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@SneakDZA I don't understand what you mean. How am I, "describing socialism by pointing out the flaws and failures of capitalism"?

I actually quoted and bolded what i was referring to:

"The schools in the inner city have smaller budgets because the residents of the community don't pay much in taxes. That's socialism. "

TO be clear, that's not socialism that's capitalism.
I actually quoted and bolded what i was referring to:

TO be clear, that's not socialism that's capitalism.

IT IS Socialism because the people in the ghettos are on welfare, food stamps, and section 8.

If the poor people were starving it would be capitalism, but as long as there's Medicaid, SSI, Food Stamps, Federal Loans and Grants to go to college and section 8, America will be socialist.

My point is, there's alot of people that don't work and the government provides for them. That's socialism.
Like niggas forgot the whole Western Hemisphere was a capitalist experiment. Worked natives to death and import slaves and ruin cultures. Where are niggas reasoning
LOL, I didn't mean to derail this threead about Chuck turning his back on a friend for 30 years over his own ego(I'm a longtime Chuck D fan, but it's clear that's what's happening). Imma try to make this my last post.

But if you don't understand that the originators of socilaism were some of the most racist MFers out there, good luck. Go read karl Marx's "Das Kapital" and how he talks about anyone who's non-white. 100 years ago you had two evil powers changing the World. Karl Marx in Russia godfathering communism & socialism. And Woodrow Wilson godfatering progressivism & globlaism. As a people we were starting to thrive(60 black owned banks opened post Civil War), but Wilson really amped anti-black sentiment during his term, and progressives again tried to make us "other than" in society. A few years later you had the Tulsa massacre, and the rebrith of the KKK(thanks to Wilson). All while the Fed was created, and central banks were setup around the world. We strayed from the mindset of Marcus Garvey over to Dubois....and that did lasting damage. We praise things like Planned Parenthood created by that racist pshychopath Margaret Sanger, all while lowering our percentage of the populaiton...which was the whole goal of the eugenics progressive sect. Around the world you see socialsim implanted on nations of color, while white nations thrive with captilism. The one period where socialism crept up into North Scandanavia, ended in shambles, and they swtiched back to capiltalism by the 90s. All those programs Bernie likes to praise were going bankrupt until they switched back.

I never said the US government was socialist, I pointed to Latina America and South Africa specifically. My whole point from the jump is that America is capitalistic, which is why our community is now the #7 economic power in the World. I wouldn't have the success I worked for, without it. Neither would people like Oprah, MJ, Robert SMith, or David Steward. Nor our middle class that grew out of capitalism.

As for subsidizing corporations, I'm 100% with you on stopping that. That's not capiitalism though, that's corporatism. Taxpayer money should go back to helping taxpayers, not corps lobbying these clowns in Congress. Or better yet, just give us back more of it

The Western Hemishpere was a imperialism experiment. America wasn't even capitalist until the late 1800s. http://www.allshookdown.com/newhistory/CH01.htm

And the funny thing is, Capitalism was originated by ISLAM.

For a Country that hates Muslims so much, they should give them back a system they created.