods. The cops protect white commmunites and wreck havock in ours. Tell me again how the government will do shit for a black or brown communties. Go look how garbage it's been in South Africa, all it did was preserve the white minority wealth, and stunt that nation form being a 1st world black led country. Go look at Latin America.

Bernie is a millionaire, Chuck is a millionaire, Belonfonte is a millionaire, Michael Moore is a millionaire, all these "socliasts" have zero problem making money off captialism, and then telling others that it's evil. Our goals should be bringing back Black Wall Street...not fucking min wage jobs.
Yall dick heads really acting like hes bout to take everyones money and give to other people, just because he wants to change our healthcare system. Out here spreading disinformation like Fox News pundits. Socialist programs are what helped the black community while white "Capitalist" is what ruined up and tried to keep us ruined.

That whole middle paragraph is just you describing the negative effects of Capitalism you silly goose.

Not just the middle, the last paragraph too. Once upon a time, a min wage job meant the min amount you could make to support yourself and possibly a family. Now "capitalists" helped change that meaning. And they've successfully rebranded it as a wage that was never ment to support yourself.

You smart dumb niggas need to wise df up. *Ghostface voice*
I mean isn’t public enemy against the entire establishment. Why they ain’t let him go when he did reality tv? This is wack af
Public Enemy breaking up over a 80 year old white millionaire from Vermont is the absolute peak of 2020..
I've seen a lot of shit in my 31 years, but I never thought I'd see the day when Public Enemy would be co-opted by white gentrifiers. Mans been bought out huh.

The nigga said the last straw was something before the Bernie thing but still kept him in the group, if it's the last straw then you get rid of him then but he just so happen to kick him out after the Bernie shit. Chuck D full of shit
That whole middle paragraph is just you describing the negative effects of Capitalism you silly goose.
Nope, they're the negative effects of relying on public works. You're playing yourself if you don't think our communities would get the absolutely worst govenremnt support of any.
Yall dick heads really acting like hes bout to take everyones money and give to other people, just because he wants to change our healthcare system. Out here spreading disinformation like Fox News pundits. Socialist programs are what helped the black community while white "Capitalist" is what ruined up and tried to keep us ruined.

Not just the middle, the last paragraph too. Once upon a time, a min wage job meant the min amount you could make to support yourself and possibly a family. Now "capitalists" helped change that meaning. And they've successfully rebranded it as a wage that was never ment to support yourself.

You smart dumb niggas need to wise df up. *Ghostface voice*
You're up in here posting all kinds of nonsense.

1) What black community has socialism helped? That's counter reality. I'm from South LA, and went from working class to well off and able to use money I EARNED to help my family, friend, and community(cause I actually give back in meaningful ways). I got friends/clients from Latin America, who fled and came here because of that bullshit. Explain how ""Capitalist" is what ruined up and tried to keep us ruined."......I don't you see many who built up success agreeing.

2) No my nigga, just fucking no! Minimum wage jobs were NEVER the amount you could support yourself on. Min wage jobs was for teens, and people with zero skills to offer. These white socialists got you pining for $10/hr job...think about that. What we had were blue collar working class jobs, and it literally made us the #7 economic power in the World.

White people are never gonna look out for us. They're the majority, so anyone who doesn't look at the garbage history of socialism and how minority populations are treated under it, have their heads buried in the sand.
Nope, they're the negative effects of relying on public works. You're playing yourself if you don't think our communities would get the absolutely worst govenremnt support of any.

Are you under the impression that the US Gov't is or has ever been socialist? Because if you're describing poor economic conditions in the US as an example of the problems with Socialism I don't know what else to tell you since you seem to have your own odd perspective on things.

Also public works isn't socialism - that's just called using your taxes to do things they are intended for as opposed to sibsidising huge corporations and our massively bloated war machine.