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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread


KY Gov.: Mass Shootings Are Result Of ‘Culture,’ ‘Psychiatric Drugs,’ Lack Of Morals

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin (R) on Monday told President Donald Trump that a “culture of death,” “psychiatric drugs” and a lapse in morality are contributing to the increase in mass shootings in America.

He also said guns are not to blame because “there have always been guns.”

“This culture of death is becoming pervasive and if it’s not addressed by all the imperfect people in this room with a sense of purpose and sense of aspiration, I think we are going to see a continued trajectory that is not good,” he said during a governors meeting at the White House on Monday.

“There have always been guns in homes and fewer rules. It isn’t to say that these rules and restrictions are necessarily bad, but what has changed is what we do or don’t do as it relates to acknowledging the value and dignity of every human life,” he continued. “When you couple that with the number of psychiatric drugs that are increasingly systemic and have very severe warnings associated with them related to depression and suicidal thoughts, you put all these things in a mess and no one among us is bold enough or willing to step up and challenge of the fact that this is a problem. This is why it goes unchecked.”

He then called on Trump and his fellow governors to “seize the opportunities” to call Americans “to higher action as it relates to our mores.”

Monday was not the first time Bevin, a National Rifle Association-backed supporter of gun owners’ rights, has blamed mass shootings on cultural and moral issues, or on “psychiatric drugs.”

Last month, after an armed student attacked a school in his state and killed two and injured 18, Bevin blamed violence in movies, video games and music lyrics for desensitizing young people to violence. During an interview on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” last week, Bevin made similar claims and said that since guns have been around for decades, blame shouldn’t be cast on weapons.

“Fifty and one hundred years ago, children did not slaughter other children at school. What has changed? It isn’t the gun,” he said.

He then blamed a number of other cultural forces for the uptick in school shootings: video games, music, movies, television, drugs and broken homes.

“We have to look at what has changed in society and not have a knee-jerk response that another rule and another regulation is the answer,” he said on Fox News last week.

Kentucky is one of the top 10 states with the least restrictive gun laws, according to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. The state does not require background checks for purchases, doesn’t license firearms owners and doesn’t regulate assault weapons.

He's right though.

It's no telling how all those ritalin and ADHD drugs have affected those kids over the years.

They've basically been giving those drugs to kids just for being kids.

Especially considering the fact that it's not even licensed psychiatrists who are diagnosing them with ADHD.

Just teachers who have a hard time controlling them.

Had teacher suggest this shit for my son. Cause he was always disruptive.

What she didnt tell us is that he was finishing his work before all the other students because he was ahead of them especially in thier reading and math assignments. So he would be bored in class cause he wasnt being challenged.

Told that cac FOH.
Had teacher suggest this shit for my son. Cause he was always disruptive.

What she didnt tell us is that he was finishing his work before all the other students because he was ahead of them especially in thier reading and math assignments. So he would be bored in class cause he wasnt being challenged.

Told that cac FOH.

@BDP I can put you in the Hall every day for this lol


Breitbart Editor Calls Parkland Survivors ’17-Year-Old Pawns,’ ‘Human Shields’ for CNN

Breibart editor Alex Marlow said on Breitbart News Daily Tuesday that the young Parkland survivors who are fighting for gun reform might need to be put in their place.

Charlie Hurt, opinion editor for The Washington Times, said that the efforts of the survivors are “sophomoric,” which he did “not mean as an insult.” Marlow was quick to say that his desire to do less than laud the young activists is not to be condemned.

“You’re trying to be polite and this is the debate we’re having right now, which is that most people calling on the show are whether or not we should be polite to these 17-year-old pawns, these human shields for CNN and Jeff Zucker’s agenda, or whether or not we should rip them a new one,” he said.

“My real-life godfather, and senior writer for Breitbart News John Nolte, he’s fed up with it,” Marlow continued. “He’s saying that ‘Hey, if these kids are going to go out there, I’m going to pop them on the behind if they have to,’ and it’s hard to debate with them.”

“Being polite is a huge disadvantage in any sort of debate like this,” Hurt agreed. “I think that this is somewhat of a tempest in a teacup… there’s a reason that every time politicians try to do something… why it is that you have this kind of collapse of the government to protect the people. The first reaction of some people is to go out and ban one of the most popular tools people use to protect themselves. It’s monstrously arrogant.”
A week later and they still haven’t addressed the real issue. This tells you all you need to know.

The real issue is the teachers not having guns. Trump n the nra told yall niggas that. They will move to arm teachers. Case closed, they have already moved on.