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President Biden refers to baseball legend Satchel Paige as “the great negro at the time”

We are a conditioned people. The evidence is littered all over ABW. We're broken and unfixable

We have been brainwashed to not prioritize ourselves, but to put a political party first and vilify pro black thought

This will never change
You got one more time to call me unfixable
oh they do which makes your caping for u.s empire even more hilarious

and by hilarious i mean sick asf

Im not capin for the us empire.

Im jus bein practical.

And i've asked you several times to stop being disingenuous or maybe you really do lack knowledge of world history.
Im not capin for the us empire.

Im jus bein practical.

And i've asked you several times to stop being disingenuous or maybe you really do lack knowledge of world history.

She got you there bruh.

I mean Trump called Haiti a shithole country but Clinton actually fucked Haiti over. If I was from the Caribbean, I can't say that would believe one American regime is any better than another.
Funny as hell and I agree. Idc if it sounds ageist or whatever there needs to be a cutoff age on serving as a public official. Old people in their 60s and 70s shouldn't be leading the country
Especially if there politics are running bon coal .. political conventional wisdom from the 80s at best
Satchel played in the Negro Leagues. Was he not supposed to say the name of the league?
Yeah… And I know the term “negro” is kinda dated in American society and it seems somewhat disrespectful and condescending coming from a white person, but the word LITERALLY means “black”.

It’s always kinda funny when people don’t wanna be referred to as negro but have no problem being called black.
All US admin fucked ovet haiti

If you're from the U.S. or a powerful U.S. ally, you might be able to make an argument that the Dems are marginally better than the Reps. If you from a poor or developing nation outside of the U.S., I'm not sure how you'd even see a difference between the two since all American admins treat poorer nations like shit. People love Obama and act like he was a great leader and kinda ignore the fact that the U.S. was bombing schools and weddings under his watch.
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of Course Jim Crow Joe is racist, Joe probaly wasnt supposed to be up or the medicine they have for him stopped working and he was just speaking his mind. Slipped up a bit.

Dunno why people trying to defend him like we dont know who he is already. He approval rating is at Trump levels no need to cape.