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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread


NRATV Host Claims Parkland Shooting is Like Benghazi: ‘This is What Liberal Leadership Gets You’

NRATV’s resident TV-destroyer and white genocide conspiracy theorist Grant Stinchfield believes that “liberal leadership” — not America’s problem with gun violence — is to blame for the Parkland, Florida shooting, just like in “Benghazi.”

During a segment with veteran Kris Paronto, who was part of the CIA’s security team during the 2012 infamous attack in Libya, Stinchfield likened the recent school shooting that resulted in the death of 17 people to the Benghazi incident.

Stinchfield said the following while discussing what took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School earlier this month:

You know, I can’t help but draw comparisons to Benghazi. Now that was a terrorist attack, you could make the argument that this guy was a terrorist in what he rained down on that school. You had so many warnings, Kris, you and the men that you fought with over there warned about Benghazi over and over again that there were threats and there were security flaws and issues there. Now we see that there were warnings over and over again. We as Americans, I’m sad to say, we’re not learning lessons from other events and we could have learned – whether it was Benghazi or any other school shooting, this school wasn’t ready and they should have been.”

Paronto, who has used his post-Benghazi fame to incorporate himself into the conservative movement, agreed with the NRATV host and blamed both Benghazi and Parkland on “politicians and political correctness.”

“We’re not looking at common sense anymore, we’re letting agendas drive this. And when we let agendas drive this, we let left-wing agendas drive this, and I’m going to say this specifically when we let left-wing agendas drive this, this is what we see,” Paronto said.

With the NRA taking significant heat for their post-Parkland response — which included their lead spokeswoman Dana Loesch claiming the media “loves mass shootings” — Stinchfield appeared to be pivoting the argument away from America’s gun violence issue and dredging up the old anti-Hillary Clinton Benghazi talking points.

“It sounds like Hillary Clinton ‘What difference does it make?’ Continued Stinchfield. “This is what liberal leadership gets you. No responsibility, no accountability, we’ve got people dead from Benghazi, we’ve got people dead at Parkland and liberal leadership is at the height of all of it.”

As bizarre as the host’s claim was, it’s not even the Stinchfield’s craziest moment. He has also suggested Black Lives Matter wants to have white people “tortured and killed,” destroyed NRA’s own TV with a sledgehammer in a response to the media, and asked North Korea to launch a nuke toward California

CNN: NRA Officials Asked Trump To Reconsider Age Increase For Rifle Sales

Leaders of the National Rifle Association (NRA) appealed directly to President Donald Trump about reconsidering his position on increasing the age limit for rifle purchases from 18 to 21, CNN reported Wednesday.

Trump met with NRA heads Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox over the weekend, which is reportedly when the request was made, according to one senior Trump administration official who spoke with CNN. The NRA reportedly asked Trump to consider focusing on school safety measures instead.

While Trump has publicly expressed his support for an age increase, the NRA has been vocal about its opposition to the measure. NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch argued the point by telling CNN last week she needed a rifle to protect herself when she was 20-years-old.

The official who spoke with CNN said Trump still has a “preference” for the age limit increase. Trump suggested he also supports arming teachers, banning bump stocks and improving background check system for gun purchases.

The White House plans to release it’s proposals for school safety improvements on Thursday.

Georgia Police Respond To Reports Of Shots Fired At High School

DALTON, Ga. (AP) — Police in Georgia say officers have responded to reports of shots fired at a high school and a teacher who may have been barricaded in a classroom is in custody.

Police in Dalton tweeted that no children were hurt or were in danger. Police spokesman Bruce Frazier tells The Associated Press that the scene is secure. Police are not immediately saying what happened inside the school.

Police say the school has been evacuated and students have been taken to the Northwest Georgia Center. Police are advising parents to go there to pick them up.

Dalton is about 90 miles (145 kilometers) north of Atlanta.

The identity of the teacher has not been released.

The high school’s website says it has 2,000 students.

Trump Tells Congress To ‘Think About’ Raising Rifle Purchasing Age To 21

President Donald Trump said Wednesday that Congress should consider raising the age of purchase for rifles to 21.

“You can buy the kind of weapon used in the school shooting at 18,” he told a bipartisan group of legislators during a televised meeting, noting that the federal age of purchase for handguns is 21.

“I think it’s something you have to think about,” he said, adding: “A lot of people don’t even want to bring it up because they’re afraid to bring it up.”

He turned to Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA).

“I was just curious as to what you did in your bill,” the President said. “You didn’t address it?”

“We didn’t address it, Mr. President,” Toomey answered.

“You know why, because you’re afraid of the NRA,” Trump said, chuckling. He’d said earlier that there was “no bigger fan” than him of the National Rifle Association and called its members “great patriots.”

Trump floated the prospect of raising the age of gun ownership last week, but, after a lunch with top NRA leadership, hadn’t yet mentioned it this week until Wednesday’s meeting. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in press briefings Monday and Tuesday that Trump still supported the “concept” of raising the age of purchase. On Tuesday, she added the qualifier“for the purchase of certain firearms.”

Toomey responded in more depth: “My reservation about it, frankly, is that the vast majority of 18, 19 and 20-year-olds in Pennsylvania who have a rifle or shotgun, they’re not a threat to anyone,” he said. “They’re law-abiding citizens. They have that because they want to use it for hunting or target shooting, and to deny them their Second Amendment right is not going to make anyone safer.”

“I know where you’re coming from, and I understand that,” Trump said. “I think it’s a position.”

He continued, referring to Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) as well as Toomey: “But I think if we’re going to use you as a base, the two of you, I think you’re going to have to iron out that problem. I’m asked that question more than almost any other question. Are you going to 21 or not?”


‘Take The Guns First’: Trump Voices Support For Seizing Guns In Some Cases

President Donald Trump on Wednesday voiced his support for allowing law enforcement officers to seize guns from people they think pose an immediate public threat or are dangerously mentally ill.

“Number one, you can take the guns away immediately from people that you can adjudge easily are mentally ill, like this guy,” he told a bipartisan group of legislators durning a televised meeting.

The President was referring to Nikolas Cruz, who allegedly murdered 17 people during a Valentine’s Day mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

Vice President Mike Pence said later that “the focus is to literally give families and give local law enforcement additional tools if an individual is reported to be a potential danger to themselves or others.”

“Allow due process so no one’s rights are trampled but the ability to go to court, obtain an order and then collect not only the firearms but any weapons in the possession—”

Trump cut him off: “Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system.”

“Because a lot of times by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures, I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida,” he continued. “He had a lot of firearms. They saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying but take the guns first, go through due process second.”

Damn.. Trump must not of had enough “executive time” today.. He’s forgetting which side of issue he is on...