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True, but unless you are wealthy and have some money put away for your retirement, you'd be better off investing in stocks & bonds rather than spending hundreds of dollars per month on CDs and records.

When I was younger I'd get my paycheck and go record shopping. Then it got to a point where I had thousands of records, but I was unemployed and needed money. So I sold my records for pennies on the dollar. Unless you have a brick & mortar retail store it's difficult to sell records for what their worth. And they're not worth much these days. It's a buyer's market. Everybody is selling their records and CDs because they're impractical. DJs don't even use records anymore.

At the end of the day, CDs have the superior sound quality, but they can be expensive ($15) vs streaming from a website that charges $10 per month.... or file sharing for free.

Who spends $100's a month on CDs/records though??? lol You can buy CDs for like less than a $1 on Amazon and new releases are generally $10 because they are often digipaks not jewel cases... I get the impracticaly aspect though, which is why most DJs dont use records these days...
Who spends $100's a month on CDs/records though??? lol You can buy CDs for like less than a $1 on Amazon and new releases are generally $10 because they are often digipaks not jewel cases... I get the impracticaly aspect though, which is why most DJs dont use records these days...

When I graduated from high school I lived out of my parents basement. When I got paid I'd drop $100 on records like it was nothing. I was into 70s Funk and Soul like James Brown, The Meters, Kool & The Gang, Bob James, Herbie Hancock, Freddie Hubbard. Basically anything you could sample.
When I graduated from high school I lived out of my parents basement. When I got paid I'd drop $100 on records like it was nothing. I was into 70s Funk and Soul like James Brown, The Meters, Kool & The Gang, Bob James, Herbie Hancock, Freddie Hubbard. Basically anything you could sample.

Well if you spend a $100 a month on records (which in the 70s is more like $400 now) I wouldnt be surprsied if they went broke...

Like anything in life, you can just spend what you afford, you dont need to buy 1000 cds a month or buy a cd the day it comes out with the internet around...
Vinyl is a waste of time and money.

I collected vinyl since the 70s (I was born in 1973 and I can remember my mother buying a Funkadelic album for me when I was about 5). I collected Hip Hop all through the 80s into the 2000s.

Generally speaking they pressed too many copies of just about everything. Used records aren't worth anything because DJs switched to mp3s. mp3s sound better than vinyl. And If you're a DJ it's much easier to bring a laptop to a party than crates of records that aren't clean and have a lil snap, crackle and pop.

As a person who had a 2000+ vinyl collection, unless you have money to burn, you'd be better off collecting mp3s and spending your money on something else.

You can go on discogs.com and there's very, very few record albums, or 12's, that have any intrinsic value.

And the days of buying a record, holding it for 20 years and reselling it at a profit are long gone. The vinyl market pretty much went south in the late 90s when mp3s got popular. The record labels kept pressing vinyl, like it was the 90s, but DJs switched to mp3s and that was the last demographic of people that bought vinyl.
If anybody is buying vinyls for their audio quality they're an idiot. That's like buying trading cards for their picture quality. They're collector items, nothing more nothing less.
If anybody is buying vinyls for their audio quality they're an idiot. That's like buying trading cards for their picture quality. They're collector items, nothing more nothing less.

analog audio >>>>>>>>>> digital audio.

And vinyl does sound better, but hip hop ain't the music to buy for that.


... But shit like this? You listen to it on vinyl with a decent setup and you'll hear the difference right away.
Jokes aside, I started collecting vinyl a few years back in college. But that shit gets expensive! even if you're just buying used records