Welcome To aBlackWeb

Posters you're glad didn't migrate from IC

Preach was fuckin' WOAT fam, I've seen a hundred white dudes like him before. Listens to rap but doesn't believe racism exists. He them pathetic 'there's a conspiracy against white men' cacs
Yeah that's the one. Her posts were too leftist even for me sometimes. Kind of glad ABW is a bit more moderate politically as far as the average opinion goes

I remember we got at her about her militant views of wanting to get rid of ALL the police, but never had a good solution after that.

Her: We need to get rid of the police and the system!

Us: Ok...you get rid of the police...then what?

Her: Let the people police themselves!


Yeeeeah...its bad enough I don't trust the police, but I have less faith in people to police themselves.
I remember we got at her about her militant views of wanting to get rid of ALL of the police, but never had a good solution after that.

Her: We need to get rid of the police and the system!

Us: Ok...you get rid of the police...then what?

Her: Let the people police themselves!

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Yeeeeah...its bad enough I don't trust the police, but I have less faith in people to police themselves.
And therein lies god's conundrum. How to make the peoples want to be good humans not bad ones.
And therein lies god's conundrum. How to make the peoples want to be good humans not bad ones.

If god existed everyone would be able to agree on what good is because god is good. But since there is no god we all create our own good.
If god existed everyone would be able to agree on what good is because god is good. But since there is no god we all create our own good.
Maybe we cannot agree because we arent at the same level of understanding?
Maybe we cannot agree because we arent at the same level of understanding?

Goodness isn't a property of objects but rather a property that subjects mentally associate with objects. There's no universal level of understanding. Culture can kind of make it more uniform among people, but even people within the same culture disagree about what is good.

Who argues for moral universalism in 2019?
Goodness isn't a property of objects but rather a property that subjects mentally associate with objects. There's no universal level of understanding. Culture can kind of make it more uniform among people, but even people within the same culture disagree about what is good.

Who argues for moral universalism in 2019?
Morals are learned and understanding is collected. And none of us are on the same page with either. Humanity isnt ready for universalism.
Morals are learned and understanding is collected. And none of us are on the same page with either. Humanity isnt ready for universalism.

How would you implement it when we have so many different ethnicities and cultures and technologies and religions and languages?
@LUCIEN B_A is biblical atheist from the ic. It took me awhile to figure it out until I read her profile. Expanding on what you mentioned about lil local and sicksixsins there was an ultrafemimazi way worse than both other it was like she was the megazord of feminazis. She claimed to he a frat chick and was heavy against interracial relation ships especially when it came to black men but the bitch was a hypocrite because she claimed to have dated an Armenian and constantly threw black men under the bus in comparrisn to him. She was so terrible she was suspected to be a white male poster who was trolling us. I hope she didn't migrate here.
Loca dated mclovin

i remember she intimated that twerkin was a cultural pillar..

and the time where i edited Ob's post and said it looked like she rolled her hair with fire crackers was classic
@LUCIEN B_A is biblical atheist from the ic. It took me awhile to figure it out until I read her profile. Expanding on what you mentioned about lil local and sicksixsins there was an ultrafemimazi way worse than both other it was like she was the megazord of feminazis. She claimed to he a frat chick and was heavy against interracial relation ships especially when it came to black men but the bitch was a hypocrite because she claimed to have dated an Armenian and constantly threw black men under the bus in comparrisn to him. She was so terrible she was suspected to be a white male poster who was trolling us. I hope she didn't migrate here.

Her and Six both got called out for being hypocrites; they talk that pro-black business but then they end up dating non-Black guys.