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If anybody is buying vinyls for their audio quality they're an idiot. That's like buying trading cards for their picture quality. They're collector items, nothing more nothing less.

Nah this isnt necessarily true, especially with genres such as jazz... Plus vinyl is always pure and in lossless format, whereas CDs and MP3s are messed with and converted from analog to digital but mastering an engineering plays a big part...

A good sound system and needle, with a proper/well pressed record can piss over CD... The problem with record players is they are just more temperamental to set up, whereas CD players are pretty much plug and go... Plus records get warped or can be baldly and cheaply pressed (and new records are often converted from digital) which majorly effects the quality...


peeps this article:

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This pretty much sums up what I was getting at too:

'Old LPs were cut from analog tapes--that's why they sound so high quality. But the majority of today's new and re-issued vinyl albums--around 80% or more, several experts estimate--start from digital files, even lower-quality CDs. These digital files are often loud and harsh-sounding, optimized for ear-buds, not living rooms. So the new vinyl LP is sometimes inferior to what a consumer hears on a CD.'

'Major labels claim they use original analog masters. They may have the time and budget to issue LPs from analog tapes but smaller labels often cut corners when they can't afford the engineering and record-pressing expenses of using tape.'
This might not be my collection but thought it relevant and didnt think it warranted its own thread...

But this popped up on my YouTube feed and blew my mind, Em's tape collection is crrrraaazzzy, he must have 1000's....
