
Lmao at banning somebody because they said something aimed at you (not family memember)

A whole lotta folks need to be banned then.

Either enforce the rules all the way or not at all. Only enforcing them when a complaint is filed is not following rules.

Hell and a few others stay calling folks foul shit but since it’s between the two it’s good because they can go back and forth and I’m with that.
But then we need to file a complaint.

So we need to say we want him banned.

Most niggas can't say sorry or I love you and y'all want us to day banned him?
They are....which is why Czar is banned

I guess in all the theatrics that's lost on most of y'all

But I'll reiterate.....Czar is banned for talking about Freeman deceased father. Hence why this thread exist...

My new thing now....
I don't want no ban
As someone who had a poster try and take a slick shot at my mother mere weeks after I said she passed away last year on this site and then try to backtrack and hide their hands I will say there's quite a few instances of posters stepping over the line then pretending they either didnt say it or "I didnt mean it like that". If you gonna jump out there that far to bring up dead relatives then stand on your fuck shit. Dont throw stones then hide your hands like even more of a bitch
As someone who had a poster try and take a slick shot at my mother mere weeks after I said she passed away last year on this site and then try to backtrack and hide their hands I will say there's quite a few instances of posters stepping over the line then pretending they either didnt say it or "I didnt mean it like that". If you gonna jump out there that far to bring up dead relatives then stand on your fuck shit. Dont throw stones then hide your hands like even more of a bitch

He didn’t hide his hand like a bitch. He pretty much stood by what he said by taking it further. Unless you’re speaking in general.
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Then it’s gonna be all “ it wasn’t that serious “ when someone catches a bullet behind this dumb shit
Personally, im not above going there or anywhere

But i would only talk to a non black enemy the way Hellczar did

I highly doubt I'd talk about a black person deceased family so disrespectfully
Quiet as kept, AP had already banned Czar B4 Freeman got on his soapbox about a perceived
+14 for an active imagination
I posted a vid in this very thread of lil niggas getting hammers pulled on them for dissing someone dead homie on the internet
Quiet as kept, AP had already banned Czar B4 Freeman got on his soapbox about a perceived miscarriages of justice

+14 for an active imagination

But YOU decided to play the fool and antagonize me more instead of just saying that and letting me move on.

You wanted me to be upset about a nigga on here making fun of my dead father for your entertainment which is wild fucked up.

Good for you tho man.