Welcome To aBlackWeb

Posters you're glad didn't migrate from IC

i fuck with Eye on twitter lol

he said, and i quote "i'll come when the time is right" lol

he know about the site though

Stew, i think is still trying to make something bubble with the IC and get them back going. He might not be here out of loyalty to them.

He said if nothin pops off w/ the IC revival then he'd prolly be signing up.

i think both them niggas will end up coming through in 2019
Off topic (no pun intended) and a possible spinoff thread, but I wish all those nignogs from the old site who were saying it was a bad idea for me to try and reach out to my church girl had migrated over here.

Babygirl just had a baby a few months ago.

Only 20 years old and barely out of high school.

Would love to hear these shiftless negroes explain how I would've made things worse for her.

She's barely a child herself and would be lost if she didn't have her big mama and aunties helping her with the baby.

But I would have been the problem if I tried to counsel her.
I just wish some of the women came over and stayed.


Just to keep the balance...
But it's whatever

Me too.

But lol @ niggas still fronting like they weren't cool with Kat.

Isn't she one of your facebook friends?


Might need to make a thread about this.

I need someone to explain to me how she became persona non grata.
That was a dude. @backinwhite or something like that. Someone pulled the curtain back on his weird ass. Nigga looked like Goo from My Brother And Me. And he had a dusty squat bitch that looked like Ceelo in drag.

@BRIAN B. exposed dude and he disappeared shortly thereafter. You gotta have mental issues to pretend you're a man-hating, delusional feminist.

He was always talking wild shit for years finally got exposed and folded like a bitch